
"It's hard to fall in love with an old man, even if he's Al Pacino," the 40-year-old actress broke up with the 79-year-old movie emperor and caused controversy
"It's hard to fall in love with an old man, even if he's Al Pacino," the 40-year-old actress broke up with the 79-year-old movie emperor and caused controversy

Image source: Daily Mail

In February, after 40-year-old Israeli actress Meto Dohan announced her breakup with the famous 79-year-old movie star Al Pacino, a remark caused a lot of controversy. After the breakup, Meto Dorhan said lightly, "It's hard to be with a man that old, even if he's Al Pacino." ”

Foreign media described, "Hollywood all take a breath of cool air." "Frankness is indeed an advantage, but it is another matter to describe many classics such as the "Godfather" series, "Smell the Woman" and many other classics, the Oscar for Best Actor, and the Winner of the American Film Institute Lifetime Achievement Award as an "old man". Meto Dorhan did not change his mouth after his remarks caused controversy.

"It's hard to fall in love with an old man, even if he's Al Pacino," the 40-year-old actress broke up with the 79-year-old movie emperor and caused controversy

"I tried to ignore that, but now he's really an old man. So even if I used up all my love, it couldn't last. She told a magazine that after two years in a relationship, it was she who dumped Al Pacino because he "didn't like to spend money" and "only bought me flowers."

Al Pacino is worth around £140 million and has previously dated countless stars including Diane Keaton. Diane Keaton and Al Pacino met countless times for filming The Godfather, and Keaton still calls Pacino "the perfect man." Before Meto, his girlfriend was 43-year-old Argentine actress Lucila Sola.

"It's hard to fall in love with an old man, even if he's Al Pacino," the 40-year-old actress broke up with the 79-year-old movie emperor and caused controversy
"It's hard to fall in love with an old man, even if he's Al Pacino," the 40-year-old actress broke up with the 79-year-old movie emperor and caused controversy

Diane Keaton

"It's hard to fall in love with an old man, even if he's Al Pacino," the 40-year-old actress broke up with the 79-year-old movie emperor and caused controversy

Lucila Sora. Image source: Douban Movie

After being refuted and questioned by many netizens, Meto finally clarified in recent days, saying that she did not exactly want to "spit" on Pacino.

A lot of the words, she said, were misunderstood, and she wanted to say that it was indeed an "amazingly beautiful love affair, and what happened between us was more important than something like flowers, chocolate, diamonds or a car." ”

"It's hard to fall in love with an old man, even if he's Al Pacino," the 40-year-old actress broke up with the 79-year-old movie emperor and caused controversy

Image source: Douban Movie

But, Meto insists, she reminds many women that they don't consider the consequences of a relationship when they accept men who are much older than themselves.

Like the love between her and Pacino, this will eventually be a dilemma. "I want to explain that we did try. It was one of the most incredible love stories of my life, but it must be admitted that we are at different stages of life. ”

"It's hard to fall in love with an old man, even if he's Al Pacino," the 40-year-old actress broke up with the 79-year-old movie emperor and caused controversy

Image credit: Hola

Meto said that as she reached middle age, as the chances of childbearing became smaller and smaller, she felt that she needed to have children, and Pacino, who was already a father of three children, obviously did not want to be a father anymore.

"Two years is a long time, and I was thinking: We love each other, but where will this love go? I really want to have children. "If the partner is a lot older than you, it gets very difficult because I need to start a family, but he already has his own family." ”

"It's hard to fall in love with an old man, even if he's Al Pacino," the 40-year-old actress broke up with the 79-year-old movie emperor and caused controversy

Image credit: closerweekly

Sadly, such contradictions are almost impossible to change.

"At his age, decisions will be very stubborn." Meto explains.

"It's hard to fall in love with an old man, even if he's Al Pacino," the 40-year-old actress broke up with the 79-year-old movie emperor and caused controversy

Meto, 40, met Pacino in early 2018 as an actress just emerging internationally. Pacino, who had a career spanning 50 years, was one of the best actors in the world.

She described the two as love at first sight. "We met at a social event before the film screening ceremony and it was crowded." Meto recalls that, like everyone else, she thought Pacino was cool, a terrific actor, and very good looking. "We talked and immediately made contact, and there seemed to be sparkling stars and love in the air."

"It's hard to fall in love with an old man, even if he's Al Pacino," the 40-year-old actress broke up with the 79-year-old movie emperor and caused controversy

Image source: extraTV

Meto had almost forgotten the fact that Pacino was 39 years older than her, and she hadn't thought much about the future either. At the time, the generation gap between them seemed fine, and she felt that age was just a number. And Pacino is sexy, charming, funny, and they get along.

"By the third time we met, I realized we were in love." "We went out to eat, but we weren't interested in food and couldn't even hear each other say anything," Meto said. You know, when you're really excited, you can't hear clearly. We just sat there and said, 'What happened... What did you say? ’”

"It's hard to fall in love with an old man, even if he's Al Pacino," the 40-year-old actress broke up with the 79-year-old movie emperor and caused controversy

But Meto then concluded with a smile, "In your 20s, you'll jump into love at all costs and move in with your partner for a month." ”

"In your 30s, you'll be more selective about choosing your partner, and I don't want anyone to move into my house."

"It's hard to fall in love with an old man, even if he's Al Pacino," the 40-year-old actress broke up with the 79-year-old movie emperor and caused controversy

Image credit: Famous People

"But I feel like this relationship is serious and we have a deep connection to each other's souls." Meto said Pacino was interested in her art and work.

In the past two years, they have been in and out of many Hollywood public places. Last October, at the premiere of "The Irishman," Meto walked onto the red carpet with Pacino's arm in a way that didn't look very coordinated. Meto is dressed in a shiny and sexy outfit, while Pacino is loosely dressed and has disheveled hair, casually tied in a braid, and hangs out on the red carpet.

"It's hard to fall in love with an old man, even if he's Al Pacino," the 40-year-old actress broke up with the 79-year-old movie emperor and caused controversy

Image credit: Nickiswift

Pacino had never been married, but was good to his children. Meto said she got along well with Pacino's eldest daughter, Julie Marie, 30, and 19-year-old twin daughters Olivia and Anton.

In the 1980s and 1990s, Australian film director Lindell Hobbes, who had dated Pacino, described him as "shy and neurotic". Pacino himself admits that he received years of psychotherapy after his fame in The Godfather.

Obviously, falling in love with such a quiet person is not the same, because they don't go crazy for love, such as going out to a carnival party at two o'clock in the morning.

"It's hard to fall in love with an old man, even if he's Al Pacino," the 40-year-old actress broke up with the 79-year-old movie emperor and caused controversy

Meto said, "It's calmer to get along with, but I don't feel like I'm missing anything because I'm not a social person either." What people don't know is that he's really humorous. ”

Meto believes there are some misconceptions about the love between young women and the elderly, "Anyone who dates a powerful man is said to be a gold worshipper." "She explained that it was mentioned earlier that Pacino didn't give her a gift and just wanted to make a joke because it was difficult to break up." Our relationship is not based on such a foundation, which has nothing to do with any form of interest, just pure love. ”

"It's hard to fall in love with an old man, even if he's Al Pacino," the 40-year-old actress broke up with the 79-year-old movie emperor and caused controversy

What really hurts is meeting the right person at the wrong time.

Meto said she felt it was too late, "I once said to myself, why didn't we meet when he was younger? ”

"It's hard to fall in love with an old man, even if he's Al Pacino," the 40-year-old actress broke up with the 79-year-old movie emperor and caused controversy

"We got into an argument over something and I started thinking, where are we going? It's been two years, should we move on to the next step, or should we pull back? Are we going to separate? It's not that love doesn't work anymore, love is still there. But we thought, maybe it's time to let go, it's a common decision. ”

Meto wants to continue his friendship with Pacino. She's been posing bravely in recent weeks, "I feel sad, I'm laughing now, but I cry when I listen to music, and I hope he's in the same mood as me." ”

"It's hard to fall in love with an old man, even if he's Al Pacino," the 40-year-old actress broke up with the 79-year-old movie emperor and caused controversy

For the past, Meto seems to have summed up the philosophy of life. She is also 40 years old, single, childless, and life goes on.

"Meeting and associating with people of that age was not in my life plan, but I don't regret it. I still have time to raise children and I want to fall in love again. ”

Compiled from foreign media

Editor: Wu Yu

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