
Dare to go to Shunde to eat raw fish, one look is deceived | Original

author:New Weekly
Dare to go to Shunde to eat raw fish, one look is deceived | Original

Chen Xiaoqing of "Unified Rice Circle" said in the latest season of "Flavor of the World", "Man is undoubtedly the master of the earth, but he is also the slave of the stomach and intestines."

There is one food that occupies the C position of major food documentaries all year round, and without it, food documentaries are incomplete. It is as white as snow, as thin as cicada wings, and has a fresh, sweet, refreshing and smooth taste, that is, shunde fish raw that foodies risk long parasites are lined up to punch the clock.

Dare to go to Shunde to eat raw fish, one look is deceived | Original

As the saying goes, "Chinese cuisine is in Guangdong, and Guangdong cuisine is in Shunde." Shunde, a lower jurisdiction of about 800 square kilometers in the south of Foshan, Guangdong, is the world's gastronomic capital that has produced food documentaries comparable to "China on the Tip of the Tongue".

Shunde people can't bear to enjoy this fresh and smooth extreme flavor, and successfully carry forward the Shunde fish raw through the documentary.

A 150-minute "Taste of Shunde" was so hungry that the population plummeted three thousand feet, and Douban Gao praised it as "food A tablets" and "a prescription for depression". The raw fish in "Flavor of the World" is even more than the food itself, becoming a symbol of the Shunde people's pursuit of the original taste of the ingredients.

Dare to go to Shunde to eat raw fish, one look is deceived | Original

Following the documentary all the way to "taste Shunde" is the "to do list" of many people. You know, under the lens of Director Chen's team, even the large intestine sashimi can be fragrant! If you rush to follow the documentary footage to Eat Raw Fish in Shunde, it may really be "playing with your life".

The old artist who thought he was standing at the top of the food chain risked the long parasite to punch in a bite of fresh, tender and slippery, but he did not expect that in the end it was a mouthful of greasy and muddy...

I respect the food culture and habits of the locals, but I'm sorry, Shunde Fish Raw, I really accept incompetence. (I'd rather eat Lake Builder...) )

Scoop up, oil to fly

If "no cow can get out of Chaoshan alive", then in Shunde it is "no fish can swim out of Shunde alive".

Once, a 20-course meal in Shunde was a mud carp feast with mud carp as the main material, which made the big gourmet Cai Lan "breathtaking" and called out to the insider!

In Shunde, fish can have 200+ kinds of "methods of death", steaming, frying, frying, sauna, only you can't think of it, no Shunde chef can't do it.

Some netizens once complained that Shunde people were cats in their previous lives and liked to eat fish so much.

Dare to go to Shunde to eat raw fish, one look is deceived | Original

The cooking of fish by Shunde chefs is no longer a simple processing, but an "art"!

The culmination of art is fish raw.

Shunde fish, the "living fossil" of Chinese food culture, the "aristocratic recipe" that has lasted for thousands of years.

An ordinary fish, under the hands of the Shunde chef, was played out of the flower. Fish slices and raw food, fish head and tail boiled porridge, fish bone sauce steamed, fish skin cold mix, even fish intestines can be used to omelette, the so-called one fish five eat.

Dare to go to Shunde to eat raw fish, one look is deceived | Original

The sashimi under the teacher's hand, no more than 0.5mm, crystal like snow, thin as a cicada wing, light can be blown up, cut off fine thorns without causing the texture to break, the taste is refreshing and elastic.

The fish under the lens of the "Flavor of the World" team unscrupulously teases the taste buds of foodies, and can harvest a large wave of "saliva" across the screen, and under the blessing of the immortal copywriter, it is like being blown onto the "altar".

Dare to go to Shunde to eat raw fish, one look is deceived | Original

Shunde, located in the hinterland of the lower reaches of the Pearl River Delta, its territory of the river gushing, dense ponds, was once one of the most concentrated and developed areas of Sanji fish ponds, since ancient times there has been a custom of eating raw fish.

The earliest record of Chinese eating raw fish can be traced back to the pre-Qin period more than 2,000 years ago, and then introduced to Japan, the Korean Peninsula and other places, and is the "originator" of various fancy sashimi in Japanese food stores.

The difference is that Japanese sashimi is generally based on deep-sea fish, while Shunde fish raw is made from local materials, using the freshwater "pond fish" abundant in Shunde as the ingredient.

Dare to go to Shunde to eat raw fish, one look is deceived | Original

That's right, it is the grass carp, anchovy, and Fushou fish that my mother can buy from the fish stall in the wet market every day for more than a dozen dollars a pound. How did you get into the kitchen and put on the table, change your body, the value of the body has doubled several times, and a three- or four-pound fish will sell for 150 yuan?

That is also one of the conditions that meet the conditions of the internet celebrity shop - expensive. This invisibly increases our expectations of "Shunde Fish Raw".

Soon after sitting down, my aunt brought a large plate of side dishes, shredded onions, lemon leaves, shredded onions, shredded garlic, peanut rice, sesame seeds, sour buckwheat head slices, and even ginger shreds were divided into ginger shreds and sour ginger shreds. Shunde people's emphasis on food is indeed worthy of the name, in the process of waiting, our group of people's expectations for the protagonist Yusheng have accumulated again.

Dare to go to Shunde to eat raw fish, one look is deceived | Original

When the aunt brought the seasoning up, she said: "To eat raw fish, you must use good peanut oil, and there must be more oil and less soy sauce, so that you can eat the taste." ”

Art has always been complex to simple, the most traditional Shunde fish is live fish bloodletting slices, drizzled with peanut oil and sprinkled with a few salts, which can best highlight the freshness of fish and the flexibility of taste.

Shunde fish has developed so far there are many side dishes, in order to cater to the tastes of more people, because the original sashimi is really not acceptable to everyone.

Everyone is looking forward to it, and the legendary crystal clear, butterfly-winged fish sashimi has finally been served.

Dare to go to Shunde to eat raw fish, one look is deceived | Original

△ The mood is as messy as a fish fillet / Courtesy of the author

That's it? That's it? That's it??

The fillets were scattered messily on the plate, and for a moment the old artist thought he had come to beat the side stove and shabu-shabu today.

The aunt said the next sentence, "Just fish like this" and turned away.

Shunde people pay attention to "yitou" (auspicious omen), so in Shunde, eating raw fish is also called "fishing". Fillets are placed on a plate, various side dishes are added, and then vigorously stirred with chopsticks, and then loudly shouted out the "secret code", "fish up, fish up the wind and water", (meaning to wish everyone in the society can "mix well"), so that the ceremony is complete.

Dare to go to Shunde to eat raw fish, one look is deceived | Original

Ji Bu ji did not know, anyway, the scene must be very lively, and the society may have been torn apart in minutes.

Instead of "fishing" a large plate like in a documentary, we first carefully picked up a few slices of raw fish and put them into a small bowl, then put all the side dishes a little, sprinkled a few salts, ordered a little peanut oil, and then poured in soy sauce and stirred.

Dare to go to Shunde to eat raw fish, one look is deceived | Original

Sashimi is crispy and fragrant, shredded green onion, lemon leaf shreds, sour ginger spicy, buckwheat head slice sour, sesame flavor, a variety of flavors mixed, in the mouth "chemical reaction".

The moment the lips and tongue and sashimi touched, all the tastes seemed to fade, and a picture involuntarily appeared in my mind... (ps: really not the pot that I watch movies too seriously)

Dare to go to Shunde to eat raw fish, one look is deceived | Original

△ Gollum in The Lord of the Rings grabs a fish from a waterhole and nibbles it

The "Fish Song" lingered in my ears, "Our only wish, to catch a fish, so juicy sweet!"

Finally, the fresh muddy smell of the pond still found me through the tastes of sour, spicy, salty, and fragrant, and at that moment, I felt that I was Gollum himself.

It may also be that the old artist's way of opening is not right, so we specially asked our aunt to help us "fish".

Peanut oil turned a few times, sprinkled with a little fine salt, plus a variety of ingredients, aunt while "fishing" while saying, "oil to be more, only enough fragrant, smooth enough, soy sauce to be less, otherwise you can not eat the sweetness of the fish, the rest of you according to your own preferences to watch and put it." ”

Dare to go to Shunde to eat raw fish, one look is deceived | Original

"And you must take a big gulp to 'pick' it into your mouth to be more delicious, like your piece of the ground clip, too delicate." 」

Looking at the sashimi on the plate like it was soaked in peanut oil, to be honest, I refused in my heart, and I could already feel the grease without putting it in my mouth.

In the end, the four of us finished eating the peanuts and rice in the side dish.

Dare to eat freshwater fish raw,

Really "long life"

Shunde people in pursuit of the "original taste" of ingredients can be said to not even want to die! Even freshwater fish grown up in ponds fed by microbial fish can be sliced and eaten raw. You Sister Zhang Meng have to say a word of courage is commendable!

But just like not every Foshan person can kung fu and no shadow legs, not every Shunde person has eaten raw fish.

I asked several Shunde friends around me, and the answer was surprisingly consistent, "because there are parasites."

Dare to go to Shunde to eat raw fish, one look is deceived | Original

△ Not every Shunde person loves to eat raw fish, and cooked sauna fish is also their favorite / Figureworm creative

Indeed, as long as there is a place where Shunde fish are born, the screen bullet screen and comment area are inseparable from the topic of parasites! It's a cliché that raw freshwater fish have a high risk of contracting the parasite.

Some people will say that before making raw fish, the fish must first be quietly raised and slimmed down in clear water, spit out the sediment and then bleed and slice. "Zi non-fish, do you know that the fish spit clean?"

Wouldn't anyone really believe that such an indigenous method can ensure the safety and hygiene of raw freshwater fish? No way? No way?

Dare to go to Shunde to eat raw fish, one look is deceived | Original

△ No matter how crystal clear the fillet, there may also be parasites

Some people say that high concentrations of liquor, white vinegar, and mustard can be sterilized, which is all nonsense, and it should give people who can't control their mouths a psychological comfort. Promise the old artist that the insect repellent medicine that should be taken can not be less.

Don't say "Whoever eats often and doesn't see him in trouble?" "This is a survivor bias incident, you know, in case something really happens, you have to bear the consequences yourself.

A 2008 survey report by the Chinese Journal of Parasitology and Parasitic Diseases showed that the chance of Guangdong people being infected with liver flukes was the highest in the country, and the infection rate in Shunde was as high as 50.74%!

This is inseparable from the Shunde people's love of eating raw fish.

Dare to go to Shunde to eat raw fish, one look is deceived | Original

△ Guys are leaning down to live jumping fish / figure worm ideas

Liver fluke eggs hatch in freshwater snails, and then look for freshwater fish and shrimp as a second intermediate host, in the fish scales, skin, muscle tissue to develop into cystic larvae, at this time if someone eats these fish, infection becomes the ultimate host of this parasite.

After infection, it can lead to cholangitis, cholecystitis and gallstones, and if it is severe, it will also lead to cirrhosis and liver cancer.

Not everyone can become a master of time management, but we can start by keeping our mouths shut! Evil comes out of the mouth, illness comes from the mouth, don't have a fluke mentality. (Bat Warning)

Fish raw that was blown into the sky,

It's long past time to get off the altar

Risking long parasites, just to eat a bite of "fresh", but also a dozen dollars a pound of raw fish in the market fish stalls, this may be the legendary appetite for life!

Premium, greasy, unsafe, shunde fish raw that was blown into the sky, it was really fatal to eat.

Why are there still so many people flocking to it and seeing death as a homecoming in front of the fish? Steamed fish, sauna fish is not fragrant?

Dare to go to Shunde to eat raw fish, one look is deceived | Original

The Law of True Fragrance tells us that many things are done only zero times and countless times. But many people eat raw fish for the first time and for the last time.

Some people come out of curiosity after watching the documentary, punching in the clock to taste new and adventure challenges, for them to eat raw fish is more like an experience. Going to Shunde without eating raw fish is like going to Beijing and not climbing the Great Wall.

Although many food documentaries such as "China on the Tip of the Tongue", "Taste of Shunde", "Flavor of the World" and so on are "platforms" for Shunde fish raw, do not forget the sentence, "This film is only for the record of Shunde people's eating habits, raw freshwater fish raw is risky, please try with caution."

Dare to go to Shunde to eat raw fish, one look is deceived | Original

△ On the basis of respecting the history of Shunde, the program group also euphemistically said: For health, do not blindly covet the inherent flavor / video screenshot

Another part of the "die-hard fans" of fish are either from snacks to large, can't quit, and have childhood filter blessings, what are parasites, or have a fan-like obsession with "fresh".

Steaming, white burning is the basic, the best dish is just picked in the field, home-grown is pesticide-free pollution-free, seafood is best to eat at the beach, raw and fresh to catch and kill is enough "fresh".

This "fresh" not only requires fresh ingredients, but also pays attention to the processing of adding as little as possible, in order to retain the original taste of the ingredients! The dish has a vegetable flavor, the fish has a fish flavor, and it is the biggest recognition of a dish.

Food from the initial food to the quality of the spiritual enjoyment, thanks to social development, productivity improvement.

From the primitive society of ru mao drinking blood, swallowing alive and peeling, to the skillful use of fire, planting various spices and spices, human understanding and control of ingredients have also been passed down and changed from generation to generation.

Dare to go to Shunde to eat raw fish, one look is deceived | Original

△ Do not be gluttonous / figure worm creative

For more than a thousand years, the tradition of human beings eating raw fish has been continued in the southern sankey fish pond town. The so-called "one side of the water and soil to feed the other side of the people", China has a complex landform, a large number of ingredients, different geographical environments, the quality and taste of ingredients will undergo wonderful changes. Geographical segmentation contributes to taste preferences and shapes people's different personalities.

The "freshness" pursued by Shunde people is the pursuit of the taste as close as possible to the ingredients themselves.

Respect local eating habits and traditions, but also maintain their own judgment and understanding. The encounter between people and food is a wonderful fate, and what suits you is the best.

Dare to go to Shunde to eat raw fish, one look is deceived | Original

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