
Carlos: I don't like to compare myself to others, and the similarity with Luke Shaw is that we all crave victory

author:Live it
Carlos: I don't like to compare myself to others, and the similarity with Luke Shaw is that we all crave victory

Live bar July 6 In England's 4-0 win over Ukraine, Luke Shaw performed well, giving two assists to his teammates, and brazilian legend Roberto Carlos affirmed Luke Shaw's performance in an interview.

Roberto Carlos said: "You can see that Luke Shaw is very positive, he has performed very well against Ukraine, he has improved in every game. I think he has the ability to be a top player, he's a left-back in England, that says a lot in itself. ”

Asked if Luke Shaw has anything in common with himself, Carlos said: "I don't like comparisons, we're in two completely different football eras, I have my moments and now it's his time. Speaking of similarities, it could be that he's good and eager to win, just like I did. ”

Commenting on participating in the charity match, Carlos said: "I am always very excited to be able to provide football assistance to UNICEF, it is a great pleasure to see everyone, we are very happy together, it is a good thing that makes us all getting better and better. ”

The 2021 UNICEF Football Charity Match will be held on 4 September at the Etihad Stadium.


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