
Autumn and Winter High! Experts list the reasons: drinking less water, sedentary

author:Yangtze River Daily
Autumn and Winter High! Experts list the reasons: drinking less water, sedentary

Free clinic site.

Yangtze River Daily Wuhan client October 28 (reporter Mao Yin) On the morning of October 28, many men who came to consult said that they were very uncomfortable sitting, standing and unable to stand, and the unspeakable hidden secret of prostate disease could not be expressed. Professor Xiong Chengliang, an expert in reproductive medicine, told them that the weather is getting colder and outdoor activities are decreasing, but we should try to avoid the situation of not even bothering to go to the toilet at work, going home and sitting for a long time.

On the same day, the Hubei Reproductive Health Society, the Reproductive Medicine Center of Tongji Medical College of Huazhong University of Science and Technology and other units carried out the 22nd large-scale free clinic activity of the 22nd Men's Health Day in the Wuhan Red Lane Museum Group.

"Spread and popularize the scientific knowledge of male reproductive health, and do a good job in fertility consultation and guidance." Chen Guoxiang, head of the Society Department of Hubei Science and Technology Association, said. Nearly 100 community residents and teachers and students of colleges and universities listened to experts explain the common sense of male health science, male sub-health problems, male infertility problems, etc., visited the Wuhan Dalin Life Culture Museum, the base of youth science education, and accepted the expert free consultation. Professor Zhu Pingyan, a sociology expert at Central China Normal University, said that gender exchanges are an important way for young people to socialize, and facing themselves squarely and learning correct scientific knowledge is the win-win way to pursue love and career.

Autumn and Winter High! Experts list the reasons: drinking less water, sedentary

Associate Professor Pan Feng, Deputy Director of the Andrology Center of Urology of Wuhan Union Medical College Hospital, answered questions for the public.

In view of the concerns of men in free clinics, Associate Professor Pan Feng, deputy director of the Urology and Andrology Center of Wuhan Union Hospital, explained that the temperature difference between morning and evening in autumn and winter is large, which is also the peak period of prostate disease. Patients are prone to frequent urination, urgency, dysuria and incomplete urination, which makes many male friends miserable. Wind chills and colds will cause the body's resistance to disease and immunity to decline, all kinds of bacteria, viruses take the opportunity to invade the human body, it is easy to spread to the prostate glands, resulting in prostate infection inflammation, or prostatitis worsening. Under the stimulation of the low temperature climate, the human nervous system that controls urination is excited, and people are more likely to urinate. Long-term urinary holding, in addition to easy to cause pressure on the prostate, will also lead to the urine inside the bladder become thicker, forming adverse stimulation of the prostate, which is not good for health. In addition, many people are reluctant to go out after the cold, some middle-aged and elderly people prefer to sit at home and play mahjong with mobile phone brushing videos, sitting is not moving for several hours, sitting for a long time will make the prostate burden increase.

Autumn and Winter High! Experts list the reasons: drinking less water, sedentary

Experts explain the common sense of men's health science, male sub-health problems, male infertility problems.

"In the cold season, we should drink more water, insist on activities, and eat more fresh fruits and vegetables." Pan Feng said that drinking more water can play a certain dilutive role in the urine inside the bladder and reduce the stimulation of urine to the prostate. On the other hand, it can also increase the amount of urine, which is also a kind of flushing and cleaning of the prostate. In the autumn, the body's resistance and immunity generally decline, and various bacteria and viruses are eager to move and take the opportunity to invade the human body, and the prostate is no exception. Therefore, strengthening exercise to enhance physical fitness is very helpful for maintaining the health of the prostate. He suggested that a proper intake of trace elements can enhance the anti-infective effect of the prostate. There should also be more whole grains, nuts, vegetable oils, fresh vegetables and fruits on the table to supplement various antioxidants. Spicy foods such as wine and pepper have a stimulating effect on the prostate and urethra, and patients with prostate diseases can cause discomfort in the perineum when drinking alcohol or eating spicy and stimulating foods, and can also cause congestion and edema of the prostate and bladder neck, resulting in a decrease in prostate resistance. Therefore, abstaining from spicy food helps prevent prostatitis.

【Editor: Lina Yu】

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