
Now this season, it's here again, and the stewed lamb chop soup comes to drink

author:Foodie friends

Hello everyone, now this season, in terms of eating, it is time to give your body, the stewed lamb chops to some nourishment, it is time to eat meat and drink soup.

Today, let's be at home, make a refreshing stewed lamb chop, this stewed lamb chop, how to make it delicious, to do it, this lamb chop soup fresh meat is still fragrant, there is no bit of commotion?

Now this season, it's here again, and the stewed lamb chop soup comes to drink

So let's look at it, the next few key steps, especially important, you see well, first of all, let's first chop the lamb chops, chop into a small section, and then put it into cold water.

Next, be sure to soak it for half an hour, and when it is soaked, let's not forget to put some white wine, which can effectively dispel the smell of the lamb chop.

Now this season, it's here again, and the stewed lamb chop soup comes to drink

Then put the white radish, also cut it into hob pieces, that piece is best, can be slightly larger, and then use warm water to soak some goji berries, stewed sheep discharge goji berries, can increase nourishment, can also be seasoned.

Let's next put the soaked lamb chops, first use cold water under the pot, when blanching the water, and then add a little white vinegar, which is further to destabilize, wait until after the pot is opened, the foam of this lamb chop, give her a clean, this is also very important, and then blanch for about two minutes.

Now this season, it's here again, and the stewed lamb chop soup comes to drink

Then fish it out, put this lamb chop soup, filter it, be sure to blanch the radish, so as to remove the taste of the radish, there are many times, we boiled out the soup, there is this other taste.

Therefore, this step is very critical, the stewed lamb chop soup is not good, because the radish is not boiled in advance, there are many people who directly put raw radish inside, which is not right, for this radish, to fish it out two minutes in advance, and then control the dry water.

Now this season, it's here again, and the stewed lamb chop soup comes to drink

After boiling the water in the casserole, we put the blanched water of the sheep into the drain, and then put in the onion, ginger slices, when we boil the lamb soup, first put salt, this step is also very important to remember, let's put a spoonful of salt first, after opening the pot, turn the low heat to cover the lid.

The boiling time is about an hour or so, and when it comes to an hour, we open the lid of the pot, put this spare radish piece, and then put it inside to season it.

Now this season, it's here again, and the stewed lamb chop soup comes to drink

The last step, just need to put salt, and then add goji berries, and then stew for 2 to 5 minutes, you can, we eat lamb chops, we must remember to dip the leek flowers to eat, this small taste is really delicious, agree with the point of attention, leave a message to discuss together!

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