
Zhangjiakou Bridge West: The first session of the 17th People's Congress was closed, Gao Shuguo was elected as the governor of the people's government, and Yang Huan was elected as the chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress

author:Charm Bridge West
Zhangjiakou Bridge West: The first session of the 17th People's Congress was closed, Gao Shuguo was elected as the governor of the people's government, and Yang Huan was elected as the chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress

On the afternoon of July 27, after the successful completion of the agenda, the first session of the 17th People's Congress of Qiaoxi District was successfully closed.

The meeting should be attended by 201 delegates, 26 people should be on leave for medical reasons, and 175 delegates should be present, which is in line with the quorum.

Zhangjiakou Bridge West: The first session of the 17th People's Congress was closed, Gao Shuguo was elected as the governor of the people's government, and Yang Huan was elected as the chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress

Members of the presidium, including Shang Xiuwei, Gao Shuguo, Li Chunling, Lin Zhanyong, Yang Huan, Pei Guozhong, Yin Hairong, Gao Jun, Zhao Zhitao, Wang Xiaolong, Wang Guohua, Liu Haijun, Luo Ruifeng, Li Ming, Zhao Huiying, Li Shui, Xing Zhiliang, Li Chengfu, Wang Ping, Gao Xuejun, and Chen Wenyi, sat on the rostrum.

Zhangjiakou Bridge West: The first session of the 17th People's Congress was closed, Gao Shuguo was elected as the governor of the people's government, and Yang Huan was elected as the chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress

The meeting began with the announcement of the list of candidates. The chairman, vice chairman and member of the Standing Committee of the 17th People's Congress of Qiaoxi District were elected by vote, the district governor and deputy district chief of the Qiaoxi District People's Government, the director of the District Supervision Commission, the president of the District People's Court, the chief procurator of the District People's Procuratorate, and the deputies of our district to the 15th People's Congress of Zhangjiakou City.

Zhangjiakou Bridge West: The first session of the 17th People's Congress was closed, Gao Shuguo was elected as the governor of the people's government, and Yang Huan was elected as the chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress

After the election of the congress, Yang Huan was elected chairman of the Standing Committee of the 17th People's Congress of Qiaoxi District; Gao Shuguo was elected as the head of the Qiaoxi District People's Government; Wang Guohua was elected director of the Supervision Commission of Qiaoxi District; Gao Xuejun was elected president of the Qiaoxi District People's Court; Chen Wenyi was elected as the chief procurator of the Qiaoxi District People's Procuratorate; four comrades, Zhao Huiying, Li Shui, Xing Zhiliang, and Li Chengfu, were vice chairmen of the Standing Committee of the 17th People's Congress of Qiaoxi District; Wang Xiaolong, Song Wei, Ma Yongli, Liu Feng, Wang Ping, Six comrades, Liu Cuiping, were vice governors of the Qiaoxi District People's Government; 28 comrades, including Men Junwei, were members of the Standing Committee of the 17th People's Congress of Qiaoxi District; and 28 comrades, including Wang Jianjun, were elected as deputies of Qiaoxi District to the 15th People's Congress of Zhangjiakou City.

Zhangjiakou Bridge West: The first session of the 17th People's Congress was closed, Gao Shuguo was elected as the governor of the people's government, and Yang Huan was elected as the chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress
Zhangjiakou Bridge West: The first session of the 17th People's Congress was closed, Gao Shuguo was elected as the governor of the people's government, and Yang Huan was elected as the chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress
Zhangjiakou Bridge West: The first session of the 17th People's Congress was closed, Gao Shuguo was elected as the governor of the people's government, and Yang Huan was elected as the chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress

Gao Shuguo, newly elected governor of the Qiaoxi District People's Government, made an inaugural speech. Comrade Gao Shuguo said in his speech:

1 Adhere to loyalty to the party and always maintain a firm political direction.

Resolutely safeguard the authority of the district committee, unite and lead a group of people from the district government, conscientiously follow the strategic deployment of the district committee to comprehensively build "cultural bridge west, strength bridge west, livable bridge west, green bridge west, vitality bridge west, happiness bridge west", unite their hearts, take action, and continue to push forward the economic development and social undertakings of our region.

2 Adhere to hard work and hard work to promote the high-quality development of the whole region.

Faithfully perform the duties of the post, emancipate the mind, update the concept, work hard and forge ahead, comprehensively and meticulously sort out the government work, strive to break the bottleneck constraints, further strengthen the scheduling, innovate ideas, practice the original mission, break through the innovation and compete for the first, vigorously grasp the implementation of the work, and open a new journey of high-quality development in Qiaoxi.

3 Adhere to the people-centered development concept, and effectively solve problems for the masses.

Always adhere to the people's stand, promote the downward shift of the focus of government work and the sinking of strength, take the suggestions of people's congress deputies and the motions of CPPCC members as the starting point, take the initiative to ask the people about the government, ask the people for advice, and ask the people what they need, so that the people have something to call, I have something to respond, the people have hopes, and I have something to do, so that the people have more happiness, a sense of gain, and a sense of belonging.

4. Persist in setting an example by being honest and self-disciplined, and build a solid ideological defense line against corruption and degeneration.

Always respect the people, the organization, and the law and discipline, and resolutely implement the spirit of the eight central regulations and implementation rules. Consciously perform "one post, two responsibilities", adhere to the construction of party style and clean government and professional work together with planning, deployment, and implementation, be honest and honest, and be pragmatic for the people.

Zhangjiakou Bridge West: The first session of the 17th People's Congress was closed, Gao Shuguo was elected as the governor of the people's government, and Yang Huan was elected as the chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress
Zhangjiakou Bridge West: The first session of the 17th People's Congress was closed, Gao Shuguo was elected as the governor of the people's government, and Yang Huan was elected as the chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress

Subsequently, the elected took a constitutional oath.

Zhangjiakou Bridge West: The first session of the 17th People's Congress was closed, Gao Shuguo was elected as the governor of the people's government, and Yang Huan was elected as the chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress

The meeting voted to adopt a resolution on the work report of the People's Government of Qiaoxi District (draft), a resolution on the work report of the Standing Committee of the People's Congress of Qiaoxi District (draft), a resolution on the work report of the People's Court of Qiaoxi District (draft), and a resolution on the work report of the People's Procuratorate of Qiaoxi District (draft).

Zhangjiakou Bridge West: The first session of the 17th People's Congress was closed, Gao Shuguo was elected as the governor of the people's government, and Yang Huan was elected as the chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress

After successfully completing various agendas, Shang Xiuwei, secretary of the district party committee, said that during the meeting, all the deputies shouldered the heavy trust of the people of the whole region, conscientiously performed their duties with a high sense of political responsibility, a sense of historical mission, and the spirit of ownership, actively offered suggestions and suggestions, and jointly drew up a blueprint for development. The congress adopted and approved various reports, successfully completed the election task, and all the candidates were elected by unanimous vote; this is a congress that inherits the past and opens up the future, a congress of democratic unity and cohesion, and a congress of pragmatic encouragement and common development, which will certainly have a major and far-reaching impact on the economic and social development of the whole region.

Secretary Shang Xiuwei pointed out

01Standing at a new starting point and starting a new journey, we must always adhere to the clear banner of politics.

It is necessary to earnestly put political construction in the first place, enhance the "four consciousnesses", strengthen the "four self-confidences", achieve "two safeguards", and maintain a high degree of consistency with the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core in ideological and political actions. It is necessary to continue to strengthen theoretical armament, adhere to the study and implementation of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era as the primary and long-term major political task, and consciously use it to arm the mind, guide practice, and promote work. It is necessary to solidly carry out the study and education of party history, so that the study of history is clear and reasonable, the study of history increases credibility, the study of history is revered, and the study of history is practiced. Continuously improve political judgment, political understanding, and political execution.

02Standing at a new starting point and starting a new journey, we must unswervingly promote high-quality development.

It is necessary to adhere to the theme of high-quality development, take "comprehensive improvement of the effectiveness of ideological and political construction, comprehensive improvement of comprehensive economic strength, comprehensive improvement of urban and rural functional quality, comprehensive improvement of ecological environment quality, comprehensive improvement of reform and innovation ability, comprehensive improvement of people's living standards, and comprehensive improvement of social governance efficiency" as the goal of struggle, and firmly seize the coordinated development of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei, the construction of the "two districts" of the capital, the holding of the Winter Olympics, and the construction of the Great Wall National Cultural Park, the Beijing-Zhang Sports and Cultural Tourism Belt and other major opportunities to build in an all-round way" West of the Cultural Bridge, West of the Strength Bridge, West of livable Bridge, West of Green Bridge, West of Vitality Bridge, West of Happiness Bridge", to achieve high-quality development of Bridge West and constantly create a new situation in socialist modernization.

03Standing at a new starting point and starting a new journey, we must unswervingly promote reform and innovation.

All levels of the region should further emancipate their minds, renew their concepts, and make breakthroughs, innovations, and strive to be the first in reform and innovation. Find the integration point between the implementation of the central spirit, the deployment requirements of provinces and cities and the development of Qiaoxi, accelerate the cultivation of new growth points, and form a new power source. It is necessary to actively "go out" to expand thinking, persist in making progress in benchmarking and advanced, and continuously promote innovative development in science and technology, management, business formats and other aspects. Vigorously crack down on institutional and institutional obstacles restricting development.

04 Standing at a new starting point and starting a new journey, we must implement the people-centered development concept to the letter.

Deeply carry out the practical activities of "I do practical things for the masses", accelerate the completion of the shortcomings of people's livelihood in the fields of employment, education, medical care, health, social security, housing, and old-age care, and plan and implement a number of people's livelihood practical and people's heart projects every year, and continuously enhance the people's sense of gain and happiness. It is necessary to do a solid job in normalizing epidemic prevention and control, safe production, sweeping away criminal syndicates and eliminating evil forces, fire prevention and flood prevention, and make every effort to safeguard the safety of people's lives and property.

05 Standing at a new starting point and starting a new journey, we must persevere and strengthen the construction of work style.

Grasping the work style, changing the work style, and strengthening the work style is an important guarantee for promoting the development of the cause. It is necessary to establish a sense of competition, focus on "striving for the leading position, grasp the struggle, grasp the breakthrough, and grasp the key problems, and strive to "stand firm, shout loudly, and be advanced" in the whole city. It is necessary to improve the standard of work and ensure the completion of tasks with high quality and high efficiency. It is necessary to persist in taking the lead in leadership, setting benchmarks, setting an example, and truly doing our best for development, fulfilling our responsibilities for the cause, and doing our best for the people.

Zhangjiakou Bridge West: The first session of the 17th People's Congress was closed, Gao Shuguo was elected as the governor of the people's government, and Yang Huan was elected as the chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress

The Assembly closed with the majestic sound of the national anthem.

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