
Without Lin Zexu in the United States, the "official anointing line" will drag the United States into the abyss

author:Redon observes

On June 3, 1839, a place near the sea in Humen, Guangdong, suddenly became lively, and several huge pools were dug along the coast, which were filled with strange scents, and some people filled the pond with water, then poured a bag of sea salt into the pool, and then poured a load of quicklime into the pool, and when the east and west of the pool were soaked and burned, the culverts in the pond were opened, and the turbid mixture was washed into the sea. This scene lasted for 23 days.

This is the famous scene of "Humen selling cigarettes". Lin Zexu, then the governor of Liangguang and the minister of Chincha in the Qing Dynasty, destroyed 2.37 million kilograms of opium in this place.

The "Draft History of the Qing Dynasty" has a detailed record of this: "In the eighteenth year of Daoguang, Huang Juezi, the secretary of the Hongxu Temple, asked for the prohibition of opium smoke, and the Chinese and foreign ministers discussed it. Then Xu please use a heavy code, saying: "This calamity will not be eliminated, and after ten years, there will be no unspentified salary, and there will be no available soldiers." "Emperor Xuanzong was deeply impressed, and he was ordered to enter the court and summoned him nineteen times. He was appointed as the Minister of Qincha, went to Guangdong to investigate and handle it, and in the spring of the nineteenth year, he arrived. Governor Deng Tingzhen had already issued a strict ban on the arrest of smokers, and the foreign merchant Chatton first avoided returning to China. Then Xu Zhishui's admiral Guan Tianpei was available and ordered the whole army to be strictly prepared. He instructed the British consul Yi Lu to confiscate the tobacco soil, expel the barge, present more than 20,000 boxes of smoke and soil, personally inspect and accept the Tiger Gate, burn it on the seashore, and finish it for more than forty days. Please convict foreign merchants of carrying opium, and according to the example of foreign crimes, people are the right law, goods are put into the officials, and the responsibility is settled. ”

It can be seen that at that time, the Qing Dynasty had an unforgettable understanding of the poison of opium, and also had the determination to get rid of it. Unfortunately, Lin Zexu's heroic feats did not last, and the next year, the British guns opened up, and after the Great Qing was laid down, the opium was sold.

Opium poisoned the constitution of the Qing Dynasty, drained the economy and finances, and the war made the Qing Dynasty lose blood in the land-cutting indemnity and trade, bringing about "a disaster that has not occurred in three thousand years." Therefore, no country has a deeper understanding of the harm of drugs than China. At present, China's anti-drug efforts are so great that it is aimed at not repeating the mistakes of history.

Without Lin Zexu in the United States, the "official anointing line" will drag the United States into the abyss

Unfortunately, however, not all countries and peoples can recognize such suffering. The superpower, the United States, is relatively "open" to drugs. No, it also got into the "official anointing line"————

Rhode Island will open a drug injection center next year to serve addicts. Inside the injection centre, drug users can bring their drugs and hand them over to a staff member who will inject them in doses to prevent death from overdose. In addition, the injection centre will provide other services such as health care services and housing support for drug users.

Oh my God, this so-called "injection center" dressed in the guise of drug rehabilitation services is not a "government-run big smoke house" after all! Who can guarantee that the injection service of "processing of incoming materials" will not produce drug trafficking activities in secret? Judging from the anti-drug efforts of the United States, this is simply certain.

The United States is the world's largest consumer of drugs, with annual drug transaction profits of up to $80 billion, more than 60% of the world's production of drugs are exported to the United States, and American drug users account for 8.2% of the total population of the United States. In the United States, heroin and marijuana use are not uncommon, and even morally fine. Therefore, the whole society attaches far less importance to this. For example, former U.S. President Barack Obama smoked marijuana when he was young.

According to data released by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in July 2021, more than 93,000 people died of drug overdose in the United States in 2020, with an average of more than 250 deaths per day, a spike of nearly 30% from 2019. More than 60 percent of this is related to opioid fentanyl, and about 13,000 people have died of heroin overdose.

Without Lin Zexu in the United States, the "official anointing line" will drag the United States into the abyss

Why does the shocking data not attract the attention of the US government? In fact, it is not that it is not that it is not taken seriously, but that "political correctness" makes the US government not want to work too hard to prevent drugs. The so-called "human rights" in the United States is actually that no matter what special group you are, as long as you get together a bunch of people, pull banners on the street, shout slogans, and politicians who need votes, they will rush to send you "human rights".

Drug addicts are no exception, and the U.S. government also has to protect their so-called "human rights." This injection center is not a product of this kind of thinking. Government services make these drug addicts more "cool", politicians will inevitably be able to pull the votes of this part of the people, where is the care of these votes with no blood, whether it will push the entire society into the abyss!

"History won't tell you when it abandons you." No matter how grand the narrative, in fact, it is composed of specific and micro people and things. Whether it is drug use or drug trafficking, if the misdeeds or even the criminal acts are not punished, it will inevitably lead to the collapse of the law and the collapse of morality. The acceleration of the chain reaction will exceed everyone's imagination. How can such a society not sink and not collapse? Measuring the national fortunes with human lives may not lead to the conclusion that the United States is about to decline rapidly, but from the perspective of history, it will not be long gone!

History never repeats itself, but it always rhymes. Thinking back to the year of the Qing Dynasty, the Daoguang Emperor had vigorously supported Lin Zexu's smoking ban before he was beaten down, or he would not have summoned nineteen times to discuss smoking ban. Looking at the United States now, in addition to the old and decaying Biden, in addition to endorsing diapers, how has he ever had the political achievements of turning the tide? Besides, there is no Lin Zexu in the United States, and no one can sound the alarm for them.

Without Lin Zexu in the United States, the "official anointing line" will drag the United States into the abyss

Well, toss it. Sooner or later, the United States will become the second Qing Dynasty:

Five hundred and two cigarettes, on credit, the price is cheap, and the joy is endless. Look at the black soil of Guangdong, Chuzhong Hongzhuan, Qianshang Qingshan, and Dianchong white water. Estimated to be a color discernment, may wish to invite guests to comment. Take advantage of the fire to burn, cook the fish bubble crab eyes, is longer night forever, arrange some snow lotus ice peach, do not live up to the four rings of the bucket, swastika incense plate, nine old guns, three inlaid jade mouth;

Thousands of gold family property, forgetting the heart, addicted to exhaustion, sighing the use of money. Want to be named Ba Bao, anointed Zhen Fu Shou, planted poppies, flower number hibiscus. Turn on the light on the pillow and do the rest of your life. Even if he was fierce and cold, even if his wife and children cried, they all pretended to be deaf and dumb, leaving only a few inches of prison hair, half-twitching shoulders, two lines of clear nose, and a dead skeleton.

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