
Why the Andaman Islands, thousands of kilometers away from mainland India, will be "picked up" by India during the successful colonial period belonging to the future of India and Myanmar during world war II

author:Hashikawa wild pigeon

As we all know, India is a south Asian continent country, its land area of 2.98 million square kilometers, is currently one of the world's second most populous countries, and the population is still growing, in the next period of time will surpass China, become the world's most populous country. We look at the map of India, the closest large island to India is Sri Lanka Island (also known as Ceylon Island), an area of 65,600 square kilometers, in ancient India and the island was connected by a land bridge, now from the air, you can still see the remains of the land bridge.

Why the Andaman Islands, thousands of kilometers away from mainland India, will be "picked up" by India during the successful colonial period belonging to the future of India and Myanmar during world war II

But the island is not a territory of India, but an independent sovereign state, the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka. Let's turn our attention to the Andaman-Nicobar island chain, which is more than 1,000 kilometers from the Indian mainland. This chain of islands is far from the Indian mainland, but they are under Indian jurisdiction. Islands close to us do not belong to ourselves, but archipelagos more than 1,000 kilometers away from the mainland are their own territory, which inevitably makes us wonder. After all, the andaman-Nicobar Islands and Myanmar are only about 40 kilometers away, indonesia is the closest distance of 160 kilometers, and Thailand is only 500 kilometers away. Why are the archipelagos so close to these countries that they are still Thousands of Kilometers Away from India?

Why the Andaman Islands, thousands of kilometers away from mainland India, will be "picked up" by India during the successful colonial period belonging to the future of India and Myanmar during world war II

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > colonial ownership</h1>

With the development of the European Renaissance movement and the opening of new shipping routes, the strength of many european countries was greatly enhanced, and in 1600, the British, known as the Empire of the Rising Sun, established the East India Company in South Asia, and now Pakistan, India, Bangladesh and Burma have become India's colonies in South Asia. However, during this period, the Andaman-Nicobar Islands were not yet part of the United Kingdom. The earliest colonists of the Andaman-Nicobar Islands were Denmark (although there were indigenous peoples in the archipelago, these natives were not rivals of western colonists at all), and the Danish colonists declared the Andaman-Nicobar Islands their colony in December 1755 and named the land "New Denmark". However, the island was resource-poor, and the Danish colonists did not attach much importance to the region. In 1789, the British came to the Island of South Andaman on the archipelago, where they built Port Blair and established a military base. In 1869, britain officially purchased the Andaman and Nicobar islands from Denmark, and the region officially became a British colony (British India) like the South Asian continent. However, due to the lack of resources and other reasons, the British colonists converted the place into a prison for prisoners.

Why the Andaman Islands, thousands of kilometers away from mainland India, will be "picked up" by India during the successful colonial period belonging to the future of India and Myanmar during world war II

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > World War II</h1>

During World War II, the Andaman-Nicobar Islands were occupied by Japan. In 1945, two months after Japan announced its surrender, British colonists reoccupied the area (the island still retains historical relics from both the Period of Japanese Rule and the Period of British Rule).

Why the Andaman Islands, thousands of kilometers away from mainland India, will be "picked up" by India during the successful colonial period belonging to the future of India and Myanmar during world war II

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > the independence of India and Burma</h1>

On 15 August 1947, India seceded commonwealth autonomy, and in January 1948 Burma declared its independence from the Commonwealth. During the period of great changes in the South Asian continent, the British colonists at that time also intended to turn the Andaman and Nicobar Islands into an independent country, but for some reasons they did not succeed. In 1950, India declared itself a republic, and it was also a member of the British Commonwealth. With this layer of relationship, the Andaman-Nicobar Islands naturally became part of the Indian territory.

Why the Andaman Islands, thousands of kilometers away from mainland India, will be "picked up" by India during the successful colonial period belonging to the future of India and Myanmar during world war II

Unfortunately, India has not yet developed the Andaman-Nicobar Islands on a large scale, and many of the islands in this series of archipelagos are still in a primitive state, the most famous of which is the dwarf black people in the Andaman Islands, who are still in a primitive state, and it is extremely difficult for the outside world to climb the islands and enter their territory.

Why the Andaman Islands, thousands of kilometers away from mainland India, will be "picked up" by India during the successful colonial period belonging to the future of India and Myanmar during world war II

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > the future</h1>

We can find that the area is very close to Southeast Asian countries and the Strait of Malacca, it can be said that it is the eastern throat of the Indian Ocean, the location is very important, if India develops this area well, establishes some large ports, supply stations, I believe there will be good harvests.

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