
wow! Look, the bulbs of the flowers on the other side will be dormant

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Manju Shahua, also known as the red other side flower (Lycorisradiata), also known as the "shezi flower". It is a perennial herb with spherical bulbs underground and a dark brown membranous scale indumentum. The leaves are narrower, dark green in color, and emerge from the base and occur after the autumn flowers.


Can be cultivated in open-field, potted greenhouses, framed or hydroponic.


wow! Look, the bulbs of the flowers on the other side will be dormant


The other side of the flower likes to scatter light, do not like strong light, so the light should not be too strong. The requirements of the flowers on the other side of the earth are usually nothing. But it is a southern flower after all, so the soil should be acidic soil, a bit sandy, breathable and water-permeable. The manjushahua flowers on the other side have ornamental value on the ground all year round, with leaves and flowers, flowers and leaves.

Stone garlic is highly adaptable, the bulbs are dormant, the north needs potted ornamental, and the stone garlic planted at the end of May should also be able to flower. Suitable time for northern cultivation: It should be planted in the spring (April-May). Most varieties prefer a warm climate, the maximum temperature does not exceed 30 °C, and the average temperature is 24 °C, which is suitable for the growth of stone garlic. After 10 days of sowing, the root system grows vigorously, and the leaves grow out of the ground. The average daily temperature in winter is more than 8 °C, and the minimum temperature reaches 1 °C, which does not affect the growth of stone garlic. Watering should not be excessive, otherwise it will make its rhizome rot.


Peel off the small bulbs around the main ball to reproduce. The stump of the main ball is repaired, dried for two days, and the wound is dried before planting. When covering the soil, expose the top of the ball to the surface of the soil. The potted plant is a large ball (with a diameter of more than 7 cm) that can flower for 3 years, and can be planted in a pot with a ball, or a large pot with 3 to 4 balls. To plant shallowly, keep 1/3-1/2 of the ball on the surface of the soil. After potting, water once to make the soil slightly moist. Wait for new leaves to be watered. Liquid fertilizer is applied once every half a month. Watering can be stopped in autumn when the leaves are thickened and mature.

Wait between February and March, after budding, and then turn the pot or replace the pot soil. The culture soil can be prepared by mixing 2 parts of peat, 2 parts of garden soil and 1 part of perlite, and a small amount of base fertilizer is added. Watering is less during the dormant period in summer, and the potting soil needs to be kept moist frequently in the spring and autumn. During the growing season, dilute pancake fertilizer is applied once every half a month. Stone garlic likes half shade, avoid direct sunlight in summer, maintain in semi-shade in spring and autumn, strictly control watering during wintering, and stop fertilization. Fourth, post-flower treatment and pest control stone garlic should be cut off after flowering to reduce nutrient loss. The management of stone garlic is extensive, common diseases are anthrax and bacterial soft rot, the bulb is soaked in 0.3% copper sulfate for 30 minutes before planting, washed with water, dried and planted. Spray 50% carbendazim wettable powder 500 times liquid every half month for control. Spray with 50% belet 2500 times liquid at the beginning of the disease.

<h3>Cultivation environment</h3>

The planting depth should not be too deep, and it is better to have the bulb top just buried in the soil. Soil quality requires well-drained sandy soil or loose cultivated soil, partial acidic soil, planting with an appropriate amount of base fertilizer and irrigation after cultivation; during the nutrient growth period, it is necessary to irrigate frequently, keep the soil moist, but can not accumulate water, in order to prevent bulb rot. 20 days before flowering to the flowering period, the appropriate amount of water supply must be provided to achieve a uniform flowering, and the flowers are easy to maintain.

<h3>Common pests</h3>

wow! Look, the bulbs of the flowers on the other side will be dormant

1. Twill nocturnal moth, mainly larvae to harm leaves, flower buds, fruits, nibble leaf flesh, bite the flower leaf, seeds, generally from late spring to November hazards, can be used 5% Sharp Special Suspension 2500 times liquid, Wanling 1000 times liquid control.

2. Stone garlic nocturnal moth, its larval invasion of the plant, usually the leaves are hollowed out, and can directly eat the inside of the bulb, the victim will usually leave a large number of green or brown manure particles, often pay attention to the leaf back, there is no neat arrangement of insect eggs, found immediately clear. The control can be combined with winter or early spring ploughing, digging out the overwintering insect pupae, reducing the insect mouth base; when it occurs, spray the agent Lesben 1500 times or octanthine emulsion 800 times, choose to spray in the morning or evening when the larvae come out to be active, the control effect is better.

3. Thrips, red throughout, mainly in the bulb leaf suction nutrients, resulting in leaf loss of green, especially after the fruit ripened found more, can be 25% imidacloprid 3000 times liquid, 70% Amérol 6000-10000 times liquid rotation spray control.

4. Grubs, after discovery, should be timely use of octylthion or dimethoate and other drugs for prevention and control.

Pharmaceutical value

Stone garlic is a self-pollinating plant, the capsule is dorsal, the seeds are mostly, generally bred once in 3-4 years of manjushahua bulbs. Because of the characteristics of flowers and leaves can not meet, known as the other side of the flower, because it can reduce swelling, insecticide, cure lymph node tuberculosis, boils and boils, rheumatic joint pain, snake bites, edema, maggots, rats, plague prevention, etc., so it is also known as the guardian of health, also known as shezi flower or relic.

According to the records of traditional Chinese medicine, the bulb of safflower stone garlic is warm, spicy, bitter and toxic, and has the effect of inducing vomiting, expectorant, swelling, pain relief and detoxification.

wow! Look, the bulbs of the flowers on the other side will be dormant

Although the stone garlic is more ornamental, but the rhizome is poisonous, the bulb contains alkaloid Licklin poison, but if eaten by mistake, it may lead to poisoning, light vomiting, diarrhea, heavy may lead to central nervous system paralysis, life-threatening.

According to pharmacological studies, the main medicinal components of the safflower garlic bulb are various lycopene and galantamine. Allicin and its derivatives have certain anti-cancer activities, and can be anti-inflammatory, antipyretic, sedative and emetic, and also have efficacy on amoebic dysentery. Galantamine is a reversible cholinesterase inhibitor used for paralysis, myasthenia gravis, polio and other central paralysis diseases. At present, these ingredients can be extracted on a commercial scale, foreign countries have begun to use, China's experts are also carrying out in-depth research, the development of drugs for the benefit of mankind.

Medicinal bulbs: contains a variety of alkaloids, such as carpocynine, allistaline, galantamine and so on. It has the effect of dispelling wind and swelling, detoxifying and anti-cancer. It is used to treat stomach cancer, esophageal cancer, liver cancer, and try to treat lung cancer, ovarian cancer, cervical cancer, lymphoma.

This article is edited by headline encyclopedia users Mario Luigi X, Happy 1978, Shrimp Rice Who Does Not Eat Cherries, and Floating Light Ang.

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