
The only living Buddha communist in the history of the CCP, the spark of the Gannan Revolution

author:Half a cup of chaste

Coming to Gannan again, the scenery is still so beautiful, and the land in early autumn is full of unprecedented vitality. This is the second time I have set foot on this hot land after the comprehensive victory in China's poverty alleviation campaign.

The only living Buddha communist in the history of the CCP, the spark of the Gannan Revolution

Gannan Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture is located in the western region of China, southwest of Gansu Province, and the combination of Gansu, Qingdao and Sichuan provinces in the transition between the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau and the Loess Plateau. It is bordered by Aba Prefecture in Sichuan to the south, Huangnan Prefecture and Guoluo Prefecture in Qinghai to the southwest, and Longnan City, Dingxi City and Linxia Prefecture to the east and north. The state is divided into three natural types of areas, the southern part is the Mindi Mountains, with a mild climate, which is one of the "six green treasure houses" in the country; the eastern part is hilly and mountainous, both agriculture and animal husbandry; and the northwest is a vast meadow grassland, which is one of the "five major pastoral areas" in the country.

The only living Buddha communist in the history of the CCP, the spark of the Gannan Revolution

Gannan enjoys the reputation of "China's Little Tibet, Gansu's Back Garden". There are two national nature reserves in Gahai and Zecha, two national forest parks in Lianhuashan and Yeliguan, dozens of natural scenic spots such as The Sanke Grassland, the First Qu of the Yellow River, and Dayugou; there are 121 Tibetan Buddhist monasteries such as the Xiahe Labrang Monastery, the Zhuoni Meditation Temple, and the Luqu Langmu Temple, which are national cultural relics protection units; and there are more than ten revolutionary historical sites, such as the Tianjian Lazikou and the ruins of the Russian Boundary Conference. In the global tourism industry, it is known as "one of the fifty places that life has to go".

The only living Buddha communist in the history of the CCP, the spark of the Gannan Revolution

Today's Gannan Prefecture has boldly explored and innovated new models for the development of agricultural and pastoral villages, the overall appearance of agricultural and pastoral villages has undergone earth-shaking changes, and a large number of model villages such as Luqugaxiu, Lintanchigou and Zhuoni Boyu have been created, and the construction of ecological civilization and well-off villages has become a vivid practice of the implementation of the rural revitalization strategy in Tibet Prefecture, and has been publicized and promoted by the state as the only typical case in the 40th anniversary of the reform and opening up of Gansu Province. The Agroforestry-Pastoral Complex System in Zagana has been recognized by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations as a Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Site. The counterpart assistance of Tianjin Hexi District and Gannan Zhuoni, Pingliang Zhuanglang and KunTong, and the mode of industrial integration in the east and west have made the local people get benefits, and the happiness is full of faces.

The only living Buddha communist in the history of the CCP, the spark of the Gannan Revolution

The train runs fast, all thanks to the headband. Whether it is yesterday's poverty alleviation, or today's rural revitalization, or the extraordinary achievements of Tianjin Hexi and Gansu Gannan's east-west industries. All of them are inseparable from the hard work of a large number of grass-roots party members and cadres. It can be said that their sweat has irrigated the flowers of happiness in today's Zhuoni, Zhuanglang, Andong and other places.

Speaking of the strength and leading role of grass-roots party organizations, looking back at history, we can be surprised to find that more than seventy years ago, in this once barren land, the party's elders have begun to work silently, plant the seeds of revolution, and light up the red spark of the western region. Here, there are three very special Communists that cannot be forgotten, and even in the history of the Ccp, they occupy a unique position.

Xuanxia Father Martyr, a well-known figure in the history of the Communist Party of China, joined the Communist Party of China in 1923. In the first period of Huangpu, the only student who was expelled for open confrontation with Chiang Kai-shek. He is also one of the "three masters of anti-Japanese resistance" on the front of the CCP's covert struggle, "Strange Jie".

The only living Buddha communist in the history of the CCP, the spark of the Gannan Revolution

Father Martyr

In the winter of 1925, Xuanxia's father came to Lanzhou and co-organized with Zhang Yiwu, a member of the Communist Party, to create the first party organization in Gansu Province, the Gansu Special Branch of the Communist Party of China.

In the summer of 1926, Father Xuanxia went to the Tibetan area of Gannan as a representative of the Gansu Governor, patiently listened to the opinions and demands of people from all walks of life in the Tibetan area, encouraged Tibetan monks and laymen to strengthen unity, and resolutely opposed warlord oppression. At Changzhahe Monastery, Xuanxia's father was warmly received by Jiamuxiang's living Buddha's father, Huang Zhongzhong, and gave him the Tibetan name of Zhaxi Cairen (it is also said that huang Zhengqing, the brother of Jiamuxiang's living Buddha, was given it in Lanzhou). Through the conversation, Father Xuanxia learned about the various evil deeds of the feudal warlord Ma Qi in Gannan and the situation of the Tibetan masses being brutally exploited and squeezed, suggested the organization of the Ganqing Tibetan People's Grand Alliance, and immediately drafted the "Declaration on the Establishment of the Ganqing Tibetan People's Grand Alliance." Many Tibetan leaders visited Xuanxia's father, explicitly accepting his advice to "unite and survive on their own", and at the same time presented silver dollars and souvenirs to show their hearts. As for the money donated by the Tibetans, Xuanxia's father politely thanked him and had to bring it back to Lanzhou to donate to the Lanzhou Revolutionary Youth Weekly Newspaper. Returning to Lanzhou from Gannan, Father Xuanxia immediately drafted the "Letter of the Tibetans in Ganbian Suing the People of Ganbian" for the Tibetans, and with earnest language and sharp penmanship, vividly exposed and accused the warlord Ma Qi of various crimes committed in Gannan. The indictment was not only distributed in the province, but also sent to all parts of the country, causing Ma Qi and other feudal warlords to panic. After that, Xuanxia's father traveled in many ways and actively did all aspects of work, forcing Ma Qi to quit Labrang Monastery. The 10-year-long struggle of the Tibetan people in Gannan against the Qinghai warlords was finally brought to an end with the help of the Gansu Special Branch of the CPC. After that, the Gyalmu-like living Buddha returned to Labrang Monastery, and Huang Zhengqing moved the Tibetan Culture Promotion Association back to Gannan and set up three schools, from which many Tibetan cadres were trained after liberation. Although Father Xuanxia's time in carrying out revolutionary activities in the Tibetan areas of Gannan was not long, his spirit and meritorious deeds will last forever, sowing the seeds of revolution for the Gannan grasslands and creating a precedent for the CPC's national work.

What makes people feel sad is that during the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, Xuanxia's father was assassinated by Chiang Kai-shek himself.

Speaking of the famous Labrang Monastery, which is related to it, the excellent communist who came out of this temple, Mr. Ya Hanzhang, a master of Tibetan studies.

The only living Buddha communist in the history of the CCP, the spark of the Gannan Revolution

During the war years, he used the pseudonyms of Commingde and Marsa, and the pen names of Zhang Lu and Ziyuan. In 1936, he studied Tibetan Buddhism- Lamaism and Tibetan history at Lasarablin Monastery and Lalong Drepung Monastery in Gansu and Tibet. In 1938, he went to Yan'an to study at the Shaanxi North Public School in the Guanzhong Subdistrict of the Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia Border Region, and joined the Communist Party of China in October. In 1939, he worked in the Northwest Working Committee of the CPC Central Committee and began to engage in the study of the party's ethnic issues, which lasted for the second half of his life. The book "The Hui Nationality Issue," which he co-authored here, was the first national work of the CPC to study the Hui and Islam from a Marxist point of view. During the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, he served as the deputy director of the Minority Research Office of the Fourth Branch of the Investigation and Research Bureau of the CPC Central Committee. In March 1946, he was responsible for the external propaganda work of the Gansu Working Committee at that time, and returned to his hometown of Gansu in the winter of the same year to carry out underground struggle, he conscientiously implemented a series of instructions of the party on the work of Gansu at that time, successively served as a member of the Longyou Working Committee, deputy political commissar and director of the political department of the Longyou Guerrilla Group, etc., actively assisted the leaders of the Longyou Working Committee, established grass-roots party organizations with 4 counties as the center and radiated to 18 surrounding counties, and developed more than 500 party members and more than 2,000 guerrillas.

After the founding of the People's Republic of China, he served as a commissioner of the Linxia Commissioner's Office and a leader of the Gansu Provincial Committee of the Communist Party of China. In 1951, he escorted the 10th Panchen Lama back to Tibet from Qinghai.

From 1952 to 1953, he compiled the "Biography of the Dalai Lama" with a content of more than 260,000 words, which used a large number of historical facts to clarify the relationship between the Dalai Lama and the Panchen Lama in the past, proving that Tibet is an inseparable part of the motherland; the book "The Biography of panchen Erdeni", nearly 300,000 words, has been translated into Tibetan, Mongolian, English and German, and distributed at home and abroad; he edited the "History of Atheism in China", wrote "Atheism and Religious Issues", "On Freedom of Religious Belief", "On the Issue of Religious Superstition" (United States, Reprinted in full in Japanese newspapers and periodicals) and so on.

The only living Buddha communist in the history of the CCP, the spark of the Gannan Revolution

He was a senior CADRE OF THE CPC and a researcher of ethnic theory who came out on the banks of the Daxia River and under the Prince's Mountain; throughout his life, he took the initiative to make positive contributions to the unity of the Chinese nation and was willing to be a "puller"; he loved the people of all nationalities, and for the sake of national rejuvenation, he was willing to pave the way, exemplify implementation, and constantly open up, and his outstanding achievements will forever be engraved in the magnificent historical chapter of the Chinese revolution.

At the same time as the historical research of the elders of Ya lao has yielded fruitful results, it is not to forget that during the war years, he once led the people of Gansu to carry out revolutionary struggles deep behind enemy lines, among which, the most legendary thing is that among the revolutionaries he introduced to join the CCP, one of them is the third person to be introduced in this article, the only living Buddha Communist Party member in the history of the CPC, the martyr Riba Buddha.

The only living Buddha communist in the history of the CCP, the spark of the Gannan Revolution

Born on October 17, 1916 at Honghua Temple in Minhe County, Qinghai Province, riba Buddha, whose common name is Kang Sange, is the first Tibetan Communist Party member in Gannan Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, Gansu Province. On April 27, 1923, at the age of 7, Kang Sange was sent to Songmingyan Temple to shave, "sit on the bed" as the 18th Huailaicang Living Buddha, and spent 20 spring and autumn in monasteries such as Shuimochuan. In 1940, Riba Buddha organized the local seven tribes in Zhuoni to help the people, "Caodeng Caowa", leading the masses to resist grain donations and carry out anti-riot struggles.

On March 27, 1943, Riba Buddha raised a banner at Yeliguan and put forward the slogan of "officials force the people to rebel, they have to rebel", and the Tibetan and Han masses responded one after another. Riba Buddha, as commander-in-chief, led the crowd to besiege the county seat of Lintan County, and at dawn on the 29th, he attacked the county seat, killed the county magistrate Xu Wenying, and the Kuomintang county party secretary Zhao Tingdong, released prisoners, opened warehouses to help the poor, strictly prohibited disturbing the people, and the people cheered to greet the rebels. Later, he and various rebels met with the Wudu Caochuan Cliff, counting more than 80,000 rebels of various nationalities in Han, Hui, Tibetan, and Dongxiang, and established the "Anti-Japanese Volunteer Army of All Nationalities in the Northwest", with Riba Buddha as the commander of the Tibetan soldiers on the Tao Min Road.

The only living Buddha communist in the history of the CCP, the spark of the Gannan Revolution

The peasant uprising in Gannan spread throughout more than twenty counties, including Lintao, Kangle, Guanghe, Lintan, and Zhuoni, and Chiang Kai-shek repeatedly sent orders to mobilize large armies to encircle and suppress them. The Kuomintang Fifty-ninth Division, the Seventh Division, the Twelfth Division, the Provisional Fifteenth Division, Ma Bufang sent a regiment of cavalry and a regiment of infantry. The Kuomintang Lanzhou Air Force sent aircraft to strafe to assist in the battle, and the local security forces cooperated with the encirclement, pursuit, and interception, the rebel army was in a very difficult situation, the rebel leadership was discordant within the army, and the uprising finally failed. The Kuomintang Fifty Division frantically encircled and suppressed Indani and Lintan, searched for riba Buddha, burned down monasteries, and killed the backbone of the uprising. Riba Buddha took refuge in Taizi Mountain under the cover of the masses, and after the situation deteriorated, he could not gain a foothold in Zhuoni and Lintan, so he went to Hezheng, Yongjing and other places, and then took refuge in his friend Fan Xinmin in Ningxia.

In 1946, when Riba Buddha returned to Hezheng, he heard that there were underground party activities in Min County, Weiyuan and other places, so it was convenient to go to Weiyuan at the end of the year, and met with the responsible person of the Long Right Working Committee of the CPC through Xia Shangzhong and Li Yongfa. Riba Buddha longed for the Communist Party, realized that only under the leadership of the Communist Party could the desire to save the country and save the people be realized, and actively demanded to join the Communist Party of China, so he was introduced by Gao Jianjun and Ya Hanzhang to join the Communist Party of China. In June 1947, LongYougong sent Riba Buddha to Yan'an to study, and when passing through Pingliang Anguo Town, he unfortunately died in a car accident at the age of 31.

The only living Buddha communist in the history of the CCP, the spark of the Gannan Revolution

In 1982, the Gansu Provincial CPC Committee pointed out in the "Minutes of the Symposium on the Peasant Revolt in Southern Gansu Province in 1943": "As a living Buddha, a religious leader, riba Buddha held high the banner of righteousness, led the Tibetan and Han monks and laymen to resist the tyranny of the Kuomintang, and later added the Communist Party of China, which is rare in China's modern history." "An objective evaluation of the historical merits of Riba Buddha was made.

Today's Gannan, Gansu, the layers of terraces on the yellow land have been built, the ecological homes on the barren mountains and bald ridges have been built, the roads accessible between thousands of mountains and ravines have been paved, and the pockets of the people have bulged... In the more than 70 years since the founding of New China, in the face of severe natural conditions and living environment, the industrious and brave people of Dingxi have used the spirit of hard work and hard work and generation after generation to make this yellow land, which was once famous for its "bitter and barren world", glow with new vitality and vitality.

The only living Buddha communist in the history of the CCP, the spark of the Gannan Revolution

And Tianjin and Gannan, these two "brother" regions separated by thousands of miles between the north and the south of the South China Sea, use complementary resources and the east-west industrial cooperation model to make the Gesang flowers on this plateau bloom more colorful.

Drink water and don't forget the people who dug the well, the martyrs who once sowed the seeds of revolution in this land, and the predecessors should always be worthy of the commemoration of future generations.

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