
Yichang people Chinese New Year's Eve 13 dishes that must be eaten, all of which have eaten your Spring Festival to be complete!

author:Great Chu Yichang
Yichang people Chinese New Year's Eve 13 dishes that must be eaten, all of which have eaten your Spring Festival to be complete!
Yichang people Chinese New Year's Eve 13 dishes that must be eaten, all of which have eaten your Spring Festival to be complete!

Today's Chinese New Year's Eve, but also the day when people are reunited with their families and eat Chinese New Year's Eve meals happily, Chinese New Year's Eve night, when a large family shares Chinese New Year's Eve meal, these Yichang specialties must be indispensable dishes at the New Year feast. Will it appear at your Chinese New Year's Eve table at home?

Yichang people Chinese New Year's Eve 13 dishes that must be eaten, all of which have eaten your Spring Festival to be complete!

Yiling native chicken soup

Yichang people Chinese New Year's Eve 13 dishes that must be eaten, all of which have eaten your Spring Festival to be complete!

Turkey soup is a stew made from native chicken, which is delicious and simple to use. Yichang local chicken itself has the advantages of fresh and pleasant, tender meat, rich nutrition, etc., and does not contain hormones, which not only makes the soup taste mellow and fragrant, but also easier to absorb and digest, which is very conducive to nourishing the body. Many families will make this soup at the New Year's Eve banquet.

Node root

Yichang people Chinese New Year's Eve 13 dishes that must be eaten, all of which have eaten your Spring Festival to be complete!

To say that the Yichang people's annual feast, the festival root must be indispensable. The scientific name of Jiejie Root, also known as "Houttuynia cordata", was originally put into traditional Chinese medicine, but under the transformation of Yichang people, it has become an indispensable dish and snack on the table.

Yichang people Chinese New Year's Eve 13 dishes that must be eaten, all of which have eaten your Spring Festival to be complete!

Most of the knots are made in cold mixes, but there are also restaurant innovations that combine knots with other dishes to create a dish that tastes good. In addition, knotted root can also be eaten as an ingredient with kang potatoes and brine dried tofu to add a different taste. Fresh knot roots are crispy and delicious, with a faint medicinal fragrance, and have the effect of clearing heat, detoxification and anti-inflammatory.

Yiling Spring Roll

Yichang people Chinese New Year's Eve 13 dishes that must be eaten, all of which have eaten your Spring Festival to be complete!

The snacks that are indispensable for the Spring Festival, spring rolls, Yichang people make according to their own methods are also called "Yiling Spring Rolls". However, in Yichang, spring rolls are generally made at home, similar to appetizers before meals, and less seen outside. Generally, the bread in the spring rolls is prepared in advance, sautéed and fried leeks, celery, dried tofu, etc., rarely put peppers, the general taste is relatively light, everyone can eat, everyone loves to eat.

Wax fish chunks

Yichang people Chinese New Year's Eve 13 dishes that must be eaten, all of which have eaten your Spring Festival to be complete!

Eating fish in the New Year means that there is more than enough every year. Usually, fresh grass carp is bought, cleaned up, smeared with soy sauce, salt, monosodium glutamate, paprika and marinated for several hours, and hung in a ventilated and dry place to air dry. In the countryside, they would be smoked in a fire cage with bacon for a few days. Whether it is steamed whole or cut into small pieces and stir-fried with dried chili peppers, it is an indispensable dish on the Table of Yichang people in the New Year.


Yichang people Chinese New Year's Eve 13 dishes that must be eaten, all of which have eaten your Spring Festival to be complete!

Sausage filling is a very time-consuming and energy-consuming errand, whether the sausage is delicious or not depends entirely on the marinating of the meat, and some women can make extraordinary tastes. The sausages are hung to dry, then smoked, and in a few days, they can be eaten. Steamed slices, or stir-fried vegetables, are the favorite delicacies of Yichang for all ages.

Dried fried fish

Yichang people Chinese New Year's Eve 13 dishes that must be eaten, all of which have eaten your Spring Festival to be complete!

Also known as the mouth fish, the big white fish, the body is like a willow leaf, the flesh is tender and delicious, it is a freshwater fish that grows in the Yangtze River Basin and has local characteristics in Hubei. Among the many ways to eat diaozi fish, the dry frying method is the most popular. Fry the fish until crispy and golden brown, then use the salty and fresh spicy sauce (fire) to collect the thick juice, and the dried ayu fish is mellow and tender, making people feel endlessly evocative!

Wax hoof hot pot

Yichang people Chinese New Year's Eve 13 dishes that must be eaten, all of which have eaten your Spring Festival to be complete!

It is as if it were an unwritten rule that Yichang people will stew a pot of pork ribs or hooves for the New Year, accompanied by yam or lotus root. In recent years, people's tastes have become more and more biting, and many new members have been added to the table, such as lamb pots, beef pots, sheep scorpion pots, steak pots and so on.

Lazy bean blossoms

Yichang people Chinese New Year's Eve 13 dishes that must be eaten, all of which have eaten your Spring Festival to be complete!

In Yichang, in the process of making tofu, the farmers grind the soybeans and water into a pulp with stone grinding, and then filter the okara without wrapping a cloth, directly put it into the pot, add a variety of green vegetable leaves and oil and salt condiments, etc., boil it over fire, and eat it after cooking. Because it does not need to be filtered and brine pointing, it is very convenient, so it is named "lazy tofu". Lazy bean blossoms are simple to make, and they are delicious and nutritious.

Kang potatoes

Yichang people Chinese New Year's Eve 13 dishes that must be eaten, all of which have eaten your Spring Festival to be complete!

There are also Kang potatoes in other places, but yichang's Kang potatoes taste, there is nothing to say. As a traditional snack of the Tujia family, the best Kang potatoes are tender on the outside, that is, the potatoes are very cooked on the outside after the Kang has passed, and the bite is very tender and crispy inside. At the New Year's Eve banquet, this simple and delicious dish will be snatched up as soon as it is served.

Fried peppers

Yichang people Chinese New Year's Eve 13 dishes that must be eaten, all of which have eaten your Spring Festival to be complete!

In the homes of ordinary people in TujiaShansai, a housekeeper's dish, fried pepper, is treasured for many years. This kind of dish can be seen on the dining table of every household, and men, women and children love to eat a lot. Nowadays, fried pepper can be said to be a must-have small dish in Yichang, sour and delicious, and it is also a must-have side dish on Chinese New Year's Eve rice.

Yichang buckle meat

Yichang people Chinese New Year's Eve 13 dishes that must be eaten, all of which have eaten your Spring Festival to be complete!

Button meat is an indispensable steamed dish at the New Year feast. When it comes to Yichang buckle meat, we have to mention the legendary "ten bowls and eight buckles". The way the Changyang and Wufeng Tu families entertain guests is generally to "roast the pot" with pork or mutton, accompanied by three or five bowls of side dishes. Major festive festivals to entertain vips, using "ten bowls and eight buckles", the first bowl is the "head bowl", meat cake pad noodles and yellow flowers, which do not need to cover the bowl, the last bowl is shrimp meat soup, the remaining eight bowls are first covered bowl (smaller than the large bowl) in the bowl coated with oil, the food, condiments into, steamed on the grid, and then reversed with the large bowl buckle, remove the cover bowl, its dish shape is the same, the surface is smooth.

Tujia lifts the lattice

Yichang people Chinese New Year's Eve 13 dishes that must be eaten, all of which have eaten your Spring Festival to be complete!

Wufeng, Changyang and other places where the Tujia family gathers, when the countryside kills pigs, the fresh pork, old pumpkin, radish, potatoes, etc. are mixed with cornmeal, steamed with a large steamer, carried to the table, and relatives and friends come to the home for the New Year to entertain the relatives and friends of the villagers, called "lifting the grid", called "the first big dish of the Tujia family".

Old Nine Bowls

Yichang people Chinese New Year's Eve 13 dishes that must be eaten, all of which have eaten your Spring Festival to be complete!

"Lao Jiu Bowl" is a local dish with Yichang characteristics, and the dishes on the table are composed of chowder heads, fried phase butterflies, fried spring rolls, fish cake balls, squid shoots, hammer bowl lotus seeds, white meat belly, fragrant mushroom chicken, pearl balls nine dishes, all of which are served in large bowls.

In order to meet the needs of the festive feast, the chef took the meaning of having many children and many grandchildren, more blessings and more longevity, and added a "zi" word after the name of the dish. In the history of thousands of years, influenced by folklore, products, regions, etc., Yichang has gradually formed a unique dietary characteristics, "original juice, salty and fresh, spicy", that is, "fresh but not fishy, salty but not heavy, fat but not greasy, spicy but not fierce".

Chinese New Year's Eve night, "eating" can be described as the top priority, full of Yichang characteristics of the New Year dishes on a table, sitting around the table, eating a reunion dinner, not only can taste the delicious taste of the dishes, but also taste the taste of a large family reunion, happy and harmonious.

Yichang people Chinese New Year's Eve 13 dishes that must be eaten, all of which have eaten your Spring Festival to be complete!

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Yichang people Chinese New Year's Eve 13 dishes that must be eaten, all of which have eaten your Spring Festival to be complete!