
What are the types and characteristics of Ossi cats, and what foods they like to eat

author:Pet Life 888

What are the types and characteristics of the Ossi cat

What are the types and characteristics of Ossi cats, and what foods they like to eat

The Ossi cat is larger, the limbs are medium length, muscular and powerful; the body is relatively strong, the spots on the coat look very wild, the ability to adapt to the new environment is stronger; it is easy to take care of, just comb the hair. The body colors of the Ossey cat are chocolate, mustard, brown, lilac, light yellowish brown, and blue, and these 6 colors are also found in the silver variant. The color of the face, chin, or jaw is often the lightest; the markings are composed of dark hairs at the tip of the hair, and the markings are clear and obvious; the markings on the face, legs, and tail are often darker than the markings on the body, with the color of the tail tip being the darkest; there are M-form markings on the forehead; and there are also striped spots around the eye sockets and face.

What are the types and characteristics of Ossi cats, and what foods they like to eat

Generally Guess what the favorite food is, Ossey cats sometimes refuse to eat other foods, especially the liver of animals. Since animal livers contain a lot of vitamin A, too much intake of vitamin A can lead to diseases such as muscle stiffness.

(1) High-fat food: If the cat's diet contains not fresh fat meat and a large number of high-fat fish, it will lead to insufficient intake of vitamin E, which will cause the cat's body fat inflammation and other diseases.

(2) Raw fish: raw fish contain enzymes that can destroy vitamin B, and the lack of vitamin B can lead to neurological diseases in cats, so be sure to cook the fish and then feed the cat.

What are the types and characteristics of Ossi cats, and what foods they like to eat

(3) Meat: Although cats are carnivores, if you only feed meat foods to cats, it will lead to uneven intake of minerals and vitamins.

(4) Cat food: The nutrients in cat food are mostly different, which can not only meet the nutritional needs of cats.

(5) Cod liver oil: be cautious when supplementing with additional vitamins and minerals, excessive consumption of fish oil will lead to excessive vitamin A and vitamin D, which will lead to some bone diseases.

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