
The Fourth Book of Qing History, Kangxi Qi Bureau 丨 Kangxi flaunted ren filial piety but did not allow the minister to bury his father

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The Fourth Book of Qing History, Kangxi Qi Bureau 丨 Kangxi flaunted ren filial piety but did not allow the minister to bury his father

Author: Xiang Jingzhi

Publisher: Shanghai Sanlian Bookstore

The Kangxi Emperor flaunted the rule of benevolence and filial piety, but in his later years he did a stupid thing that did not allow the ministers to fulfill their filial piety.

On March 19, 1721, the sixtieth year of the Kangxi Dynasty, Zhu Shi, the capital of Zuodu, received an obituary of his father's death and was overwhelmed. Because the day before was the sixty-eighth birthday of the Kangxi Emperor, Manchu Wenwu was celebrating The Halloween.

In order to make the Wanshou Festival more lively, the group of ministers jointly wanted to get a honorific title for Kangxi. Kangxi said: "Adding the honorific title is the same as the old habit, but it will be literally converted up and down, so as to deceive the ear of the unlearned king." The family law of this dynasty is only to love the people, not to Jingxing, Qingyun, Zhicao, and Ganlu as rui, nor to seal Zen and change the Yuan. Nowadays, the western region is using troops, the soldiers have been exposed for a long time, and the people have suffered and lost. The province of Shuofang is not busy with the operation, why is there any congratulations? (Draft History of the Qing Dynasty: Shizu Benji III)

The fourteenth son of the emperor and the great general Wang Yinzhen commanded more than 100,000 people and horses stationed in the Eight Banners and Green Battalions in Xinjiang, Gansu, and Qinghai provinces, and had been attacking the Dzungar Mongol Great Khan Tseyu Alabutan for more than a year, and at this time he was preparing to take advantage of the victory to pursue and directly attack the lair of the false Alabutan. However, due to transportation difficulties, it was delayed to launch a general offensive.

The ministers wanted to be honored, also in order to repay the filial piety of the king's father. Kangxi said: "Those who do filial piety and want to win the favor of their parents, do not serve food and clothing, but hold a good heart and walk the right path to comfort their parents, and gain their happiness. The emperor wanted everyone to be filial to their parents, and the courtiers had to do filial piety for their fathers.

The Kangxi Emperor refuted the praises of his courtiers, claiming that he was the Emperor of Love and The Emperor, not an unlearned prince, but his heart was still full of joy.

Zhu Shi's Ding was worried and dragged on until ten days later before reporting to the officials. Zuo Du Yushi's father passed away, and the official Shangshu comforted a few words of mourning, and quickly asked the cabinet for instructions, suggesting that Lord Zhu be relieved of his worries according to the system.

The cabinet votes and handles it according to the opinions of the officials. Everyone thought that the Kangxi Emperor would approve it, because he had emphasized: "No one has grandparents, parents, and filial piety for their children and grandchildren. Filial piety rules the world, thinking of leading the subjects, and descending from the descendants. (Records of the Ancestors of the Qing Dynasty, vol. 133, Kangxi Twenty-seventh Year of the First Month) But I did not expect that the Kangxi Emperor would delay Zhu's approval and did not express his position at the imperial meeting, until the fifth day of the first month of April, when the cabinet sent out a message: "Serve the edict, and Zhu Shi is in Beijing to guard the system."

Kangxi admired Zhu Xi's doctrine, and Zhu Shi was an important representative of the Cheng Zhu school, and he was very upset that the emperor would not allow him to return home to observe filial piety and bury his father. Adhering to the political proposition of "imperial despotism and moral indoctrination" as a political proposition and the way of being an official, when he was in Qianjiang Zhi County, he believed that the people were as easy to customary as the sixteen articles of the Holy Word, emphasizing the importance of education, and running a school advocated Confucianism.

Being snatched by the emperor for no reason undoubtedly undermined his concept of etiquette and religion that adhered to Confucian filial piety. He was anxious and fell ill, getting sicker and worse. On the ninth and nineteenth days of the first month, he twice requested the final system and sent it to the cabinet through the Department of Communications and Politics, but the cabinet no longer reported to the Kangxi Emperor, adhered to the original will, and sent the report back, and did not allow him to go to his hometown in Jiangxi for funerals.

Zhu Shi thought of another way: he asked to serve before going to the army, hoping to put himself in danger in exchange for the opportunity to take a detour to go home and bury his father. Song Zhu, Ma Qi, and other cabinet scholars did not follow the water and pushed the boat, for fear of offending Tianyan, brought a message to Zhu Shi and said: It is okay to serve the army, but it is necessary to write a special report. The emperor wants you to keep the system, that is, you are not allowed to go home to fulfill your filial piety!

The Kangxi Emperor forbade Zhu Shi to perform the courtesy of the Son of Man, and also gave a decree to Zhu Shi, who was becoming angry and increasingly ill: When a drought occurred in Shanxi and Shaanxi, the imperial court distributed half a million public funds, and you went to Shanxi to provide disaster relief.

Zhu Shi was an official who came up from the grass-roots level, was honest and honest, cared about the people's livelihood, was in danger, and forcibly endured the pain of losing his father to go to Shanxi to persuade him to give relief. He severely punished corrupt officials and corrupt officials, rewarded rich families and gentlemen for donating grain and money, and provided relief to the victims. He also organized labor to rectify the waterways of the Caohe River, stopped collecting rice boats and levy taxes to facilitate the circulation of grain, and responsible for setting up factories for local officials to treat sick victims. He neglected to build a social warehouse in Shanxi to prepare for the famine; he vigorously developed water conservancy and diverted springs to irrigate the fields, and the people benefited from it.

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