
The South Pearl Spring, which had disappeared for many years, was hidden in AiWu's travelogue

author:Qilu one point

Text | Lu Yunshan

South Pearl Spring, shi zhi has recorded, Ai Wu's travelogue wrote about it in detail, but it has disappeared for many years, where it is, people think hard, so there is a trip to find the spring, but also take this opportunity to revisit the old place, looking for the memory of that year.

One Saturday afternoon, wandering alone by the South Moat. Across the pipa bridge, through the eaves of the sculpture "Water from the Partition Window", there is a small courtyard on the bank of the river, a hexagonal courtyard door, red lights hanging on both sides, and the "Spring Water Porter" at the door is trying to send water to the courtyard. When you enter the door, you will ascend the "mountain" road step by step. On both sides of the wall stands "thousands" of people, strange rocks. Looking at the big with a small view, there is quite a charm of "there are hills and ravines in the chest, and a thousand mountains in every inch". Dozens of steps to the top of the "mountain". Up the stairs, it is the One Moon Gate. Inside the door stands a pavilion with a hexagonal spire, which is called "listening to the immortals". Descending along the winding corridor on the east side, the inner wall is a picture of jinan old, and under the outer eaves is a red light hanging high. Turning two corners, we entered a courtyard, and the north room was a hall with cornices and arches at the top of the hill, the Five Lotus Xuan.

At this time, there is no one in the Wulian Xuan, surrounded by a large transparent window, a set of elegant tea sets on a large tea case, a small bookshelf near the window, and a few books lazily lying on the top, (I think there is still a guqin missing). I sat on a bench by the window overlooking the moat.

In a flash of light, a mirror-like spring in the middle of the river stunned my eyes!

Usually just look at the existence of this spring, do not feel anything special, now when looking down on it, I found that the flat as a mirror of the pool surface, the irregular edge of the mountain stone pile, probably reflecting the blue sky, it looks like a huge, pure natural, carved sapphire, a crystal clear, blue, watery, blue intoxicating sapphire!

The South Pearl Spring, which had disappeared for many years, was hidden in AiWu's travelogue

(The "glass pool" of the 1970s.) Courtesy of Lu Yunshan)

This spring pond is today's Wulian Spring, before the 1980s we all called it "Glass Pond", and some years earlier the people called it Wulian Pond, earlier in the season, in the records of literature and history, it was called South Pearl Spring. Chongzhen's thirteenth year "Chronicle of Licheng County" says: "The South Pearl Spring, the southeast of the city, is like a pearl." According to Guan Shiming's "Records of the Springs in the South of the City" during the Qianlong period of the Qing Dynasty, "Yin Si Quan ,...... Dozens of steps to the east, is the South Pearl Spring. ...... The stone is a pool, which can be seven or eight feet deep and clear to the bottom. The spring reaches the surface of the water from the sand, like wan hu zhu jie, and the lightning is endless. The view of the springs, this is the most profound. Taste of Yu Ganhuan. "At the end of the Qing Dynasty, the Southern Pearl Spring became the form of five pools of water side by side, and the spring water was like a pearl-like pool for people to drink, and the remaining pools were for people to wash. This form of multi-pond side-by-side spring pond has existed for decades, and the most detailed record for us is ai Wu, a famous writer and writer in China in the 20s and 30s of the last century.

Ai Wu (1904 ~ 1992), formerly known as Tang Daogeng, a native of Xinfan County, Sichuan, he is a famous writer with a unique style and quite influential influence in the history of modern and contemporary literature in China, his novel collection "Journey to the South" and the collection of essays "Drifting Miscellaneous Records" were the first to bring the lives and exotic customs of the lower-class people in the southwestern border of China to modern literary works, causing a sensation in the literary circles at that time.

In 1934, Ai Wu in Shanghai was invited by his classmate Xiao to live with his new wife, Lei Jia, for two months. In just two months, he toured the three famous attractions in Jinan, went to the South Moat to see the Black Tiger Spring and the South Pearl Spring, went to Luokou to see the Yellow River, and wrote five travelogues in one go, which were published in the "Declaration • Free Talk" at that time.

The South Pearl Spring, which had disappeared for many years, was hidden in AiWu's travelogue

(South Pearl Springs in the 1930s.) Courtesy of Lu Yunshan)

In the article "Pearl Spring and Black Tiger Spring", Ai Wu gives us a detailed description of the south pearl spring in the moat of the 1930s: "The street we walked on, called Half Side Street, was located on a high earth foundation, and when we entered the door, we had to climb a number of stone steps. On one side, it was lowered, and the second floor of the building could be ranked with the opposite house. Both black tiger spring and (south) pearl spring are on the low side, so when you go to see it, you must walk down a number of stone steps. ”

"On the way down (south) Pearl Spring, you have to drill through a door like a small city gate hole before you can suddenly see the city wall standing under the sky, and the city moat lying at the foot of the wall. Someone carried water up the way, beat us around, and got wet on the road. ”

"The spring is on the edge of the city moat, and the long stone strips are used to form five small ponds. Only one of them kept bubbling up strings of blisters, rising extremely rapidly, as if a large pot of water was just about to boil. The spring is more than three feet deep, and the bottom is full of green plants that are inch high, reflecting the water into a clear blue, and the surface of the water is floating with thin heat. The bubbles that emerge, as light silver gray and light blue, when rising in the blue water, are very beautiful, some as big as longan, some small like cherries, called (South) Pearl Spring, which is worthy of the name. ”

"When standing by the spring and watching, the water collectors kept coming and using the iron bucket to fetch water from the spring, and at the same time, there was a lot of water flooding into the four pools and the city trenches next to it, which showed the amount of water gushing out of the (south) Pearl Spring, which was very amazing. Next to the four small pools, there are many women washing clothes, and the sound of a pestle is very disturbing. ”

This South Pearl Spring, in fact, is the current Five Lotus Spring, read Ai Wu's article, and checked the relevant information, only to understand that in fact, in the early years, the South Pearl Spring is five pools connected, the people commonly known as "Five Lotus Pond", today's "Five Lotus Spring" Name is probably taken from the "Five Lian" harmonic. It can also be seen from the old photos that Ai Wu's "Small City Gate Cave" is the door hole under the Guandi Temple on half the street, and the three pools in the shot have people washing clothes, and there are people carrying water on the steps and under the door hole.

The South Pearl Spring, which had disappeared for many years, was hidden in AiWu's travelogue

(Today's Five Lotus Springs.) Fishing Guru 007 / Photo)

Later, when the moat was transformed in 1964, the five pools were merged into a large pool, which was a square flat pool bank, surrounded by two layers of stacked stones, the inner layer was 0.5 meters above the river surface, and the outer layer was 0.3 meters high, looking like a flat large glass, and the old Jinan figuratively called it "glass pool". The spring water gushes up to the mouth of the pond, overflows in all directions, and then cascades down and falls into the river like a curtain. At that time, the author lived in Sili Street, and usually washed clothes, especially shabu sheets and sheets from the water alley to the "glass pond". As the water cascades out of the inner circle pool, the second stone steps are rubbed together, and the clothes are rinsed clean in a short while.

Later, in 1986, the moat was renovated, and the platform and mouth of the pond towering out of the river around the spring pool were demolished and changed to an irregular spring pond shape, the mountain stones were mainly gathered, stacked into islands, high above the water, flat as a mirror, reflecting the blue sky, like a crystal sapphire embedded in the middle of the river, the spring water overflowed from the stone cracks of the spring pool, forming a number of small waterfalls, to see the large, very large mountain spring waterfall taste. The spring is much more beautiful, but it is also far from the shore where people are close to the water, and if you want to wash clothes in the moat like in the past, you don't even have a door.

The times are moving forward, things are constantly changing, with the improvement of people's living standards, the use function of the spring pond in the sense of material life is gradually declining, and the landscape function at the level of spiritual life is constantly improving. In order to meet people's growing need for spiritual pleasure, some practical springs that are close to the people have become beautiful fountains of ornamentation. Take the Five Lotus Spring, from the Five Lotus Pond to the Glass Pond and the Five Lotus Spring, the name is becoming more and more elegant. From the five small square ponds, to a large pool as flat as a mirror, to the sapphire-like Five Lotus Springs, the appearance becomes more and more beautiful, silently decorating our lives. We should thank the builders who built a better life for us, and we should also thank the writers who recorded the history of Quancheng for us, and following their words, we can still find the original appearance of old Jinan.

The South Pearl Spring, which had disappeared for many years, was hidden in AiWu's travelogue

About the author: Lü Yunshan, a well-known writer in Jinan, has focused on the promotion and protection of jinan's old streets and springs in recent years.

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