
Heishui County held a financial convergence fund project promotion meeting

author:Market Weekly
Heishui County held a financial convergence fund project promotion meeting

Recently, Heishui County held a meeting to promote the work of financial convergence fund projects, and the meeting reported the progress of the county's financial convergence fund projects and arranged the deployment of the next step. He Xiaobing, deputy secretary of the county party committee and county magistrate, attended the meeting and made a speech.

He Xiaobing pointed out that the financial linkage of capital expenditure and project construction is an important work content to consolidate and expand the effective connection between poverty alleviation and rural revitalization, from the perspective of the progress of the preliminary work, some units still have problems such as insufficient ideological understanding, inadequate implementation of responsibilities, imperfect work measures, etc., individual project construction and capital expenditure have not reached the orderly schedule, all townships, towns, and departments should attach great importance to it, go deep into the frontline, go deep into the scene, strengthen coordination, promote problems to be solved on the frontline, implement the work in the frontline, and coordinate all resources and forces. Make every effort to tackle the construction of the project.

He Xiaobing demanded: First, we must raise our political standing and make our responsibilities "real." All townships, towns, and all trade departments must earnestly improve their political standing, they must immediately be vigilant, vigilant, and nervous; the principal responsible comrades must personally grasp, personally manage, and personally supervise; the responsible comrades in charge must grasp the work on the front line, resolutely put an end to problems such as inaccurate use of funds and irregular project implementation, and resolutely reverse the problems of slow project construction and lagging behind in capital expenditure. Second, we must advance around the project, and the progress should be "fast". All townships, towns, and departments should go all out to grasp the preliminary work, speed up the progress of fund allocation, earnestly grasp the construction of the project database, and consolidate the responsibility to grasp the progress. Third, we must do a good job in project supervision and management should be "strict." Strengthen the supervision of all aspects of the project, take the guarantee of project quality and safety management as the precondition, and do a good job in the quality of all aspects of the project. Fourth, strengthen the tracking service, the way to "live". Adhere to the supervision and evaluation as an effective means of project advancement, and adopt methods such as regular inspection and random spot checks to repeatedly supervise the construction of the project to ensure smooth progress.

(Source: Aba Tibetan and Qiang Autonomous Prefecture People's Government website) [Submissions, regional cooperation, please send a private message or send a 3613378752 within 24 hours to reply. 】

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