
Yelü Nguyen defeated his powerful grandmother to seize the throne, and in addition to the support of the kings of the two houses, the other person played a key role

author:Splendid beach

(Splendid Beach original works, reproduction is strictly prohibited)

As mentioned earlier, the reason why Yelü Deguang was able to seize the throne from his brother and crown prince Yelü Bei was related to his military power, in addition to the support of his mother Shu Luping. So, is it possible to be called emperor with these two prerequisites? The answer is no. For just twenty years after this incident, the seizure of the throne was repeated again, but the result was very different from the dispute between Jeroboam and Jeroboam. This was the event that occurred in 947 AD when Yelü Nguyen defeated the powerful Shu Lu binh and seized the throne.

Yelü Nguyen defeated his powerful grandmother to seize the throne, and in addition to the support of the kings of the two houses, the other person played a key role

This incident was triggered by the death of Yerushalayim. According to the "Biography of Liao Shi Yelüwa", due to the sudden vacancy of the throne, the people of the Liao state were panicked, and for a time "there were many rebellions in the southern counties, the soldiers and horses were poor, and the army did not know what to do." At this time, there were three main candidates to succeed him: Yelü Jing, the eldest son of Yelü Deguang, yelü Abaoji's third son, Yelü Lihu, the younger brother of Yelü Deguang, and Yelü Nguyen, the eldest brother of Yelü Deguang. Exactly who should succeed him, there are huge differences within the Liao state.

Yelü Nguyen defeated his powerful grandmother to seize the throne, and in addition to the support of the kings of the two houses, the other person played a key role

Although Yelü Jing was the son of Yelü Deguang and the King of Shou'an at that time, he also had two major disadvantages. First, he was still young at that time, only seventeen years old, and second, at that time, he was only the King of Shou'an, and he was not crowned crown prince by his father. Therefore, after yelü Deguang's death, various political forces in the Liao state ruled out the possibility of his succession.

Yelü Nguyen defeated his powerful grandmother to seize the throne, and in addition to the support of the kings of the two houses, the other person played a key role

Why did Yerushalayim become the candidate for his successor? This was mainly due to the support of Empress Dowager Shu Luping. In the same way of thinking as he had originally supported Yelü Deguang's victory over Yelü Bei, the legitimate heir, Shu Luping was satisfied with Yelü Lihu's bravery and good fighting, believing that Yelü Jing was still young and could not lead the Liao kingdom to strength, and only Yelü Lihu had this ability. As for Yelü Be's son Yelü Nguyen, it was not in her consideration, because in Shu Lupin's strict eyes, Yelü Nguyen was not qualified to take over at all. It was precisely this fatal mistake that led to the subsequent failure.

Yelü Nguyen defeated his powerful grandmother to seize the throne, and in addition to the support of the kings of the two houses, the other person played a key role

What is so great about Yelü Nguyen's ability to defeat her powerful grandmother? First of all, Yelü Nguyen was fourteen years older than Yelü Jing, and was thirty years old at the time. At the same time, although his father Yelü Bei was forced into exile in the Central Plains, Yelü Nguyen was not excluded and suppressed in the Liao state. According to the "Liao Shi Sejong Ji", Yelü Nguyen was not only equal to his father in literature and culture because he was as accomplished as his father, but also deeply appreciated by his uncle Yelü Deguang, and also had a certain prestige and authority in the army.

Yelü Nguyen defeated his powerful grandmother to seize the throne, and in addition to the support of the kings of the two houses, the other person played a key role

Of course, these two points alone are not enough to make him take over as emperor. Another key factor was that the kings of the Northern and Southern Courts of the Liao Kingdom supported Yelü Nguyen at a critical moment, which led to Yelü Nguyen's ascension to the throne.

Yelü Nguyen defeated his powerful grandmother to seize the throne, and in addition to the support of the kings of the two houses, the other person played a key role

The two kings of the two houses were Yelüwa, the great king of the north courtyard, and Yelü Roar, the great king of the south courtyard. Although the two commanded not all the troops of the Liao state, they were both heavily armed, enough to carry out a large-scale war. Why would the two turn their backs on Shu Lupin's candidate, Yelü Lihu, and choose Yelü Nguyen? There were two important reasons, one was that they were both very sympathetic to the tragic plight of Yelü Nguyen at that time, and the other was that they were very dissatisfied with Shu Lupin's practice of eradicating dissidents and allowing Yelü Deguang to succeed to the throne. Therefore, after consultation, the two men ordered the names of the two chambers to order the whole army to be loyal to Yelü Nguyen.

Yelü Nguyen defeated his powerful grandmother to seize the throne, and in addition to the support of the kings of the two houses, the other person played a key role

In this incident, another key figure played a key role in Yelü Nguyen's succession, and that was the highly respected Khitan royal jeru house. After Shu Luping learned that the king of the two houses had elected Yelü Nguyen to take over, he immediately led his troops to war with the army of Finally Yelü Nguyen. At this time, Yelü Wuqian chose to support Yelü Nguyen and personally met with Shu Lupin to persuade him, and finally got the purpose. Later, the two sides withdrew, and Shu Luping had to admit the legitimacy of Yelü Nguyen's succession. Since then, the Liao state has entered the era of Yelü Ruan.

Reference book: History of Liao

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