
Western Allusions to Pandora's Box

author:Splendid River Mountain 168

Pandora was the first earthly woman in ancient Greek mythology. Prometheus stole the heavenly fire to the human world, and in order to punish mankind, the main god Zeus ordered the god to mold a young, beautiful, hypocritical and cunning girl out of clay, and affectionately named it "Pandora"!

Pandora's moral is "a woman with all talents and beauty"! And gave her a beautiful magic box! He promised her to Epimetheus, Prometheus's younger brother.

Epimetheus took the box against the taboo, and Pandora took the opportunity to open it, followed by a burst of vices, disasters, and diseases that flew out of the box. The only beautiful thing left in the box is hope.

But before Hope could be fully unleashed, Pandora quickly closed the box forever.

That's why we often use the metaphor of "Pandora's Box" as the root of all disasters!

Even if we human beings continue to suffer, be plagued by diseases, and be dragged down and tormented by life, we still retain an obsession in our hearts, that is, "hope", hoping to get the mercy of God and get a little comfort! Motivate yourself to move forward! I hope that the god of luck will come to the world! Shine on the earth!

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