
Yan Bingzheng's bird photography - longitudinal-striped belly owl

author:Shadow Salon
Yan Bingzheng's bird photography - longitudinal-striped belly owl

Photography: Yan Bingzheng

This bird is a type of bird of prey, scientific name "longitudinal striped belly owl", commonly known as the small owl. A national second-class protected bird, it is a local seasonal resident bird. This spring, the siping Pingxi Xinfa Second Team was taken.

Yan Bingzheng's bird photography - longitudinal-striped belly owl

It inhabits low hills, forest edge shrublands and plains of forest, but also in farmland, deserts and jungles near villages.

Yan Bingzheng's bird photography - longitudinal-striped belly owl
Yan Bingzheng's bird photography - longitudinal-striped belly owl
Yan Bingzheng's bird photography - longitudinal-striped belly owl
Yan Bingzheng's bird photography - longitudinal-striped belly owl
Yan Bingzheng's bird photography - longitudinal-striped belly owl
Yan Bingzheng's bird photography - longitudinal-striped belly owl
Yan Bingzheng's bird photography - longitudinal-striped belly owl

It is a common resident bird that is widely found in most parts of northern and western China, reaching altitudes of up to 4600 meters above sea level. Partially diurnal, it often stands on fences and wires, and will nod or turn nervously, sometimes standing tall on long legs, or rapidly flapping its wings to make wavy flights. Good day and night emits the cry of occupation, dragging long and rising, and the sound is diverse. Nest in caves or tree holes. Usually out at night, when hunting prey, not only attack from the air like other birds of prey, but also use a pair of running legs to chase. It feeds on insects and rodents, but also eats small animals such as birds, lizards, and frogs.

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