
Pillow man and sweetheart, which woman is the happiest? Foreword Whose sweetheart is not someone else's pillow person, whose pillow person is not someone else's sweetheart. The pillow person has only a name and no part, and the sweetheart has only a name, and the two are the proportion of the share and the name. Sincerity is the most rare thing in this life. It is also the most unbearable thing. The pillow person has worked hard all his life, worked hard all his life, and may not get the sincerity of his husband, but the sweetheart can get it without any strength. So to say that neither is happy, that's too. A lifetime is not so long, in the blink of an eye, I have to drink Meng Po soup, if I am in your heart, why not be a pillow person, if I am not on your heart, sleeping next to your pillow is also desolate. summary

author:Happy Bunny Eleven

<h1 class="pgc-h-decimal" data-index="01" > preface</h1>

Ask what the world is! Sometimes I am trapped by love to the end but it is two empty! And if the two loves are long, they are in the twilight! A lifetime is not so long, in the blink of an eye, I have to drink Meng Po soup, if I am in your heart, why not be a pillow person, if I am not on your heart, sleeping next to your pillow is also desolate.

Happiness depends on the individual's mindset; it is not what others give, but what one is satisfied with. In fact, happiness is very simple, and it turns out that it is simple to find simple - it is happy.

A man has two women, one is a pillow person, one is a sweetheart, so which pillow person and sweetheart is the happiest?

Pillow man and sweetheart, which woman is the happiest? Foreword Whose sweetheart is not someone else's pillow person, whose pillow person is not someone else's sweetheart. The pillow person has only a name and no part, and the sweetheart has only a name, and the two are the proportion of the share and the name. Sincerity is the most rare thing in this life. It is also the most unbearable thing. The pillow person has worked hard all his life, worked hard all his life, and may not get the sincerity of his husband, but the sweetheart can get it without any strength. So to say that neither is happy, that's too. A lifetime is not so long, in the blink of an eye, I have to drink Meng Po soup, if I am in your heart, why not be a pillow person, if I am not on your heart, sleeping next to your pillow is also desolate. summary

<h1 class="pgc-h-decimal" data-index="02">


Happiness for everyone, the definition is different, in short, I think for men, pillow people may not have love, the sweetheart she must not have a home. Pillow people can appear in front of people's eyes, and the sweetheart can only be placed in the deepest part of the heart, the pillow person will always be the pillow person, and the sweetheart will never see the light, the sweetheart is after he weighs the pros and cons, but there is no one, he can delete the pillow person countless times for the pillow person, but will not delete the pillow person once for the sake of the sweetheart.

He said that he did not love the pillow man, but gave everything to the pillow man; he said that he loved the lover, but he wounded the body of the beloved, and finally the beloved did not get anything.

A woman believes in a man, only to give the happiness of her life to this man, marry this man, have children for him, take care of this man, and this man has the responsibility to take care of the woman who gives everything for him, should not let her down, should not live up to the love for him, a good man He must be a responsible person, a loving person, will not live up to his wife's trust in himself, will take care of his beloved woman, if he is with a person who has no sense of responsibility is doomed to not be happy.

<h1 class="pgc-h-decimal" data-index="03" > whose sweetheart is not someone else's pillow person, whose pillow person is not someone else's pillow person. The pillow person has only a name and no part, and the sweetheart has only a name, and the two are the proportion of the share and the name. </h1>

The pillow person can never become a sweetheart, not deleted, but also just a walking dead, as long as the sweetheart lives in the heart once or a long time, as a thoughtful person, are happy.

Of course, the pillow person is happy, because he is always around, and his sweetheart is very bitter, because he misses it too much, and he is satisfied with it.

Men will delete their sweethearts countless times for the sake of the pillow person, only because the pillow person is the hostess in the warm harbor, and the sweetheart is a woman who cannot see the light forever.

The sweetheart is certainly happy and has love, and the pillow person is just a decoration, not happy, and there is no love, he would rather delete the pillow person than delete the sweetheart.

What you can't get is always in turmoil, the sweetheart is always happier than the pillow person, don't seek the sky and the earth, only want to have it, how many people are willing to be the sweetheart and are not willing to be the pillow person without love.

Neither of them will be happy, neither will be happy! If the sweetheart is in the heart, how can he not become the pillow person; if the pillow person is happy, where is the sweetheart? For the pillow person, since she does not love, give her freedom, do not waste her youth, she deserves better people to have; for the sweetheart, since love strives to give her safety, let her stand in the sun.

A hundred years of cultivation to cross the same boat, a thousand years to cultivate a sleep together, cherish what you have around you, do not cling to those scenery that cannot be reached. Life is too short, try to love when you can love, because not everyone can be lucky to meet a person they love very much in their lifetime.

Pillow man and sweetheart, which woman is the happiest? Foreword Whose sweetheart is not someone else's pillow person, whose pillow person is not someone else's sweetheart. The pillow person has only a name and no part, and the sweetheart has only a name, and the two are the proportion of the share and the name. Sincerity is the most rare thing in this life. It is also the most unbearable thing. The pillow person has worked hard all his life, worked hard all his life, and may not get the sincerity of his husband, but the sweetheart can get it without any strength. So to say that neither is happy, that's too. A lifetime is not so long, in the blink of an eye, I have to drink Meng Po soup, if I am in your heart, why not be a pillow person, if I am not on your heart, sleeping next to your pillow is also desolate. summary

<h1 class="pgc-h-decimal" data-index="04" > is the rarest thing in this life. It is also the most unbearable thing. The pillow person has worked hard all his life, worked hard all his life, and may not get the sincerity of his husband, but the sweetheart can get it without any strength. So to say that neither is happy, that's too. </h1>

Neither is happy! The pillow man is not happy because he has a sweetheart! Because he has a home, she will never know their past! Whether it is marriage or love, it should be sacred and pure, can not be blasphemous, and it is impossible to be happy after being mixed with impurities.

How about the sweetheart, he does not dare to take you to see the light, how about the pillow person, should quarrel or quarrel, do not take the man as the center, put yourself in the most important position, think about why you chose him in the first place, and think about why he is still around him now, don't care about how he is, but how he needs to be, the day is naturally more comfortable.

<h1 class="pgc-h-decimal" data-index="05" > life is not so long, in the blink of an eye to drink Meng Po soup, if I am in your heart, can not be a pillow person what harm, if I am not on your heart, sleep next to your pillow is also desolate. </h1>

I put my arms around the pillow person, but I think of my sweetheart! Seeing the sweetheart, but still having to go back to the pillow person! This is love but pain, happiness hurts! Life is a mess, cut continuously, rationalized and messed up, ignore it, and trouble!

Everyone's definition of happiness is different, women make themselves excellent, men are afraid of losing you, no man is stupid enough to abandon excellent wives, go to find a sweetheart, if you go, it can only mean that you have no share.

In real life, the sweetheart is the sweetheart, the pillow person is the pillow person, and those who are very few sweethearts become the pillow people, and the fate of the pillow people will not be half a point better than the pillow people, because the man who can make the sweetheart become the pillow person will never do it only once.

Do you say that the old love is unforgettable, or the new love is worth it, do you say that the people in the heart cannot be painful together, or the pillow people are not the torment of the sweetheart? You come from the sea of people, I can finally return you to the sea of people, and from now on the sea of people will never see each other again! May you be all right where I can't see it.

Pillow man and sweetheart, which woman is the happiest? Foreword Whose sweetheart is not someone else's pillow person, whose pillow person is not someone else's sweetheart. The pillow person has only a name and no part, and the sweetheart has only a name, and the two are the proportion of the share and the name. Sincerity is the most rare thing in this life. It is also the most unbearable thing. The pillow person has worked hard all his life, worked hard all his life, and may not get the sincerity of his husband, but the sweetheart can get it without any strength. So to say that neither is happy, that's too. A lifetime is not so long, in the blink of an eye, I have to drink Meng Po soup, if I am in your heart, why not be a pillow person, if I am not on your heart, sleeping next to your pillow is also desolate. summary

<h1 class="pgc-h-decimal" data-index="06" > summary</h1>

Ask what the world is! Sometimes I am trapped by love to the end but it is two empty! And if the two loves are long, they are in the twilight! Contentment is enough! Many men have their sweethearts in their hearts, they can find ways to turn the pillow person into a sweetheart, but when his pillow person becomes a sweetheart, he will find that the real sweetheart is no longer at the pillow, and finally he has to go to great lengths to recover the one who really loved him and the sweetheart who loved him that he once hated, because that is the person he swore to protect all his life - the husband and wife are still the original match. A lifetime of mutual affection, a lifetime of companionship and mutual liking, mutual appreciation, and mutual admiration.

He said that he did not love the pillow person, but gave everything to the pillow person, he said, he loved the person, but the heart of the person hurt the body, and finally the sweetheart did not get anything, but also gave the sweetheart himself, personally gave it to others, indicating that women must not be stupid to others to be a sweetheart. In the end, you are the one who loses the most completely. But men will find other sweethearts, but this person will never be you again.

The pillow person envies the sweetheart because he can think of her all the time, and the sweetheart envies the pillow person, because the pillow person can accompany her all the time. Pillow people have no love, the sweetheart has no home, the pillow person does not know the heart person, and the heart person knows that there is a pillow person, but may the sweetheart also be the pillow person.

Life is not a jianghu martial arts film, not an idol drama, many people's sweethearts may not be able to become their own pillow people, yin and yang, all kinds of reasons, even in each other's hearts, can not be kept together. Although the sweetheart has been in the heart, or maybe a lifetime, but can not accompany you through a lifetime, you can get along day and night, the person who booed cold and warm is after all his pillow person. Therefore, if the sweetheart has not become your pillow person, then for a better life, please take good care of and cherish your pillow person, after all, life is only a few decades, only your pillow person will get along with you day and night, boo cold and warm, look good. And for your sweetheart, if you can, please keep that good memory in your memory. Since we have ever loved each other, it is enough, the highest state of love!

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