
In order to avenge his father's revenge against his grandmother, Emperor Yelü Nguyen of Liao Dynasty fought for the throne

author:History Study Club

Wen | Wang Yongkui

Yelü Nguyen was the eldest son of Yelü Abaoji, the eldest son of Yelü Abaoji, the grandfather of Liao, and the eldest grandson of Yelü Abaoji. After Yelü Abaoji's death, due to the interference of Empress Shulu (Yelü Abaoji's wife), the eldest son Yelü Bei did not inherit the throne, and the second son Yelü Deguang succeeded to the throne, that is, Liao Taizong. Jeroboam left the Liao kingdom and later died in a foreign land. He has a poem about his encounter: "The mountain crushes the mountain, and the mountain is powerless." Shame on the hometown people, henceforth thrown into foreign countries. ”

Emperor Taizong of Liao, Yelü Deguang, was very kind to Yelü Nguyen and regarded him as his own son. In the ninth year of the same year (946 AD), Yelü Deguang personally led an army to the south to fight against the Later Jin, and Yelü Nguyen accompanied him. In February of the following year, Yelü Nguyen was crowned king of Vinh Khanh. In April, Yelü Deguang died of illness at Luancheng (栾城, in modern Luancheng, Hebei) on his way back to the north, leaving no will and testament before his death, nor was he made a prince. Because he was still on the march at that time, "the army was worried and did not know what to do." Who would hold the supreme power of the Liao state became an urgent question.

In order to avenge his father's revenge against his grandmother, Emperor Yelü Nguyen of Liao Dynasty fought for the throne

Photo: Portrait of Yerushalayim

At this time, there were three people who were eligible to inherit the throne. The first is Yelü Lihu, the younger brother of Yelü De guang, the second is Yelü Jing, the eldest son of Yelü De Guang, and the third is Yelü Nguyen. Both Yelü Lihu and Yelü Jing were in Shangjing, not in the army. After deliberating with YelüWa, the great king of the Southern Courtyard of the Liao Dynasty, and Yelüwa, the Great King of the Northern Courtyard, they said: "The heavenly throne cannot be vacant for a day. "If you go to the Empress Dowager Shulu, you will inevitably set up Yelü Lihu, and Yelü Lihu is a cruel person. Therefore, they decided to support Yelü Nguyen to inherit the throne.

In order to avenge his father's revenge against his grandmother, Emperor Yelü Nguyen of Liao Dynasty fought for the throne

Photo note: Portrait of Yelü Nguyen

Yelü Nguyen hesitated and consulted with his close associate Yelü An. Yelü An said, "You are wise and generous, and you are the eldest grandson of Taizu, and although Emperor Taizong has a son, the people of the world are still willing to support you." If you don't make a decision now, it will be too late to regret it later. At this time, there happened to be a man from Shangjing, and Yelü Anshu falsely claimed that this person had come to convey the news of Yelü Lihu's death, and the people in the army believed it. After the plot of Yelü Roar, Yelüwa, and Yelü Anju, Yelü Nguyen took the throne before Yelü De's coffin. He was the third emperor of the Liao state, Liao Shizong.

Yelü Nguyen led his army to continue to return north, and sent people to escort Yelü Deguang's coffin back to Shangjing first. When Empress Dowager Shulu heard that Yelü Nguyen had succeeded to the throne, she was furious and asked Yelü Lihu to lead an army to conquest. At this time, Yelü Nguyen's army had reached Nanjing (present-day Beijing), and the two sides fought an encounter at TaideQuan (present-day northern Hebei, the specific location is unknown), and Yelü Lihu's army was defeated.

In July of the same year, Empress Shulu personally led an army to conquest, and the two sides faced each other across the Huang River (present-day Silamulun River). The people in the army all said, "If there is a real fight, it will be father and son and brother killing each other." After several days of stalemate, Empress Shulu accepted the opinion of Jeroboam, who mediated between them, and the two sides negotiated.

In order to avenge his father's revenge against his grandmother, Emperor Yelü Nguyen of Liao Dynasty fought for the throne

Picture note: Portrait of Empress Shulu

Yelü Nguyen and Empress Shulu mentioned that Yelü Bei was unable to inherit the throne, but instead abandoned the country and fled, killing other people. Both sides were agitated and seemed to have no intention of making peace. Yelü Wu said, "When the Great King (referring to Yelü Nguyen) saw the Empress Dowager, many of them were thankful, but their grievances were sought. The empress dowager was favored, and Emperor Toxian left his orders and gave the artifact in vain. Add to this how dare you hope to make peace, and fight at the speed of battle. In the end, Empress Dowager Shulu said, "Xiang Taizu was disturbed by his brothers, the world was poisoned, and the sores were not restored, and the mediocrity could be ignored!" "Both sides are grateful for their affection, and everyone around them is touched and cries. Under the mediation of Yelü Wu, Empress Shulu recognized the fait accompli of Yelü Nguyen as emperor, and the two sides withdrew.

After returning to Shangjing, Yelü Nguyen moved Empress Shulu and Yelü Lihu to Zuzhou (祖州, in present-day Balin, Inner Mongolia) on the charge of "plotting to abolish the establishment", and killed those who supported Empress Shulu and Yelü Lihu. Those who supported Yelü Nguyen were rewarded and enthroned, and Yelü Nguyen's throne was consolidated.


The End of the Chronicle of the Liao Dynasty, Vol. XIV

"Liao Shi Yelü Wu Quality Biography"

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