
Chinese famous dish - Songliao flavor - fried golden fruit locust main ingredient accessories cooking method key flavor characteristics

author:Aite home cooking products

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="2" > main and auxiliary materials</h1>

Locusts......... 150 g Oil............... 500 g

Fillets............ 100 g Cooking wine............... 10 g

Bread crumbs......... 25g MSG ............... 2 g

flour............... 50 g sesame oil............... 5 g

Egg............... 1 Fine Salt............... 3 g

Spicy salt......... 15 g

Chinese famous dish - Songliao flavor - fried golden fruit locust main ingredient accessories cooking method key flavor characteristics

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="16" > cooking method</h1>

1. Remove the locusts, wash them and put in salt, add cooking wine, monosodium glutamate and sesame oil to simmer well, cut the fish fillets into large thin slices of about 3 cm, roll the locusts into rolls with fish fillets, and stick the flour on the plate.

2. Stir the eggs into a paste, pour the bread crumbs on the board, then hang the locust rolls to mix the egg paste, and then glue the bread crumbs for later.

3. Rub the stir-fry spoon clean and pour in the oil, burn until eight ripe, put the locust rolls into the oil one by one and fry, the oil heat will move the spoon to the slow fire and fry for about 1 minute, then move to the high heat, fry it into a golden brown and fish out the serving plate, and dip it with spicy salt when eating.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="17" > process critical</h1>

1. Fish fillets are best made of mandarin fish, carp, etc.

2. Cut the bread crumbs into soybean kernels size.

3. Do not color too heavily when frying.

Chinese famous dish - Songliao flavor - fried golden fruit locust main ingredient accessories cooking method key flavor characteristics

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="24" > flavor characteristics</h1>

1. This dish is golden in color, tender on the outside and tender on the inside, fresh and salty and delicious. There are about 20 kinds of oysters in China, and varieties such as Dalian Bay oysters and densely scaled oysters are excellent.

2. The scientific name of the locust is oyster, also known as oysters or oysters, bugs and so on. Many of its species are farmed in the 2,000-year-old industry. It has been written in a monograph more than 400 years ago. Oysters are nutritious, delicious and delicate, and easy to digest. The soup is known as milk in the sea, and it can be concentrated to make oil.

Chinese famous dish - Songliao flavor - fried golden fruit locust main ingredient accessories cooking method key flavor characteristics