
The New Count of Monte Cristo: A clever revenge of 14 years of hidden planning

author:A city in the sky in the wilderness

We hear or see many stories of revenge throughout our lives, and in these stories, "evil is rewarded with evil, and good is rewarded with good" can especially resonate with us, because it can bring us courage, encouragement and hope.

Of all the revenge stories I've ever seen and heard, the most shocking and memorable is Dumas's The Count of Monte Cristo. This story has been adapted into movies and television more than once, each version has its own strengths, it is worth watching, and today I will tell this story with the 2002 version of the movie "The Earl of Monte Cristo".

It is said that Dumas wrote this story because he once saw a case file called "Diamond and Revenge" in the police station, which recorded a story about injustice and revenge, and Dumas immediately realized that this was a very good novel subject, so he used his writing style to write it into a classic novel "The Count of Monte Cristo".

The New Count of Monte Cristo: A clever revenge of 14 years of hidden planning

The story begins in 1814, when French President Napoleon was exiled to Elba, and the British who arrested him, fearing that someone would come to rescue him, sent heavy troops to guard Elba and said that anyone who approached would be killed.

In 1815, a large ship named Pharaoh passed nearby, and since the captain had meningitis and needed immediate treatment, Eamond Dontés, as the second mate, decided to drive a small boat to the island of Elba to ask the doctor to see the captain.

He was accompanied by Fernando, the ship's agent, who was very dissatisfied with Dontés's decision, and constantly complained about Dontés along the way, saying that if anything happened, Dontés would be fully responsible.

When they were on the shore of Elba, they were immediately attacked by a group of British soldiers, but they had the upper hand with their able hands and climbed all the way up to the top of the mountain to see Napoleon.

Napoleon promised to do his best to save the captain, and at the same time wrote a letter to Dontés, asking him to help him hand it over to his marseille friend Novatier, saying that it contained information about him, asking Dontés to quietly help deliver the letter, and stressing that it could not be known to the British army.

Dontese was reluctant at first, because it would put him in danger and trouble, but when he thought that the captain still needed their help, he had to agree.

Napoleon handed him the letter and told him not to tell anyone, including his friend Fernando.

Dontés agreed, but unexpectedly the scene when the two were talking was seen by Fernando in the distance, and Fernando began to suspect that Dontés had something to hide from him.

At that time, the situation was turbulent, everyone was suspicious, and Fernando was worried that Dontés would do something unfavorable to himself, or that there would be some benefit that he did not share with him.

That night, the captain died of a serious illness, and Dontés and Fernando left in a small boat.

A few days later, they returned to Marseille, France.

The owner of the ship, Morel, asked the escort, Why Thetongral had delayed the return of the ship for a day and a half, and Tengral said that it was all due to Dontés's own initiative, and told him what had happened, what he did not expect was that the owner of the ship, Morrel, did not blame Dontès, but said that he wanted Dontés to take over the captain's position and become the new captain.

Feeling very angry and jealous, Tenglar gritted his teeth and asked, "So what should I do?" ”

The captain said: "You can still continue to be an escort unless you don't want to do it." ”

Tenglar walked out breathlessly.

He has always been very disobedient to Dontés, because Dontés is deeply trusted and appreciated by the ship's owner Morel, but he is often criticized by Morrell.

Of course, objectively speaking, he did not do as well as DonTaisi in any aspect, but he himself did not want to admit it.

At this time, Fernando saw Mesai Tess who came to find Dontais, he had liked Messe Tess for a long time, but Messe Tess only had Dontais in her eyes and heart, so no matter how sweet Fernando spoke, she was not moved.

After explaining the whole voyage to the owner of the ship, Morrel, Dontese couldn't wait to get off the ship to find Messe Tess.

And Fernando was full of jealousy because he saw Dontés and Messe Tess so loving, and when he learned that he was about to become the captain, his heart was even more dissatisfied, so he borrowed wine to pour sorrow.

As he walked down the street drunk, he met the equally sullen Tenglar, and both of them were unhappy when they talked about Dontés, so Fernando told Tangerle about a letter on Dontés.

The two men immediately found a way to deal with Dontés—to report Dontés to the chief.

Soon, a group of soldiers stormed Intonthe's home and arrested him.

In the local official's office, the magistrate Villefort told Dontés that a man named Tengella had reported him because he had helped Napoleon pass on letters.

Dontese had no choice but to hand over the letter.

After reading this, Villefort asked Dontese, "To whom does he want you to hand over this letter?" ”

When Dontese uttered the words "Novatier," Villefort's face changed, because it was his father. He would never allow his father to commit treason, so he burned the letter in front of Dontés and sent someone to escort Dontés to Theborg Yves Prison.

The New Count of Monte Cristo: A clever revenge of 14 years of hidden planning

On the way to be escorted, Dontés stunned the officers and soldiers, escaped back, he went directly to Fernando, thinking that Fernando would help him, but did not expect that Fernando not only did not help him, but also said that he and Tenglar were going to send him to prison.

And Fernando said he had peeked at the letter Napoleon had given to Dontés.

Hearing this, Dontese was disappointed and angry, and immediately raised his sword to fight Fernando.

Fernando was born into a wealthy family and his swordsmanship was excellent, but Dontés grew up poor and never had the opportunity to learn swordsmanship, so he was quickly defeated and injured.

Fernando immediately had someone come in and arrest him.

This time, the injured Dontés was not so lucky to escape halfway and was sent directly to the Prison of Fort D'If.

The New Count of Monte Cristo: A clever revenge of 14 years of hidden planning

Here to explain, the Château d'Ife Prison really exists, located in the southern Mediterranean coast of France, the port, its geographical location is very dangerous, has always been a place of contention for soldiers.

The path throughout the island is a deep "nine-curved cloister" surrounded by tall and thick walls, blocked by high walls and gates every few steps, requiring a turn to the right, and its degree of twists and turns is like traveling in a deep mountain canyon.

To enter the Fort yves Prison, you need to pass through an ancient wooden bridge similar to the ancient Chinese citadel suspension bridge. Naturally, it is difficult for people in prisons to escape from the sky.

The structure inside the prison is like a cellar, damp and cold, incomparably strong, and emitting a musty smell, which is very eerie and terrifying.

The New Count of Monte Cristo: A clever revenge of 14 years of hidden planning

On his first day in prison, Dontese was beaten by perverted custodians.

At the same time, the magistrate Villefort was informed that Napoleon had escaped from elba and was marching towards Paris, and he immediately had people pack up their things and prepare to escape.

At this time, Fernando came to Villefort with Dontés's father, his own father, and Mercedes, and said falsely: "I believe that Dontés is innocent, and I testify as a friend." ”

But Villefort said: "He committed treason and there was nothing I could do about it." ”

Fernando took the opportunity to comfort Messe Tess with kind words, and gained the favor of Messe Tess.

Soon, under Fernando's fierce attack, Messe Tess threw herself into his arms and became his wife.

Dontés, in The Prison of Château d'Iff, is beaten daily by perverted surveillance, but he still believes that God exists and that God will come to help him.

One day, he suddenly found that the floor of the prison where he was located was moving, and then a man came up from below.

The man, faria, was a priest who had been ordered by his superiors to burn down the whole church along with the officers and men inside during the war for taking in the officers and men, and he had to obey the order to do so, and he had been repenting for it ever since. Later he went to work as a private secretary in the home of a wealthy count.

The count was very kind to Faria, but unfortunately the count died within a few years. It was rumored that the count had great wealth, and Napoleon wanted to get that wealth, so he arrested Faria, but Faria said that he knew nothing about the wealth of the count's family, and Napoleon ordered him to be sent to prison for reflection.

In this way, Father Faria was sent to the Prison of Fort Iv, where he had been imprisoned for eleven years and spent five years digging holes in the ground, thinking that one day he would escape from it.

The New Count of Monte Cristo: A clever revenge of 14 years of hidden planning

Dontés and Father Faria became friends at first sight.

Faria told him what time of day he needed to stay in his prison because someone would come to deliver food and take away the garbage, and the rest of the time the two would work together to dig a hole in the ground.

They dig holes in the ground at an average rate of three inches a week. Sometimes they also work together to catch rats and then roast them to eat. After all, the food in prison is very little meat, and they work a lot of labor every day.

Father Faria was very knowledgeable, intelligent, and humorous, and in addition to digging holes in the ground, he taught Dontés economics, mathematics, philosophy, science, reading and writing, and swordsmanship. He intends to cultivate Don Taisi into a polymath and a swordsman.

The New Count of Monte Cristo: A clever revenge of 14 years of hidden planning

After spending some time together, Father Faria asked Why Dontese had been sent to prison, and when he learned that the Villefort had burned the letter, he said that it was a big doubt, because it was obviously evidence of treason, and if Villefort could have made a meritorious deed if he had handed it in, and Villefort had changed his look and burned the letter when he heard Dontese say that the letter was to be given to Novatier, there was only one possibility-Villefort was protecting Novartier.

The New Count of Monte Cristo: A clever revenge of 14 years of hidden planning

Who is Novatier? Why is he worthy of The Villefort's protection? Father Faria began to guide Dontés in a meticulous way.

At this point, Dontés suddenly realized that Villefort's father had been an army colonel in Napoleon's army. Then, this man named Novatier is most likely the father of The Villefort.

In this way, Villefort is actually protecting himself by protecting Novatier. When Tenglar reported him, he lied that he had seen the letter, but in fact, Fernando had read it, so it was Fernando and Tenglar who reported him together.

The New Count of Monte Cristo: A clever revenge of 14 years of hidden planning

Faria very much appreciated Dontese's judgment.

One day, while digging the hole, the two suddenly collapsed, and piles of stones fell on Father Faria's body, piercing his lungs.

Faria, knowing that she would not be able to survive this time, said to Dontés, "When I told them that I knew nothing about the wealth of the Count's family, I lied. ”

So he asked Dontés to find a map from the bottom of the book, told him that the count's wealth was hidden on an island near the Italian seashore, in a place called Montcaster, and said to him: "When you escape, find the wealth, make good use of it, and do good deeds." ”

The New Count of Monte Cristo: A clever revenge of 14 years of hidden planning

Dontese said, "I use it for revenge." ”

Father Faria shook his head and said, "This is your last lesson, don't sin, sin is a sentence." And do not hate, God says: Hate is your own. ”

Dontese: "I don't believe in God. ”

Faria said with his last strength, "It's okay, believe in yourself. ”

Then Father Faria died.

The New Count of Monte Cristo: A clever revenge of 14 years of hidden planning
The New Count of Monte Cristo: A clever revenge of 14 years of hidden planning

The people who came to deliver the food noticed that Faria had not handed the rice bowl to the small window today, and felt a little strange, so they opened the door and came in to see that Faria had run out of breath, so they packed him up in a large bag and went to ask the warden.

As they walked away, Dontese immediately went to open the big bag, thinking of a final look at Father Ria, and when he said a final farewell to Faria, he suddenly had an idea in his mind -- why not steal the beam and change the pillar to escape?

He knew that Father Faria was going to be thrown into the sea with this large bag, and if it was him lying in the bag, then he had hope of regaining his freedom.

So he did.

When the warden and staff came in, no one expected that the people inside would be replaced, so they directly lifted the big bag and went outside the prison.

At this moment, another person who came in to clean up the room suddenly found the body of Father Faria in the corner and immediately shouted and chased him out.

However, at that time, it was very windy outside, and the sound of the waves was so loud that the warden and staff could not hear his cries at all, so they threw the large bag containing Dontais into the sea before he arrived.

It should be known that DonTaisi was once a second mate, perennial to the sea, very familiar with water, so when he was thrown into the sea, he quickly untied the big bag through his own efforts, and then swam to the shore.

As soon as he swam ashore, he was forced by a group of smugglers to fight with a man named Jacob because the leader of the robbers wanted to divide the winning and losing sides through this fight, and then chose to continue to use Jacob or kill Jacob for fairer reasons.

After the darkest years and the warmest friendship, Dontés used his wisdom to save Jacob, and because of this, he was appreciated by the smuggler leaders and promised to follow them to make a living.

Jacob thanked Dontés for his rescue and said that from now on he would be his man and willing to serve Dontese for the rest of his life.

The smuggler leader gave Dontese a name, Zattle.

Since then, Dontés has lived under the name Zattle.

One day, the smuggler's ship passed by Marseille, the hometown of Dontés, and he decided to stay in Marseille and do what he wanted, so he bid farewell to the smugglers and said that he would treat them as friends forever.

As mentioned earlier, the smuggler leader is a very reasonable person, but also righteous and far-sighted, and he agreed to Dontese's request and let Dontais get off the smuggler's ship.

Naturally, Jacob, who had said that he would serve Dontese for the rest of his life, also followed Dontés.

On the shore of Marseille, the first thing Dontés saw was Tenglar, who was directing the people on the ship to do things, and it seemed that he was already a leader.

Dontese turned his face silently and instructed Jacob to buy a small boat that only two people could control.

The New Count of Monte Cristo: A clever revenge of 14 years of hidden planning

Then Dontés went to the ship's owner, Morrel, and thankfully Morrel was still alive, but he didn't recognize Dontés.

Dontés asks him how to find old Dontés, and Morrell says that old Dontés hanged himself shortly after his son was taken to prison, and that the Villefort chief who sent Dontés to prison had gone to Paris to serve as a prosecutor.

As for Morrel himself, he said that he had reluctantly found a man to serve as captain after Dontés's arrest, but it was not long before Tenggral forced him to quit, so now Tenggral was the owner of the pharaoh and a banker, which can be described as "rich side" in the local area.

Dontés got up and offered to go to find Dontès's fiancée, Messer Tess, who morrel said was now Fernando's wife, and that Fernando was now a count and a well-known parliamentarian, and that he and Mercer Tess now lived in Paris.

It seems that the three people who framed him in the first place have all gone straight up and are living as adults.

Donees, who had received the news, was so sad that he got up to say goodbye to Morrel and said to Morrel, "As a former friend of Dontés, I have come to tell you that Dontés is dead." ”

At that moment, Dontés buried his past self from his heart, and he decided to be reborn in another way, to live better, and to give Villefort, Fernando, and Tenglar the retribution they deserved.

Donties and Jacob found the fortune according to the map.

The wealth was so great that it needed eight cars to pull, which also meant that Dontese became one of the few richest people.

The New Count of Monte Cristo: A clever revenge of 14 years of hidden planning

The next step was to consider revenge, and Dontese heeded Faria's dying admonition and decided not to do it in a criminal way. Since they cannot commit crimes, study their weaknesses and use schemes to achieve their goals.

The New Count of Monte Cristo: A clever revenge of 14 years of hidden planning

This is also the highest point of this story - it talks about revenge, but it does not advocate the use of arrogance or extreme methods, but to find the shortcomings of the other party and let the other party go to the end step by step.

To this end, Dontés did not act hastily, but for many years, in those places, he first bought a piece of land in Paris to build a magnificent house, and then sent an invitation to all the dignitaries and nobles in Paris, inviting them to their homes for dinner.

We know that Dantés, who had learned all kinds of knowledge from Faria in prison, was now a knowledgeable man who knew astronomy and geography, knew everything, and had reached the level of a first-class master of swordsmanship, and at this time he appeared gracefully as the Count of Monte Cristo, which immediately impressed all the guests, and was honored to know such a rich and handsome man.

The New Count of Monte Cristo: A clever revenge of 14 years of hidden planning

Getting all the upper class people to know themselves, including Villefort, Fernando and Tengger, was Dontés's first move.

Next, he began to inquire about them overtly and covertly.

When Dontés learned that Fernando loved gambling and had owed a lot of money over the years, and that every time he shipped goods, he needed to borrow money from the bank where Tenglar was located, he sent someone to inform all the shipping companies not to support Fernando, so that Fernando had to go to Tenglar again.

And Tenglar, because Fernando owed too much money, refused to lend a helping hand. The two turned against each other.

Lonely and waiting for money, Fernando was in a hurry at home, when his 16-year-old son Albert said that he wanted to go to Rome for a party, and although he did not want to agree, his wife Messe Tess said that the child was 16 years old and there should be social activities, so Fernando had to let him go.

Learning that Fernando had a child, Dontés immediately staged a half-way rescue scene to make Albert grateful to him.

The New Count of Monte Cristo: A clever revenge of 14 years of hidden planning

Dontés then invited Albert to his house for dinner.

After dinner, Albert invited Dontés to dinner at his house on his 16th birthday, and Dontès immediately mentioned to Jacob that they would have a ship passing through Spark next, so they would be busy for the next few weeks, and intentionally or unintentionally mentioned the word "gold".

He knew that the teenage Albert would surely tell his parents the news.

At the same time, he cleverly mentioned that he could take a little time to do other things during that time, and Albert immediately urged him to go to his birthday party.

Although Dontese tried to shirk it on the surface, he finally agreed.

At Fernando's house, Dontese meets Fernando and Messer Tess, who have been separated for many years. Messer Tess was stunned at the sight of Dontese because he was too much like her former lover.

The two danced together.

Messer Tess looked at the handsome and erudite him in front of her, and she couldn't help but sigh at the thought of her and Fernando's disharmonious marriage.

The New Count of Monte Cristo: A clever revenge of 14 years of hidden planning

At this time, Villefort, who was the prosecutor of Paris, and his wife also came to congratulate Albert on his 16th birthday, during which Fernando and he came to the roof and looked at Dontés downstairs, both of them were a little wary and worried.

Fernando said, "Do you know this Count of Monte Cristo?" ”

Villefort: "A foreigner, very rich. Then he said, "I heard he saved your son." ”

That night, Dontese asked Villefort about a ship passing through Spark and wanted Villefort to help.

At this time, Villefort was the prosecutor, and his approval was required for where the ship passed.

Fernando saw Dontés and Vilfolk talking alone, and afterwards asked them what they were talking about. Villefort told Fernando about Dontés's inquiry, and Fernando had learned from his son Albert that Dontès had a ship passing through Spark, and that there might be "gold" in it, so he proposed that Villefort approve Dontès's ship passing by, and then he would send an acquaintance to secretly transfer the contents of the ship.

The two talked well - five or five minutes after the matter was completed.

At the dinner, Messer Tess stared at Dontese, feeling more and more like his former lover Dontés, so she rushed into his carriage on the way home from Dontés and confessed to him, but Wastese refused.

The New Count of Monte Cristo: A clever revenge of 14 years of hidden planning

When Dontés's ship passed by Spark, As the head of the shipping company, Tenglar learned of the news in advance and sent a group of robbers to secretly remove two boxes of the ship's contents.

What Tengral did not expect was that the leader of the gang of robbers was the same man That Dontese had met after escaping from the Prison of Fort Yves. The man drove away immediately after loading his things into the carriage, and then a group of soldiers came to round up Tenglar, saying that he was suspected of stealing the cargo of a merchant ship.

Tenglar did not admit it, at which point Dontés appeared, saying that he had seen it with his own eyes, and Tenglar slyly argued: "It was Fernando who called me here, and I will not die for him." ”

So he wrestled with Dontese. Within a few moves, Tenglar was controlled by Dontés, and Tenglar asked, "Who the hell are you?" ”

Dontés said, "I am the Count of Monte Cristo and my friends call me Eamond Dontès. ”

In Tenglar's frightened expression, Dontese turned and walked away.

Dontese then went to see Villefort, who was taking a sauna in the sauna, and Dontese came in, locked the door, and asked him why he had told Messe Tess that he had been hanged.

After all, if Villefort hadn't said so, Dontese felt that Messer Tess wouldn't have married Fernando so easily.

But Villefort pretended to be confused, and Dontese restored the situation from Villefort's point of view, emphasizing that Villefort did this to make Fernando the driving force behind his future prosperity, and then helped Fernando to return to the beautiful place.

He also pointed out: "You have implied that Fernando killed his father and brother, and then acquired the family property and became a count, so that the two could plot in the future." "Your father was loyal to Napoleon, but you thought the exact opposite of his, so you were very troubled by your stubborn father's behavior." Sixteen years ago, your father was suddenly murdered, and the murderer has not been found until now, and it seems that you have worked very hard to investigate. ”

Villefort was frightened when he heard it, and said busily: "You only speculate, only guess." ”

Dontés calmly replied, "On the contrary, I have evidence that Fernando killed your father for you." ”

Subsequently, several soldiers came in and arrested Villefort for premeditated murder.

Just like Dontese, Villefort was pushed into a prison car and sent to prison.

Fernando, who learned of this, knew that he was also guilty of murder, robbery, embezzlement, etc., and had a lot of debts, and if he stayed in Paris, he would be sent to prison, so he hurried to pack his bags that day, and asked Mercedes and Albert to hurry up with him.

But Messer Tess made it clear that she would not go with him, nor would her son Albert, because Albert was not Fernando's son, but Dontés's.

It turned out that Messe Tess was already pregnant when Dontese was arrested, and she had hurriedly married Fernando to protect the child in her womb.

Disappointed to learn of this, Fernando rode away alone, running to a dilapidated house in the wilderness to find the shipment he had secretly transferred, but when he opened the box, he found that there was nothing inside.

At this time, Dontés appeared and said to Fernando, "You are under control. ”

Fernando immediately drew his sword and stabbed at him.

Fernando's swordsmanship was notoriously superb, but what he didn't expect was that Dontés' swordplay was now even better than his, and he soon stabbed Fernando.

Defeated Fernando said: "No matter what, your body is not a noble blood, you will always be just a civilian." ”

Furious, Dontese immediately controlled him with his hand.

At this time Albert rushed over, drew his sword and stabbed at Dontais.

He scolds Dontese for being hypocritical, making friends with him while hurting his father.

But just as Dontés was fighting him, Messer Tess rushed over and told Dontese that Albert was his son.

Dontese stopped in surprise.

Fernan rode out on horseback, but did not go far and turned back, saying that he wanted to duel with Dontese again.

The New Count of Monte Cristo: A clever revenge of 14 years of hidden planning

During the duel, Fernando accidentally fell to the ground after being stabbed through the body by Dontés's sword.

Dontese looked at the sea in the distance and said, "Father, you are right, God exists. He also said, "All that is used for revenge will be used for good works." ”

Then turn around and go home with Messe Tess, Albert, and Jacob.

The New Count of Monte Cristo: A clever revenge of 14 years of hidden planning

The whole story is composed of four parts: wronged - imprisoned - escape and revenge, of which revenge has the heaviest proportion. The revenge clues of the three enemies are carried out at the same time, criss-crossing and methodical, both tense and exciting fights, and picturesque scene descriptions, which have the atmosphere of the great navigation era.

And Dontés's way of revenge against these three people is also different - he formulates revenge plans according to the different occupations and evil nature of these three people, such as letting Fernando, who took his wife, lose his wife, let the self-interested Villefort be discredited and the family ruined, and let the unscrupulous and mercenary Tenglar bankrupt and impoverished.

In the revenge part, we can see that Dontese has always maintained a calm and strong ability to coordinate and adapt throughout the revenge plan, he is not bound by hatred, and he is not psychologically distorted by hatred, and he is also merciful in punishing evil, and finally he has both to punish evil and promote goodness and to have inner peace.

This story also tells us that knowledge and skills can make us better able to cope with the reefs in life and protect ourselves and the people we want to protect, and that a kind heart allows us to have equally kind friends, to let go of hatred in order to get out of darkness and self-torture, and to see a wider and better world.

[This article is original by the author, plagiarism is strictly prohibited, reprinting needs to note the author's name and the source of the article, violators will be investigated]

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