
Recommend 12 delicious home cooking dishes, take the time to make it for the family to try, the whole family eat happily melt oyster sauce horseshoe hollanda bean red stewed pig's trotters stir-fried bitter melon yam tablets beer duck onion fried fat beef jerky sauce beef sweet and spicy prawn meat shredded eggplant strips garlic sprouts spicy stir-fried pork liver Dongpo meat jerky pot yellow beef sour and spicy chicken claw

author:Splendid v Shandong

Hello everyone, welcome to my food self-media, I am the creator of the food field Splendid V Shandong: "Focus on food, make life more flavorful." "Today I bring you a few home-cooked delicacies, which are also loved by everyone and are very common. Every day, we use ordinary ingredients to make the most delicious meals. I also hope that today's cuisine can bring you a whole day of happiness.

<h1 class="pgc-h-decimal" data-index="01" > oyster sauce horseshoe hollandaise</h1> beans

Recommend 12 delicious home cooking dishes, take the time to make it for the family to try, the whole family eat happily melt oyster sauce horseshoe hollanda bean red stewed pig's trotters stir-fried bitter melon yam tablets beer duck onion fried fat beef jerky sauce beef sweet and spicy prawn meat shredded eggplant strips garlic sprouts spicy stir-fried pork liver Dongpo meat jerky pot yellow beef sour and spicy chicken claw

Ingredients: 150 g of hollandaise beans, 100 g of horseshoe, 2 tablespoons of olive oil, 15 g of light soy sauce, 1/2 teaspoon of salt, 1 tsp of oyster sauce, purified water to taste


1. Remove the old tendons in turn, soak and wash them with water, control the dry water and set aside, wash the horseshoe, peel and slice

2. Bring water to a boil in a pot and blanch the Dutch beans

3. Add a few drops of olive oil to the water to make the blanched hollandaise beans more turquoise and blanch for about 1 minute

4. Add an appropriate amount of olive oil to the wok, add the shallots to the bottom of the frying pan, add the hollandaise beans and stir-fry

<h1 class="pgc-h-decimal" data-index="02" > braised pig's trotters</h1>

Recommend 12 delicious home cooking dishes, take the time to make it for the family to try, the whole family eat happily melt oyster sauce horseshoe hollanda bean red stewed pig's trotters stir-fried bitter melon yam tablets beer duck onion fried fat beef jerky sauce beef sweet and spicy prawn meat shredded eggplant strips garlic sprouts spicy stir-fried pork liver Dongpo meat jerky pot yellow beef sour and spicy chicken claw

Ingredients: 500g of pig's trotters, green onion, ginger, 1 star anise, 10 peppercorns, 2 tablespoons of light soy sauce, 1/2 tablespoons of dark soy sauce, 1 tablespoon of cooking wine, 1 tablespoon of rock sugar, 1/2 tablespoon of sesame oil

Method: 1, the pig's trotters are cleaned, put water in the pot and put the onion and ginger to boil, put the pig's trotters to cook for two minutes with the lid open, fish out and rinse with cold water to cool down, drain

2, stir-fry sugar color: put a tablespoon of salad oil in the pot, put a tablespoon of rock sugar crushed (rock sugar wrapped in cloth and smashed), simmer over low heat until the rock sugar melts and the color becomes darker

3: Pour in the blanched pig's trotters, stir-fry until they are full of sugar, pour in two tablespoons of light soy sauce, half a tablespoon of old soy sauce and stir-fry until all the trotters are colored, pour a tablespoon of cooking wine and ginger slices and stir-fry well

4: Put one star anise and ten peppercorns into a tea bag, put the green onion into the pot at the same time, add enough water to the pig's trotters, turn the water to low heat and cover and simmer for two hours

5: Open the lid and turn to high heat to collect the thick juice, and fry well with some sesame oil before leaving the pot

<h1 class="pgc-h-decimal" data-index="03" > stir-fried bitter melon yam tablets</h1>

Recommend 12 delicious home cooking dishes, take the time to make it for the family to try, the whole family eat happily melt oyster sauce horseshoe hollanda bean red stewed pig's trotters stir-fried bitter melon yam tablets beer duck onion fried fat beef jerky sauce beef sweet and spicy prawn meat shredded eggplant strips garlic sprouts spicy stir-fried pork liver Dongpo meat jerky pot yellow beef sour and spicy chicken claw

Ingredients: yam, bitter melon, oil, salt, chicken essence, garlic


1、 Remove the seeds from the melon and cut into diagonal slices;

2. Peel and slice yam;

3, put water in the pot to boil, add bitter melon slices and yam tablets to blanch the water;

4、 Cut the garlic into slices;

5、 Stir-fry the pesto slices with oil in the pot;

6, add drained bitter melon slices and yam slices and stir-fry;

7: Add salt and chicken essence to taste.

<h1 class="pgc-h-decimal" data-index="04" > beer duck</h1>

Recommend 12 delicious home cooking dishes, take the time to make it for the family to try, the whole family eat happily melt oyster sauce horseshoe hollanda bean red stewed pig's trotters stir-fried bitter melon yam tablets beer duck onion fried fat beef jerky sauce beef sweet and spicy prawn meat shredded eggplant strips garlic sprouts spicy stir-fried pork liver Dongpo meat jerky pot yellow beef sour and spicy chicken claw

Ingredients: 700g of duck, 1 green pepper, 600ml of beer, sliced ginger, appropriate amount of green onion, 3ml of salt, 15ml of dark soy sauce, 15g of dried chili pepper, 15ml of cooking wine, 10g of peppercorns, 20ml of light soy sauce

1. Wash the duck meat, cut into medium-sized pieces for easy flavoring, too fat duck skin to remove. Put the duck in a bowl, add cooking wine, salt, soy sauce, sliced ginger, shallots, and marinate for 20 minutes.

2. Put the duck skin fat that is too fat out and put it in the pot. Press low on a spatula and slowly force out the duck oil.

3. When the duck skin turns golden on both sides, a lot of duck oil comes out and the duck skin is filled. Pour dried chili peppers into the duck oil and sauté the peppercorns until fragrant.

4. Pour in the marinated duck and stir-fry. Pour in the old soy sauce and stir-fry to color. Pour in a bottle of beer, over duck meat, and slowly cook over medium-low heat. Slowly collect the juice, pour in the green pepper and stir-fry.

<h1 class="pgc-h-decimal" data-index="05" > fried beef with onions</h1>

Recommend 12 delicious home cooking dishes, take the time to make it for the family to try, the whole family eat happily melt oyster sauce horseshoe hollanda bean red stewed pig's trotters stir-fried bitter melon yam tablets beer duck onion fried fat beef jerky sauce beef sweet and spicy prawn meat shredded eggplant strips garlic sprouts spicy stir-fried pork liver Dongpo meat jerky pot yellow beef sour and spicy chicken claw

Ingredients: Fatty beef, onion, green pepper, red pepper, stock, steamed fish soy sauce, soy sauce, oyster sauce, freshly ground pepper, sweet potato starch Preparation:

1, onion cut into pieces, green pepper cut into pieces, red pepper cut into pieces; half a bowl of broth, add 3 spoons of steamed fish soy sauce, 1/2 spoon of dark soy sauce, 1/2 spoon of oyster sauce, freshly ground pepper to taste, a small amount of sweet potato starch, stir well and set aside;

2, boil the pot to sit in the water, after the water boils into the fat cow, use chopsticks to disperse, turn off the heat, stir until the fat cow basically changes color and fish out; the frying pan sits in oil, and put in the onion when the oil is 50% hot;

3: Stir-fry the aroma and add green and red pepper pieces and stir-fry; when the onion is translucent, put in the fat beef, stir-fry evenly, add the sauce, and stir-fry well.

<h1 class="pgc-h-decimal" data-index="06" > beef with dry sauce</h1>

Recommend 12 delicious home cooking dishes, take the time to make it for the family to try, the whole family eat happily melt oyster sauce horseshoe hollanda bean red stewed pig's trotters stir-fried bitter melon yam tablets beer duck onion fried fat beef jerky sauce beef sweet and spicy prawn meat shredded eggplant strips garlic sprouts spicy stir-fried pork liver Dongpo meat jerky pot yellow beef sour and spicy chicken claw

Ingredients: 600 g beef, 10 g peanuts, 150 g soy sauce, 20 g green onion, 30 g chili oil, 20 g salt, 15 g sugar, 1 g pepper powder, 1 g monosodium glutamate

1: Wash the beef, push and cut into large pieces, put into a pot of boiling water and add soy sauce to cook, scoop up and let cool and cut into thin slices;

2、 Wash and cut the green onion into 4 cm long pieces;

3. Mill the peanuts into fine minced rice;

4, beef slices into the bowl, first with fine salt mixing, so that it into the taste;

5, add chili oil, soy sauce, sugar, monosodium glutamate, pepper noodles and stir;

6: Pour in the green onion and peanut rice, mix well and serve on a plate.

<h1 class="pgc-h-decimal" data-index="07" > sweet and spicy shrimp</h1>

Recommend 12 delicious home cooking dishes, take the time to make it for the family to try, the whole family eat happily melt oyster sauce horseshoe hollanda bean red stewed pig's trotters stir-fried bitter melon yam tablets beer duck onion fried fat beef jerky sauce beef sweet and spicy prawn meat shredded eggplant strips garlic sprouts spicy stir-fried pork liver Dongpo meat jerky pot yellow beef sour and spicy chicken claw

Ingredients: 250 g shrimp, 1/2 garlic, camellia oil to taste, sweet and spicy sauce to taste

1. From the position of the shrimp head, go to the shrimp brain and pull out the shrimp line.

2: Open your back, add salt and cooking wine, mix well and marinate for 10 minutes.

3: Heat the pan, drizzle with a little camellia oil and fry the shrimp thoroughly.

4: Fill the shrimp and sauté the minced garlic. Pour in the sweet and spicy sauce and a little water.

5: Pour in the fried shrimp and stir well. Serve on a plate.

<h1 class="pgc-h-decimal" data-index="08" > roasted eggplant strips with shredded meat</h1>

Recommend 12 delicious home cooking dishes, take the time to make it for the family to try, the whole family eat happily melt oyster sauce horseshoe hollanda bean red stewed pig's trotters stir-fried bitter melon yam tablets beer duck onion fried fat beef jerky sauce beef sweet and spicy prawn meat shredded eggplant strips garlic sprouts spicy stir-fried pork liver Dongpo meat jerky pot yellow beef sour and spicy chicken claw

Ingredients: 2 eggplant, 4 peppers, 100g pork, green onion, ginger, oil and salt, 2 cloves of garlic, 1/2 tablespoon dark soy sauce, 1 tablespoon light soy sauce, water starch

1, eggplant and pepper to the stem, wash, cut the eggplant into strips slightly thicker than the chopsticks, put the eggplant in a large bowl, add a little salt, mix well, marinate for 10 minutes, marinate out of the water, so that the eggplant will not absorb too much oil when frying, and it is easy to fry.

2, cut the pork into strips, cut the pepper into strips, add oil to the pot and heat it, sauté the eggplant strips, stir-fry the eggplant strips slightly softer, put them out and set aside, add the green onion, stir-fry the ginger, and then add the shredded meat to stir-fry, the color of the fried shredded meat turns white, pour in cooking wine, dark soy sauce, raw soy sauce and stir-fry evenly, sauté the shredded meat to color.

3, under the eggplant strips stir-fry evenly, add half a bowl of water, and then add a little salt, salt should be put less or not, salt has been added when marinating, boil over high heat, turn to medium and medium heat to taste.

<h1 class="pgc-h-decimal" data-index="09" > garlic sprouts and spicy fried pork liver</h1>

Recommend 12 delicious home cooking dishes, take the time to make it for the family to try, the whole family eat happily melt oyster sauce horseshoe hollanda bean red stewed pig's trotters stir-fried bitter melon yam tablets beer duck onion fried fat beef jerky sauce beef sweet and spicy prawn meat shredded eggplant strips garlic sprouts spicy stir-fried pork liver Dongpo meat jerky pot yellow beef sour and spicy chicken claw

Ingredients: pork liver, two green peppers, millet spicy, 2 garlic sprouts, green onion, ginger, peppercorns, 1/2 tbsp salt, 1 tbsp dry starch, 1 tbsp light soy sauce, 1/2 tbsp vinegar, 2 tbsp cooking wine, 1/2 tbsp white pepper, sugar, MSG

1. After the pork liver is washed, the slice is divided into 2 or 3mm thick slices, rinsed repeatedly in water; then soaked in water for 30 minutes, and then changed the water to continue to wash until there is no blood; fish out with a fence to control the dry water;

2. Prepare ingredients: green pepper, millet spicy, garlic sprouts, green onion, ginger; add half a spoon of salt, a spoonful of dry starch, a spoonful of soy sauce, half a spoon of vinegar, two spoons of cooking wine, half a spoon of white pepper, 4 or 5 peppercorns, a little sugar, green onion and ginger slices; stir well, yard flavor; prepare the side dish, garlic seedlings cut into small pieces, green pepper into diamond-shaped, millet spicy cut into sections;

3. Heat the oil, the oil is slightly more, the oil should be hot, burn to 70%, 80% of the time to start smoking, pour in the yard of delicious pork liver slices;

4. High heat, quickly stir-fry, count down 5 seconds, or observe with your eyes, when the surface of the pork liver has just begun to turn white, some have not yet turned white, slightly pink meat, it will be immediately put out;

5. Leave the bottom oil in the pot, first sauté the white part of the green pepper segment, millet spicy and garlic sprout segment for 1 minute; pour in the sautéed pork liver, stir-fry a few times on high heat; turn off the heat! Sprinkle the garlic seedling leaves, use the remaining temperature to blanch the garlic seedling leaves until they are broken, a little MSG, and plate

<h1 class="pgc-h-decimal" data-index="10" > Dongpo meat</h1>

Recommend 12 delicious home cooking dishes, take the time to make it for the family to try, the whole family eat happily melt oyster sauce horseshoe hollanda bean red stewed pig's trotters stir-fried bitter melon yam tablets beer duck onion fried fat beef jerky sauce beef sweet and spicy prawn meat shredded eggplant strips garlic sprouts spicy stir-fried pork liver Dongpo meat jerky pot yellow beef sour and spicy chicken claw

Ingredients: 600 grams of pork belly, rapeseed to taste. 100 grams of cooking wine, 40 grams of soy sauce, white green onion, 30 grams of sugar, 20 grams of ginger slices.

1, Wash and cook the pork belly for 5 minutes, remove and drain, rape and wash the bottom of the pad.

2, take the casserole dish and put the green onion, ginger slices at the bottom, put the pork belly, add sugar, soy sauce, pour cooking wine, the height of cooking wine is not more than meat.

3, boil on high heat and simmer for two hours, take out the meat in a bowl and steam for 30 minutes, then take out the steamed Dongpo meat, pour the original juice of the boiled meat and eat.

<h1 class="pgc-h-decimal" data-index="11" > dry pot beef</h1>

Recommend 12 delicious home cooking dishes, take the time to make it for the family to try, the whole family eat happily melt oyster sauce horseshoe hollanda bean red stewed pig's trotters stir-fried bitter melon yam tablets beer duck onion fried fat beef jerky sauce beef sweet and spicy prawn meat shredded eggplant strips garlic sprouts spicy stir-fried pork liver Dongpo meat jerky pot yellow beef sour and spicy chicken claw

Ingredients: Hainan skinned scalper (after buying it back, burn the hair on the cowhide with a spray gun, and then scrape it clean with a knife) 500 grams, 10 grams of red pepper, 20 grams of onion pieces.

Seasoning: 10 grams of hoisin sauce, 10 grams of peanut butter, 5 grams of rib sauce, 8 grams of monosodium glutamate, 8 grams of chicken essence, 3 grams of oyster sauce.

1: Separate the minced beef skin and cut into strips of 5 cm long and 2 cm wide respectively, without marinating.

2, under the pot salad oil 100 grams, butter 10 grams of heat, under the three sauces stir-fried, add 1 kg of water, first into the cowhide small heat for half an hour, then under the beef together to burn for 1 hour, adjust the MSG, chicken essence, oyster sauce. (The above is the batch production step)

3. After the guest orders, take the processed beef into the net pot, cook it evenly, put in the red pepper and onion cubes at the bottom, hook the thin mustard, and put it into the hot dry pot to serve.

<h1 class="pgc-h-decimal" data-index="12" > sour and spicy claw</h1>

Recommend 12 delicious home cooking dishes, take the time to make it for the family to try, the whole family eat happily melt oyster sauce horseshoe hollanda bean red stewed pig's trotters stir-fried bitter melon yam tablets beer duck onion fried fat beef jerky sauce beef sweet and spicy prawn meat shredded eggplant strips garlic sprouts spicy stir-fried pork liver Dongpo meat jerky pot yellow beef sour and spicy chicken claw

Ingredients: 11 chicken feet, a handful of coriander, 1/2 garlic, ginger, cooking wine, sugar, salt, a little spicy, sesame sesame oil, 1 lemon, goji berries

1: Cut the parsley into sections, mince the garlic, slice the ginger, slice the lemon and set aside

2: Put the chopped mixture in a bowl and set aside, add salt, sugar and spicy freshness

3: Cut the chicken feet in half into three pieces, wash and set aside

4, under the pot of cold water, add chicken feet, ginger slices, cooking wine, boiling... Boil the water and cook for another six minutes or so

5, after cooking the chicken feet with cold water quickly rinsed, with ice water soaked, the cooling more rapid meat texture more vigorous, chicken claws cooled through after draining water for later

6: Add the cut mixture to vinegar, soy sauce, sesame oil and season until you like the slogan

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