
"2021 World Industrial Internet Industry Conference" Kaos for the first time to define the industrial Internet ecology, and jointly build a new pattern of development

author:Qingdao News Broadcast FM1076

On October 26-27, the 2021 World Industrial Internet Industry Conference and the first plenary session of the China Industrial Internet 100 People's Association were held in Qingdao, and the parallel forum "Industrial Internet Ecological Innovation Summit" was held at the same time.

The summit was jointly sponsored by Haier Kaos IoT Ecological Technology Co., Ltd. and China Electronic Technology Standardization Institute, attended by Zou Chuanning, deputy director of the Standing Committee of Qingdao Municipal People's Congress, and Delivered a speech by Sun Wenlong, vice president of China Electronics Technology Standardization Institute.

Academician Tan Jianrong of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, Yuan Xiaoqing, Deputy Director of the Institute of Informatization and Software Industry of the China Electronics Information Industry Development Research Institute, Wu Lianfeng, Vice President and Chief Analyst of IDC China, Gu Yechi, General Manager of the Asset Management and Equity Investment Department of China Life Insurance, Professor Ren Lei of Beihang University, Gu Zhizheng, General Manager of Qingzhou Dewei Power, Dr. Wang Kai, Software Application and Service Research Center of China Electronics Standards Institute, and other experts, scholars and enterprise representatives gathered together to explore the way of building an industrial Internet without boundaries.

It is worth noting that Chen Lucheng, chairman of Haier Kaos IoT Ecological Technology Co., Ltd., and ecological partners released the "Industrial Internet Ecology White Paper", the "Cloud Collar Ecological Plan" of Cao's COSMOPlat, and the winner list of the 2021 "Jinhui Award" at this summit, redefining the new pattern of kaos ecological development and setting a benchmark for creating an open and shared new ecology of the industrial Internet industry.

"2021 World Industrial Internet Industry Conference" Kaos for the first time to define the industrial Internet ecology, and jointly build a new pattern of development

Exploring new paths together: big coffee on the road, condensing the consensus of industrial ecology

Focusing on the theme of "Co-creating a Value Cycle and Building a Boundless Ecology", the participants based on the industry and ecological exploration practice, respectively expressed their understanding and views from the perspectives of politics, industry, learning, research, use, and gold, and provided development suggestions and paths for building a new ecology of industrial Internet industry with sustainable development and win-win cooperation.

Tan Jianrong, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, said that the industrial Internet is the engine that helps the digital economy take off, and it is also the key direction for the development of manufacturing enterprises. As the first of the dual-cross-platforms recognized by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, KAOS has effectively promoted the high-quality and sustainable development of the digital economy in terms of mass customization model innovation, industrial Internet ecosystem construction, and value-added sharing ecological concept.

Yuan Xiaoqing, deputy director of the Institute of Informatization and Software Industry of the China Electronics Information Industry Development Research Institute, explained the strong demand for the landing and popularization of high-quality solutions by ecological entities such as industrial parks and enterprises through the promotion and practice of "industrial Internet platform + park", and proposed that "industrial Internet platform + park" is an important measure to build a new ecology of industrial integration.

Wu Lianfeng, vice president and chief analyst of IDC China, believes that the next 5 years are the golden age of digitalization and digital economy development, creating a new ecosystem of the industrial Internet is the key to creating new value for digital transformation, and redefining the industrial Internet ecology with the achievements of Kaos ecological construction as a practical reference can provide a strong basis for creating a new digital industry ecology of win-win cooperation.

Ren Lei, a professor at Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, looks forward to the future development of the industrial Internet and intelligent manufacturing from the perspective of emerging technologies, and he said that Kaos has effectively promoted the research and breakthrough of the basic theory of the industrial Internet and the key technology "card neck" problem by laying out 5G+ industrial Internet, industrial intelligence, digital twin and other technologies.

Dr. Wang Kai, Software Application and Service Research Center of China Electronics Standards Institute, explained the "Roadmap for Digital Transformation of Manufacturing Industry" on the spot, and took the deep integration of standardization and industrial Internet as the starting point, proposed to build a transformation system of "business as the foundation, technology as the wing, organization as the bone, and culture as the soul" to cultivate new models and new formats and form new economic growth points.

Gu Zhizheng, General Manager of Qingzhou Dulwich Power, shared the practice of Kaos empowering the intelligent transformation of Dulwich Power from the perspective of practical application. As a model for the transformation of the high-precision machining industry, Dulwich can provide useful reference for the innovation and application of intelligent and visualization technologies in the industry.

Gu Yechi, general manager of the asset management and equity investment department of China Life Insurance, analyzed the development trend of the digital economy in the next decade and the engine role of the industrial Internet from the perspective of industrial Internet and equity investment under the transformation of the digital economy. He said that as the lead investor of Kaos B round of financing, he fully recognized KAOS's leading position and digital innovation ability in the field of industrial Internet, and will support KAOS's development in the field of industrial Internet for a long time in the future.

"2021 World Industrial Internet Industry Conference" Kaos for the first time to define the industrial Internet ecology, and jointly build a new pattern of development

Create New Value Together: Jinhui Award Announced to Create a "Rising Star" for Digital Transformation

The acceleration of the digitalization process has allowed enterprises to take advantage of the "east wind" of the industrial Internet and begin to seek model, ecological innovation and sustainable growth of performance.

As a new value anchor for digital transformation and upgrading, the 2021 Jinhui Award is comprehensively open and upgraded to the industry ecology, and has achieved the phased results of co-construction of ecological practice, and has set up a "super beacon" for the digital transformation of enterprises in the new ecology of China's industrial Internet industry.

The winners of the 2021 Jinhui Award were officially announced at the summit, and Chen Lucheng, chairman of Haier Kaos IoT Ecological Technology Co., Ltd., and the guests presented awards to the winners.

It is understood that based on the evaluation dimensions of application scenarios, experience value, fusion innovation, ecological aggregation, value-added sharing, etc., KAOS COSMOPlat awarded 29 enterprises such as Quantum Cloud Code, Yonyou Network, Dulwich Power and other awards such as "Best Scenario Solution", "Ecological Leader", "Digital Transformation Pioneer" and "Special Contribution Award" to pay tribute to the digital transformation practitioners, innovators and leaders centered on the best user experience in the industrial Internet industry ecology. At the same time, they commend their outstanding achievements in digital transformation and jointly promote the high-quality development of the industry.

"2021 World Industrial Internet Industry Conference" Kaos for the first time to define the industrial Internet ecology, and jointly build a new pattern of development

It can be seen from the award-winning enterprises that the winners of the Jinhui Award cover electronic information, software, chemical, automotive, finance, clothing and other industries, focusing on their effectiveness and innovation in digital transformation.

By aggregating high-level award-winning cases, COSMOPlat continues to create a win-win "ecosystem", provides a path reference for the industry's digital transformation practice, and creates a new value anchor for digital transformation innovation in the field of industrial Internet.

Jointly build a new pattern: the world's first launch, leading a new track of industrial ecology

With the reference of the achievements of CosmoPlat ecosystem co-construction, IDC, a world-renowned ICT market information consulting organization, and CosmoPlat, jointly researched and prepared the "Industrial Internet Ecology White Paper" (hereinafter referred to as the "White Paper").

For the first time, the white paper puts forward the standard and definition of the new industrial organization form of "industrial Internet ecology", and systematically demonstrates the construction practice of KAOS COSMOPlat in the industrial Internet ecology, providing a well-documented standard guide for the "unbounded and orderly" ecological value cycle.

With the goal of ecological leadership, CAOS COSMOPlat officially released the "Cloud Collar Ecological Plan" at the summit, and Chen Lucheng, chairman of Haier Kaos IoT Ecological Technology Co., Ltd., and ecological partners attended the launching ceremony.

It will focus on core business scenarios such as asset management, factory visualization, visual inspection, and park management, and attract ecological parties to jointly create an ecosystem of "technology + product + platform" integration and co-creation, and drive the integrated development of the industrial Internet ecology.

According to reports, CAOS COSMOPlat will carry out comprehensive cooperation with ecological partners in product co-creation, solution integration, multi-dimensional platform technology, etc., and is expected to empower 50,000 enterprises to digitally transform and upgrade within 5 years, co-create solutions with 1,000 ecological partners, land 200 vertical applications and scenarios, redefine the new pattern of KAOS ecological development, and jointly build a KAOS ecological integration community.

It is worth mentioning that at the summit, CAOSCOSMOPlat also officially released the "Out-of-the-Box Digital Twin Solution" based on factory operation and equipment management scenarios, the "Industrial Internet Platform Security Protection Solution" of "One Brain Cure" and the "Hai Twin Intelligent Industrial Intelligence Solution" that can realize "put the factory into the pocket within 7 days", providing a new reference path for the industrial Internet to land industrial scenarios and cutting-edge technological innovation applications.

Ecological co-construction, scene empowerment, and benchmarking. On the road of industrial Internet ecological exploration, CAOS COSMOPlat joined hands with the ecological party to accelerate the cooperation of open industrial Internet application scenarios and become a demonstration benchmark leading the new ecology of the industrial Internet.

In the future, CAOS COSMOPlat will release the multiplier effect of promoting the transformation of traditional industries and create a new industrial blue ocean with an open ecology.

Reporter: Li Yuefeng

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