
A world without U.S. hegemony is a better world

Source: Chaoyang Shaoxia

Since Biden came to power, senior US officials have visited Latin American and Caribbean countries intensively, vigorously peddling concepts such as "democratic, liberal, and human rights values," "Americas growth initiative," "near-shore outsourcing," and "rebuilding a better world." The public opinion machine has gone to full power to publicize these "discourse traps." Few people have no choice but to respond.

A world without U.S. hegemony is a better world

The international community, including Latin American countries, has awakened. Gone are the days when imperialism concocted a few concepts that could influence public opinion in other countries and suppress the people's thinking!

Values diplomacy?

- The new "Emperor's New Clothes"

The Biden administration claims that democratic values are the "pillars of foreign policy", cobbles together "democratic alliances" in Latin America and the Caribbean, fools "representative democratic regimes" into participating in the so-called "Leaders' Democracy Summit", and clearly wants to play a "democracy vs authoritarian" narrative, pull one faction to fight one faction, and muddy the waters in Latin America and the Caribbean.

However, the beauty filter of "American democracy" has long been broken, and the self-made performance of the American "model of democracy" is like "the emperor's new clothes", full of embarrassment.

According to Deutsche Welle, in the 20th century, the United States carried out countless political interventions, military interventions and regime subversions in Latin America and the Caribbean, called "spreading democracy", which was actually for private gain. Whether it is the hostility to the blockade of socialist Cuba for nearly 60 years, or the overthrow of the Chilean Allende government and other progressive regimes under the black hand, it is a hegemonic hegemonic bullying that "those who follow us prosper, and those who oppose us perish."

A world without U.S. hegemony is a better world

On July 17, 2021, the Cuban government organized a mass rally in the capital, Havana, to defend the revolution and socialism. The First Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Cuba and President of Cuba, Díaz-Canel, called on all the people to unite against foreign interference, defend the achievements of the revolution, and condemn the US blockade against Cuba.

Not long ago, Mexican President López pointed out at the celebration of the 238th anniversary of the birth of "Liberator" Bolívar that the United States has never stopped interfering in regional countries after the Latin American War of Independence, calling on Latin American countries to unite to oppose interference, sanctions, exclusivity and blockade, and get rid of the traditional status of the United States as a "protectorate", "colony" and "geopolitical backyard". It can be described as blood and tears, full of sorrow and indignation.

Mexico's "Financier" commented that the United States wantonly insults and demeans Latin American immigrants, "separating immigrant children from their parents", but wants to win people's hearts with only long statements and empty checks, which is just wishful thinking.

A world without U.S. hegemony is a better world

In September 2021, a large number of Haitian immigrants came to the small border town of Del Rio in Texas in the United States to seek refuge. On September 19, U.S. border enforcement officers began mass deportations of the migrants. Photos and videos exposed by the media showed U.S. law enforcement officers in cowboy hats and on horses whipping away unarmed migrants along the river.

Growth in the Americas initiative?

- It is actually an "American Growth" initiative

Modernization is a common vision of developing countries. The "Growth in the Americas" initiative is aimed at the development aspirations of regional countries and is quite confusing. But the bullied regional countries have seen clearly that the essence under the cloak of "American growth" is actually "American plunder".

The lessons of history are profound enough. When a republic was formally established in 1823, Mexico's territory exceeded 4 million square kilometers. The people of Mexico rejoice: "The new homeland, with such a good geographical location, abundant resources and fertile land, must set an example for the world. ”

However, the United States has thrown out the so-called "destiny of heaven" theory, boasting that it has both the obligation and responsibility to spread the "superior system and culture" to the entire American continent, relying on "stealing", "open robbery" and "coercion" to seize more than 2.3 million square kilometers of Mexico's territory, and leaping into a superpower that runs through the east and west and crosses the oceans, laying the foundation for the future establishment of hegemony in the Americas and even the world.

A world without U.S. hegemony is a better world

In 1846, the United States launched a war of aggression against Mexico.

A world without U.S. hegemony is a better world

In 1848, Mexico signed a peace treaty with the United States, forcing it to cede 2.3 million square kilometers of land in the north to the United States.

For Mexico, the 19th century was a catastrophe caused by the usurpation of the United States, resulting in the loss of most of the country and the interruption of national development and industrialization. More than 100 years ago, former Mexican President Pomerio Díaz lamented, "Poor Mexico, too far from God, too close to the United States." ”

Latin America and the Caribbean are the first developing regions to achieve national independence and start the process of modernization, and have unique conditions for development, but why has there been "growth without development" for a long time? The plundering of US imperialism is an important reason.

As early as 1829, Bolívar, the liberator of South America, pointed out in his "Letter to The Chargé d'affaires of His Majesty the King of Great Britain" that the United States would "spread poverty to the Americas in the name of freedom", which can be described as a phrase.

During the epidemic period, the United States did not care whether regional countries were alive or dead, intercepted anti-epidemic materials, and hoarded new crown vaccines. UnCOMEC Balsena bluntly pointed out that the United States lacks the spirit of common destiny, Latin American countries cannot count on the United States, and there is no point in building a community with the United States.

"Nearshore outsourcing"?

- "Banana Republic" Yin Jian is not far away

The so-called "nearshore outsourcing" mainly refers to the policy of the United States to implement the transfer of industrial chains and the return of manufacturing industries to foreign countries. The United States regards Central America and the Caribbean as the "inland sea", "third border" and "backyard of the backyard" of the United States, and it is also the focus of "nearshore outsourcing".

However, Central American and Caribbean countries suffered greatly from colonization, and they knew that the "banana republic" was not far away, and "near-shore outsourcing" was just another "white glove" for the United States to dominate.

Since the 1870s, the United Fruit Company of the United States has monopolized the banana plantation economy in Cuba, Jamaica, Panama, Honduras, Guatemala, Nicaragua, Colombia, Ecuador and other countries, and has joined hands with the U.S. government to support puppet regimes in the local area, encroaching on a large amount of land, controlling the economic lifeline, and exploiting and enslaving the people of the region for a long time, resulting in the poverty and backwardness of the regional countries.

In 1904, the American writer O. Henry used Honduras as a prototype in the novel "Cabbage and the King" to invent a "banana republic" and exposed the crazy plunder of American monopoly capital in Latin America. The "banana republic" was specifically referred to as the Central American and Caribbean countries that had adopted a single crop plantation economy under the dictatorship puppet government supported by the United States.

A world without U.S. hegemony is a better world

The Cuban national hero José Martí pointedly pointed out at the end of the 19th century that "the people of a country whose livelihood depends on one product and trades only with one country are committing suicide". History has also repeatedly proved that there is no way out of one-way dependence, and that joint self-improvement and diversified development are the right way.

Rebuilding a better world?

——The complete "three no products"

The Biden administration, in partnership with the Group of Seven, has claimed to build a "Rebuild a Better World" (B3W) plan to address the infrastructure deficit that has long plagued the economic development of developing countries. But what exactly is the U.S. infrastructure capacity?

What the United States has done in Afghanistan can be used as a reference. According to CNN, the Hundreds of Billions of dollars of U.S. reconstruction projects in Afghanistan are either flashy or shelved, the Afghan people's homes are ruined, and the US capital is full of money, fully showing the world that the so-called "Made in the United States" is nothing more than a "capital carnival".

Recently, the abandoned building materials of the U.S.-Mexico border wall project rushed to the global hot search, and the panorama showed the American infrastructure style. In terms of project establishment, the United States unilaterally started construction, and Mexico had no right to speak, which perfectly reflected "America First" and "American Arrogance". In terms of construction, the progress of the project is slow, not to mention, the wall collapsed shortly after completion, and the project was stopped after the change of government, and the strength interpreted the "American quality" and "American rotten tail".

A world without U.S. hegemony is a better world

In December 2018, Mexican residents and U.S. Border Patrol agents face each other on either side of the U.S. southern border wall. On the U.S. side, hundreds of pro-immigrant demonstrators are about to arrive. The U.S.-Mexico border in the southern United States is about 2,000 miles long, of which about 650 miles are already covered with various barriers, including shorter vehicle barricades and steel fences up to 30 feet high.

A world without U.S. hegemony is a better world

An unfinished border wall in The U.S. state of Coronado. The border wall has become one of the most expensive large-scale projects in U.S. history, with an estimated eventual cost of more than $15 billion.

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Drone photography: A large amount of U.S.-Mexico border wall material is discarded

Today, the United States has drawn a B3W infrastructure pie in Latin America, but it has no funds, no labor, and three production capacity, which is a complete "three no products". The United States hopes to rely on short-term profit-seeking private capital to solve the huge funding gap, which is tantamount to conspiring with the tiger, but it is just another trick to lure and blackmail Latin American countries.


- The infamous Hegemony of the United States

In 1823, the United States issued the "Monroe Declaration", declaring that "the Americas are the Americas of the Americans", clamoring for "Pan-Americanism", and the subtext was "America is the Americas of the Americans". Since then, the basic policy of successive US administrations in Latin America has been to interfere in expansion and bullying and control.

The countries in the region have had enough of the oppression of the United States and gradually formed a consensus and long-cherished wish: replace Pan-Americanism with Latin Americanism, unite and strengthen themselves to achieve the "second independence" of Latin America, and get rid of the shackles of US neo-colonialism.

At the end of 2011, the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States, a regional integration organization covering all 33 independent countries in Latin America, was established, which became a milestone event for Latin American countries to unite and build Latin Americanism.

A world without U.S. hegemony is a better world

In December 2011, the first CELAC Leaders' Summit was held in Caracas, Venezuela.

This year marks the tenth anniversary of the founding of CELAC and coincides with the celebration of the 200th anniversary of independence by many Latin American countries.

In September, representatives of 30 Latin American countries gathered in Mexico City to hold the sixth CELAC summit, reaffirming their opposition to unilateral acts and foreign interference, calling for the abolition of economic and financial blockades and unfair treatment policies against individual member countries, stressing the principle of unity and self-reliance, strengthening national self-determination, and supporting member states in independently exploring political systems suited to their own national conditions. Many countries have called for the creation of an EU-like "Latin American Union" to replace the Organization of American States, which is controlled by the United States.

A world without U.S. hegemony is a better world

The scourge of US hegemony has plagued Latin America for nearly 200 years. For the people of Latin America, how can they "rebuild a better world"? What is certain is that a world without US hegemony is a better world.

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