
Six people trapped deep in the mountains SeaHawks successfully rescued

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Six people trapped deep in the mountains SeaHawks successfully rescued

At about 22:00 on October 25, the Yongjia County Red Cross Seahawk Rescue Service Center received an order from the 110 command center that 6 people were trapped on the mountain at the junction of Hesheng Town and Fenglin Town, of which the older ones were 63 and 58 years old, and the rest were basically more than 30 years old, they were not familiar with the mountain environment, and they did not bring lighting equipment.

After receiving the order, Zhou Deliang, deputy captain of the Sea Eagles, immediately gathered 13 members of the mountain group of the Sea Eagle Yannan Squadron to start the rescue plan, 7 people carrying ropes, stretchers, medicine boxes, supplies, etc. took the lead in setting out, and the villagers led the way up the mountain to search, and the remaining 6 people were ready to stand at the bottom of the mountain.

Due to their location deep in the mountains and weak mobile phone signals, the Seahawks were unable to get in touch with the trapped people. In order to attract the attention of the trapped people, the ambulance personnel determined the location of the trapped people by artificially shouting and turning the lights.

Six people trapped deep in the mountains SeaHawks successfully rescued

Kung Fu pays off. At about 2:40 a.m. on the 26th, the Seahawk rescue team members found 6 trapped people, fortunately, there were no casualties at the scene. When seahawk rescuers arrived, one of the women in the group was particularly pale, but fortunately there was no major problem. Rescuers then took out the food and water they had brought with them and comforted the trapped people while handing them over. After a short rest, the rescuers carried them slowly down the mountain. At about 5 a.m., the 6 trapped people were successfully taken down the mountain and sent home safely.

Six people trapped deep in the mountains SeaHawks successfully rescued

It is understood that 6 trapped people went to Xianzhu Gang to do tourism planning surveys, and they went up the mountain on the morning of the 25th, and climbed the mountain for 12 hours to the top of the mountain and surveyed. At that time, it was dark, the female expert was so tired that she could not move to carry her back down the mountain, several people's mobile phones were basically out of power, and they were lost in the mountains, the situation was urgent, and they had to call the police for help.

Here, Xiaobian needs to remind the public: before entering the mountain, we must correctly plan the travel route and time, do not blindly explore the way, avoid climbing the mountain at night and fog, be vigilant against the risk of activities, and ensure the safety of life.

Source: Yongjia News Network

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Six people trapped deep in the mountains SeaHawks successfully rescued

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