
The industrial Internet empowers enterprises to digitally transform, and look at the exploration of Haier Kaos

author:Economic Herald

Economic Herald reporter Wang Wei Chen Lubin

  On October 26, the two-day 2021 World Industrial Internet Industry Conference opened in Qingdao. With the theme of "Digital Wisdom Integration, Four New Gatherings", academicians, experts and well-known enterprise executives in the field of industrial Internet gathered in Qingdao to discuss the development path of industrial Internet.

  The Haier Kaos platform provides enterprises with an overall design solution and solves their pain points, and its practice has been widely praised and recognized.

  The industrial Internet must reconstruct the standard technical system

  What is the Industrial Internet?

  "The industrial Internet is an interconnection network formed by connecting industrial equipment and people through a set of industrial communication protocols, with the help of network operating systems and network management software, etc., to achieve information transmission and sharing. The Industrial Internet has gone through two different stages of development, 'technology system' and 'application platform'. Yang Shanlin, academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, director of the National Engineering Laboratory of Big Data Circulation and Transaction Technology, and vice chairman of the China Industrial Internet 100 Association, explained.

  Yang Shanlin said that if we do not go through the construction of the technical stage of the industrial Internet, but mainly work on the application platform, it is often easy to lose the best historical opportunity of the industrial Internet. China's industrial Internet is mainly developed at the platform level, lack of support from the underlying system, in essence, these are not the real industrial Internet, but the application of the Internet in the industry.

  In his view, the current Internet has not remodeled itself, on this basis the open platform is applied to the industry, and the real industrial Internet a set of standard systems, a set of technical systems must be reconstructed, this is the basic stage.

  McKinsey predicts that the Industrial Internet could increase productivity by $5.6 trillion by 2030. We now see the results of some of these platforms, but there is still a long way to go to truly improve the efficiency of enterprises and improve competitiveness. Liu Yunjie, academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, president of the Shandong Future Network Research Institute, and vice chairman of the China Industrial Internet 100 Association, said while affirming the importance of the industrial Internet.

  He believes that the industrial Internet needs to solve two problems, one is to solve the transformation of the intranet, and the other is to solve the interconnection of the entire industrial value chain. Because the manufacturing industry is not independent, and the upstream and downstream industrial value chains are coordinated manufacturing, design, manufacturing, operation, maintenance are all a line.

  The effects of Helkaos' practice began to appear

  "If the consumer Internet is summarized as 100 meters wide and one meter deep, then the industrial Internet is one meter wide and one hundred meters deep." At the meeting, Zhou Yunjie, president of Haier Group, described the characteristics of the industrial Internet.

  He believes that the industrial Internet is not equal to intelligent manufacturing, intelligent manufacturing is a large-scale manufacturing centered on products, which solves the problem of how to manufacture interconnected factories and unmanned manufacturing, and the industrial Internet must solve the problem of manufacturing for whom and user-centered large-scale customization, that is to say, intelligent manufacturing solves the problem of production efficiency and improves productivity, while the industrial Internet must solve the problem of supply and demand matching, and reshape new production relations.

  It is worth noting that due to the user-centered realization of large-scale customization, the whole process, the whole ecology, the practice of Shandong Haier Group's Kaos platform and the effect achieved have been widely recognized by experts including Yang Shanlin.

  "From the perspective of Haier's application scenarios, the quality level has increased by 50% and the detection efficiency has increased by 60%. We have promoted this scene horizontally in many enterprises, and copied one by one, forming the application of the industrial Internet in a specific scenario, the effect is very good, and the investment for each enterprise is not large. Zhou Yunjie introduced the effect of Kaos's practice.

  Helkaos provides an overall design for enterprises, coupled with step-by-step implementation of solutions, which have fast results and give enterprises on the platform a sense of gain.

  Zhou Yunjie for example: Pingdu enterprise is a traditional chain enterprise, encountered many problems, including the problem of data islands, high costs, backward production, transformation is also more difficult. In the process of doing it, Helkaos made a digital solution according to the characteristics of the enterprise, and implemented it step by step, including online diagnosis, evaluation, data-based system planning, factory energy control, and smart park upgrade.

  "After doing it, the company's income increased by 50%, the output value increased by more than 80 million, the yield rate was 99.5%, the labor cost fell by 10%, the energy cost fell by 10%, and it was quickly selected as a 'specialized special new' small giant enterprise of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology." Zhou Yunjie said.

  As one of the leading enterprises in the processing industry, Chunxue Food in Laiyang, Yantai, is facing tremendous pressure of digital transformation, and after signing a strategic agreement with Kaos, it has joined hands to create a digital ecosystem for the smart industry. After Chunxue Food achieved production flexibility and digitalization, the comprehensive return on investment in two years exceeded 300%.

  After the deployment of Haier Kaos solutions, Weifang's Dulwich Power has reduced the manual investment of these two links by 45%, increased the efficiency of tool distribution by 50%, increased the efficiency of product inspection by 45%, realized the automatic distribution of the whole process from production inspection to warehousing, and greatly improved the degree of digital intelligence of enterprises." Haier Kaos CEO Zhang Weiwei revealed.

  It is reported that in May this year, Haier Kaos also established a comprehensive service platform for 84 chemical parks in Shandong Province, which is the first industrial Internet platform for China's provincial chemical industry.

  "In the process of industrial Internet exploration, the scene is the car, the ecology is the road, with the platform thinking, the power of capital to seize the opportunity of the digital economy era, to achieve the high-quality development of China's industrial Internet." Zhou Yunjie said.

  Shandong has built 117 provincial and national industrial Internet platforms

  Shandong has a strong industrial foundation, complete categories and complete structure, providing fertile soil for the in-depth development of the industrial Internet.

  It is reported that in recent years, Shandong has established a promotion mechanism of modern advantageous industrial clusters + artificial intelligence, introduced a number of measures to accelerate the development of the industrial Internet, deepened the action plan for the integration and development of a new generation of information technology and manufacturing industry, and carried out a series of special actions such as the cultivation of ten hundred platforms and the cloud line Qilu. Since last year, Shandong has issued four batches of policy packages to implement six stability and six guarantees to promote high-quality development, and all of which have listed industrial Internet platforms as key areas of support.

  The Economic Herald reporter also learned from the meeting that at present, the province has opened 86,000 5G base stations, 18 secondary nodes for online operation of industrial Internet identity resolution, 117 provincial and national industrial Internet platforms, 603 provincial pilot demonstration projects, 120 typical application scenarios, intelligent production, network collaboration, personalized customization, service extension and other new formats and new models continue to emerge, and integration applications are accelerating to high-level and multi-field deepening. Approved to support the construction of a national industrial Internet demonstration zone.

  Participating experts and scholars agreed that the current attention and policy support for the development of the industrial Internet in Shandong are unprecedented, and the development of enterprises is in a golden period.

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