
Red, orange, yellow, brown, the same rock tea, why is the difference in the color of tea soup so large?

author:Xiao Chen's tea affair
Red, orange, yellow, brown, the same rock tea, why is the difference in the color of tea soup so large?

丨 This article was originally produced by Xiao Chen Tea

丨 First published in the headline number: Xiao Chen Tea Affair

丨Author: Village Gu Chen


When drinking rock tea, have you found that the color of rock tea tea soup varies greatly?

Some are light yellow, some rock teas are orange-red, and even some are reddish brown?

Red, orange, yellow, brown, the same rock tea, why is the difference in the color of tea soup so large?

Many tea lovers are curious:

"The same is rock tea, why is the soup color of this rock tea so different?" Is it the bad quality? ”

In today's article, the village girl Chen and the tea friends will explore the mystery of the color of rock tea soup.


We live in a colorful world, green trees, red flowers, yellow mangoes, purple grapes...

Although colors are kaleidoscopic, in summary, the presentation of colors is related to pigments.

To put it in layman's terms, rock tea soup has so many colors, mainly because of the difference in pigment.

The soup color of rock tea is mainly derived from theaflavins, thearubicins, catechin oxides, flavonoids and polyphenols.

The polyphenols that make up tea are anthocyanins and anthocyanins, most of which are colored substances that can be dissolved in hot water.

Red, orange, yellow, brown, the same rock tea, why is the difference in the color of tea soup so large?

Among them, there are many types of anthocyanins, some yellow and some green.

During the processing of catechins, partial oxidation occurs and becomes a yellow substance that is easily soluble in hot water.

The main substances that color the red edge are theaflavin and thearubicin.

Changes in the proportion of these pigments will also affect the color of the tea soup.

For example, tea with more anthocyanin content shows green;

If the content of catechins is high, it will show yellow, red gold...


In addition to the content of the pigment of the tea itself, the tea soup of rock tea will also vary according to the variety of tea leaves, the production process and other reasons.

For example, oxidation, fermentation and other chemical reactions will make the pigment change, so that the rock tea set has different colors.

The less fermentation, the greener the soup;

The more fermentation, the more reddish the soup;

Red, orange, yellow, brown, the same rock tea, why is the difference in the color of tea soup so large?

For example, the rock tea that is fermented and taught light, the soup color is shallow, mostly yellow-green;

Fermented rock tea, the soup color is dark, mostly orange-yellow.

In addition to the degree of fermentation will affect the rock tea soup, the roasting process of rock tea will also affect the color of the tea soup.

Roasted light tea, the soup color appears bright;

The roasted rock tea becomes darker and darker.


To sum up, the color of the rock tea soup is different, which is related to the amount of pigment contained in the rock tea itself, the degree of fermentation of rock tea, and the degree of roasting of rock tea.

Different degrees of roasting, tea soup color is also different.

Red, orange, yellow, brown, the same rock tea, why is the difference in the color of tea soup so large?

First, light fire rock tea

The roasting of light fire rock tea is light, and the degree of tea fermentation is light, so the soup color is light.

Colors commonly found in light fire tea:

1. Light yellow

2. Green and yellow

3. Golden

4. Green and yellow

Red, orange, yellow, brown, the same rock tea, why is the difference in the color of tea soup so large?

Second, non-light fire rock tea

Non-light fire rock tea, which covers a wide range, such as medium fire tea, foot fire tea, high fire tea, are non-light fire rock tea.

Colors commonly found in non-light pyrenetic teas:

1. Orange and yellow

2. Orange

3. Dark yellow

4. Orange-red

5. Rouge

6. Amber

7. Apricot color

Red, orange, yellow, brown, the same rock tea, why is the difference in the color of tea soup so large?


To sum up, the soup color of rock tea is different, not because there is a problem with the quality of rock tea.

It is the pigment and process of rock tea itself.

Therefore, don't doubt your rock tea anymore.

If you still want to know more about rock tea, you can directly add the personal number lanxiaoping1988 for consultation!

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Copyright Notice: The copyright belongs to Xiao chen tea, any media without permission shall not be reproduced, welcome tea friends to forward to the circle of friends.


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