
Chinese medicine recommended three women to nourish the face of the small magic recipe, diet therapy to nourish the face effect is good, women to eat what is good? Second, the method of traditional Chinese medicine to nourish the face is recommended

author:TCM Gynecology Plus Dr

#Plus Dr.#Beauty ##Women's Health##Skincare##食疗 #

Dr. Jia advocates that "9 nutrients and 1 division, regular work and rest and healthy diet are the prerequisites for maintaining a good body".

Women want to have good skin, because the skin is good to look good, if the skin is poor, the facial features are not good-looking and unattractive. If you want good skin, you must choose internal adjustment, that is, eating nourishing foods to help nourish the skin. So what is good for women to eat? Here are a few recommended foods, and those who want to beautify their beauty should try them. The effect of conditioning and nourishing the face from the inside can be maintained for a long time, and it will not damage the body and skin.

Chinese medicine recommended three women to nourish the face of the small magic recipe, diet therapy to nourish the face effect is good, women to eat what is good? Second, the method of traditional Chinese medicine to nourish the face is recommended

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<h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > First, what is good for women to eat? </h1>

1. Honey

  Honey is a well-known beauty food, which is rich in fructose, vitamins, trace elements and other nutrients, eating some honey every day can help nourish the skin, but also help the body to remove free radicals that cause aging. In short, if you want good skin, you should eat more honey, and it is recommended that you can make banana porridge to eat:

  Prepare 1 banana, 70G of rice, honey to taste. Then wash the rice and put it in a rice cooker with water to boil the porridge, then peel the banana and cut it into small pieces during the waiting process, and wait until the porridge is boiled and pour into the banana pulp. Finally, when the porridge becomes viscous, pour it into a bowl and let it cool, and add the right amount of honey to mix well before eating.

Chinese medicine recommended three women to nourish the face of the small magic recipe, diet therapy to nourish the face effect is good, women to eat what is good? Second, the method of traditional Chinese medicine to nourish the face is recommended

2. Red dates

  Red dates are warm, have a good effect of nourishing blood and replenishing blood, stewed with other ingredients, with the effect of tonifying qi and blood, beauty and beauty. People whose face is poor and look like they have no blood color, it is recommended to eat some red dates to nourish their faces and restore their faces to rosiness. Among them, the following recommends a red date beauty recipe, and women who want to nourish their faces eat and see:

  Prepare 200G of glutinous rice, 15G of goji berries and poria each, 10 red dates. Wash all the ingredients first, then wash the pot and put all the ingredients into the pot, adding more water. Simmer directly until the porridge becomes viscous, then add some rock sugar, saccharify and eat.

Chinese medicine recommended three women to nourish the face of the small magic recipe, diet therapy to nourish the face effect is good, women to eat what is good? Second, the method of traditional Chinese medicine to nourish the face is recommended

3. Broccoli

  Eating more of this vegetable can not only enhance the skin's ability to resist damage, but also allow you to have elastic skin. This is because it contains nutrients such as carotene, vitamins A and C. If you want to nourish your face through internal conditioning, it is recommended to eat more broccoli.

It is also easy to eat, cut the broccoli into small flowers and rinse them with water. Blanch in boiling water for another minute, then drain. Then heat the pot and add a little oil, then add broccoli and fry, and finally add salt MSG to eat.

Chinese medicine recommended three women to nourish the face of the small magic recipe, diet therapy to nourish the face effect is good, women to eat what is good? Second, the method of traditional Chinese medicine to nourish the face is recommended

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > second, the method of TCM beauty care is recommended</h1>

1. Drink soup to nourish your face

  Women who do not sleep well, because of insufficient rest time, poor skin self-repair, so the skin will become gray. If you want to nourish your face, you can use cordyceps flowers and old turtles to stew soup, which has the effect of calming the nerves and whitening the skin.

Chinese medicine recommended three women to nourish the face of the small magic recipe, diet therapy to nourish the face effect is good, women to eat what is good? Second, the method of traditional Chinese medicine to nourish the face is recommended

2. Sleep and beauty

  If you want to nourish your face, it is recommended to develop the habit of sleeping "beauty sleep", that is, to ensure that you are in a deep sleep state from 22 o'clock to 2 o'clock the next day. Because this stage is the most active time for human epidermal cell metabolism, the regenerative ability of skin cells is strong, allowing the skin to adjust itself. In daily life, women with regular work and rest have better skin, spots and wrinkles are rare, and they look younger.

Chinese medicine recommended three women to nourish the face of the small magic recipe, diet therapy to nourish the face effect is good, women to eat what is good? Second, the method of traditional Chinese medicine to nourish the face is recommended

3. Drink water to nourish your face

  The skin of the human body needs moisture to nourish itself to keep it moist and elastic. Women who do not like to drink water every day are prone to problems such as dry skin, wrinkles, and sagging skin. This is all related to the lack of water in the skin, so it is recommended to drink more water in order to nourish the face.

  For example, boiled water, honey water, flower and fruit tea, etc., not only have more nutrients, but also the water can be quickly absorbed by the skin. But do not drink milk tea, fruit juice, functional drinks, etc., because these drinks are more sugary, drinking too much will lead to sugar accumulation in the body, which will lead to skin saccharification, which is easy to breed wrinkles, which is not conducive to beauty.

Chinese medicine recommended three women to nourish the face of the small magic recipe, diet therapy to nourish the face effect is good, women to eat what is good? Second, the method of traditional Chinese medicine to nourish the face is recommended

Thank you for paying attention to @Jiaboshi8, more women's health issues can be private.

(Source: 99 Health Network)

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