
When raising flowers, "ferrous sulfate" is watered, why do you do it according to the book, the flowers will still "wither yellow"

author:Yimu life

For the majority of flower friends, "ferrous sulfate" is a kind of fertilizer for raising flowers that everyone knows, often after raising flowers for a period of time, it will be poured with some ferrous sulfate to ensure the acidity of the soil, or used to supplement the "nutrients" missing in the growth process of plants, ferrous sulfate is also an inorganic chemical fertilizer, which can promote the synthesis of chlorophyll in flowers and trees.

But many people, after watering "ferrous sulfate", find that their flowers are still yellowing and wilting, why is this?

When raising flowers, "ferrous sulfate" is watered, why do you do it according to the book, the flowers will still "wither yellow"

Ferrous sulfate is not just poured into the soil, there are many places to pay attention to.

1, dilution: ferrous sulfate must be diluted with water, the concentration of too large a solution will hurt the root system of the plant, generally using a ratio of 1: 1000.

2, the number of use: the number of times of watering ferrous sulfate should not be too much, do not see the yellowing phenomenon of plants on the use of ferrous sulfate, too many times of watering will also lead to excessive salt content in the soil, resulting in the "death" of plants, and not every plant will be yellowed because of "iron deficiency", some are only because the newly grown leaf color is relatively light, so it is necessary to distinguish the situation.

When raising flowers, "ferrous sulfate" is watered, why do you do it according to the book, the flowers will still "wither yellow"

3, the role of ferrous sulfate is generally to adjust the acidity and alkalinity of the soil, because in the breeding process, the plant soil will be slowly biased towards alkaline because of watering, fertilization and other reasons, while gardenia, moon season and other plants grow in acidic soil, so ferrous sulfate will be used to make the soil acidic, but some flowers like alkaline soil, so it is necessary to distinguish clearly.

When raising flowers, "ferrous sulfate" is watered, why do you do it according to the book, the flowers will still "wither yellow"

How should ferrous sulfate be used correctly in the process of flowering?

1, ferrous sulfate diluted in water can be better absorbed by plants, while in the watering to spray the foliage, spraying evenly, there is a point to pay attention to the dissolved ferrous sulfate to be used as soon as possible, do not leave too long.

2, when used with organic fertilizers, can not be used with ammonia fertilizer and chemical fertilizers containing calcium, magnesium, copper and other elements, which will affect the absorption of iron by flowers and plants.

3, after watering ferrous sulfate do not immediately contact the sun, it is best to use in the evening, so that after a night of precipitation, iron can be better absorbed.

When raising flowers, "ferrous sulfate" is watered, why do you do it according to the book, the flowers will still "wither yellow"

I don't know if this is helpful for the small partners who raise flowers, and I also welcome the majority of flower friends to comment and like.

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