
Guangdong Sports Color Star of Zhanjiang

author:New Express

From April to May 2021, Guangdong Sports Lottery carried out the "Guangdong Sports Lottery Star" selection activity in the province, and after screening and review by the sports lottery centers of various cities, a total of 100 outstanding practitioners were selected from different aspects such as honest management, love and dedication, sports lottery spirit inheritance, and public welfare pioneers, including 79 distributors, 13 special managers, and 8 city center staff. This newspaper launched the "Guangdong Sports Lottery Star" series of reports to tell the story of sports lottery and spread the positive energy of sports lottery.

■ New Express reporter Lu Yansi correspondent Cantonese sports lottery

● Lee Road

Write a sports color dream story

From a sports lottery layman to a sports lottery physical store training teacher, from a sports enthusiast to a sports lottery dreamer... Li Lu's efforts and intentions have made his sports lottery physical store business flourish.

In daily operation, Li Lu mingles with lottery buyers with a good service attitude and unique personality charm to create a good lottery buying atmosphere for customers. The 4407030128 physical store he operates has won the honorary title of "Zhanjiang Sports Lottery Excellent Sales Physical Store" for many consecutive years and has been rated as "Four-star Physical Store" in Guangdong Province. In view of Li Lu's positive work performance, Zhanjiang Sports Lottery Center hired him to serve as a training teacher for the sports lottery physical store training team for a long time, leading peers to grow and progress together.

● Lu Hongfeng

Stick to it for 23 years and love sports color with life

Lu Hongfeng is a veteran party member who has been running a sports lottery store for 23 years.

From a street stall with only one computer in the early days of the station, to a fixed indoor business place of more than 50 square meters, years of perseverance have made Lu Hongfeng have a strong affection for the sports lottery industry. Lu Hongfeng suffered from diabetes, had a severe stroke in early 2017 and was in a coma, and the first thing he woke up after the hospital rescue was to explain that his family must continue to operate the sports lottery physical store.

Under the careful management of Lu Hongfeng, his sports lottery physical store has won the honorary titles of five-star physical store, the most beautiful sports lottery physical store, and the top 500 physical store for public welfare contribution.

● Xie Yuqiong

Awards are frequent and selfless sharing of sales experience

The sports lottery physical store run by Xie Yuqiong has won many grand prizes such as 10 million yuan in the big lotto, 5 million yuan in 7 star lottery, 3.27 million yuan in 14 full lottery games, 1 million yuan in 5 games, 700,000 yuan in 3 games and 250,000 yuan in top scratches.

The physical store she operates is a five-star sports lottery physical store in Guangdong Province, which has won the title of top 500 physical stores with public welfare contributions in 2019 and 2020, and has also won the title of national, provincial and municipal excellent sports lottery sales physical stores for many times.

In daily operation, Xie Yuqiong took advantage of the frequent opportunities of the award to increase publicity and publicize the public welfare sports lottery to those who came to the store to buy lottery. She also took the initiative to share her experience with the Zhanjiang Sports Lottery Center, and without reservation shared the experience of physical store construction and lottery buying methods to her peers in the city, leading everyone to do a good job in the sports lottery cause and write the sports lottery people.