
"October Star Wave Film and Television Project" opened! The film and television development of "Ying Wu Brother" has attracted attention

author:Southern Metropolis Daily

On the afternoon of October 13, one of the core activities of the 6th "Beijing October Literature Month", "Symbiosis and Co-prosperity Literature and Film and Television Summit Forum" and "October Star Wave Film and Television Program" series of activities, was held at Mei Lanfang Grand Theatre. More than 100 well-known writers, screenwriters, directors and producers participated in the event to discuss the integration and transformation of literature and film and television.

Hosted by october College of Literature and undertaken by Beijing Shengshi Kent Culture Media Co., Ltd., the event aims to build a cross-border exchange and cooperation platform for literature and film and television with literature as the core, give play to the leading catalytic role of the literary matrix in the field of culture and art, and promote the integration and innovative development of authors, publishing, reading, film and television and other dimensions.

Works such as "Ying Wu Brother" will start the process of film and television

After the establishment of the Literature and Film and Television Incubation Center last year, the October College of Literature further strengthened the integration of literature and film and television resources, explored diversified and multi-dimensional IP derivative operations and cooperation, and joined hands with many well-known authors and screenwriters and related film and television institutions to launch the "October Star Wave Film and Television Plan", which jointly invested, produced, filmed, distributed and other industrial chain links, through the operation of the film and television adaptation project of outstanding literary works, the high-quality literary IP will be transformed and cooperated with and extended, and the mutual communication and understanding between the literary and film and television circles will be enhanced.

"October Star Wave Film and Television Project" opened! The film and television development of "Ying Wu Brother" has attracted attention

"October Star Wave Film and Television Program" strategic signing ceremony

"October Star Wave Film and Television Project" opened! The film and television development of "Ying Wu Brother" has attracted attention

Launch of the "October Star Wave Film and Television Project"

The first phase of the "October Star Wave Film and Television Project" released on the spot covered movies, dramas, network movies, etc., including Reed 'White Mountain black water', Qiu Huadong's "Listening to Gong", Xiao Xuchi and Qi Yuan's "Extraordinary Journey", Kou Zi's "Sound of the Ground", Han Kaichen's "Vision" and other 9 film IP projects; Li Er's "Ying Wu Brother", Zhang Ying's "Baby Ning", Yang Shuangyin's "Yuntong Tianxia", Liu Pinzhang's "Tang Dynasty" and other 9 TV series IP projects; Chen Khan's "Mountains and Seas Of The Book of You Zhan Emperor Tian" and other 9 network IP projects.

"October Star Wave Film and Television Project" opened! The film and television development of "Ying Wu Brother" has attracted attention

"Ying Wu Brother" IP operation release ceremony

Mao Dun Literature Award winner and October contract writer Li Er's novel "Ying Wu Brother", as one of the first literary works to be included in the "October Star Wave Film and Television Project", will start the process of film and television. The novel "Ying Wu Brother" takes the Confucian scholar "Ying Wu Brother" as the axis character, recounts a variety of contemporary people, and won the 10th Mao Dun Literature Award in 2019. The film and television development of this work is highly anticipated by the literary and film circles. Author Li Er said that he hopes that this novel can collide with the excellent film and television creation team to create a spark. Li Er said, "I expect that when excellent screenwriters and artists re-create this novel, they will not only be able to see that it is different from previous works, but also further enrich my works." ”

Ma Chi, deputy general manager of Beijing Publishing Group, pointed out that how to better combine literature and film and television is an important issue that literary and artistic creators need to think about in the new historical period. We will integrate the literary brand resources of "October", build a good platform for film and television literature creation center, take the "October Star Wave Film and Television Plan" as the extension and landing, integrate high-quality IP resources, domestic first-line film and television companies and film and television investment and financing institutions, seek diversified strategic cooperation, and create more realistic masterpieces that reflect Chinese characteristics and unite China's strength.

"Putting capital back in the cage of the script"

The linkage between literature and film and television has always been a topic of wide discussion. At the "Literature and Film and Television Summit Forum", a number of guests from the literary and film and television circles conducted two roundtable forums entitled "The Symbiosis and Co-prosperity of Literature and Film and Television in the New Era" and "The Virtuous Circle of Literary film and Television Adaptation" to jointly explore the new path of the integration and development of literature and film and television in the new era.

"October Star Wave Film and Television Project" opened! The film and television development of "Ying Wu Brother" has attracted attention

Forum 01: The symbiosis and co-prosperity of literature and film and television in the new era

In the past few years, the "big IP" dominated by online literature has become an important guideline for the development of film and television projects, and the adaptation of domestic films and TV series has begun to look for blueprints more from online literature. Nowadays, all kinds of signs show that the wind direction of film and television adaptation is blowing from online literature back to serious literature. With the good response of works such as "In the Name of the People", "White Deer Plain", "Great Rivers and Great Rivers", and "Mountains and Seas", the market has paid more attention to realistic themes.

Ning Ken, a famous writer and vice chairman of the Beijing Writers Association, believes that after the development of movies and TV dramas that tell long stories after the twentieth century, they have greatly replaced the storytelling function of traditional novels. "Literature is becoming more and more niche, and the function of mass storytelling has given way to television, movies, and especially TV series." "When we put forward the concept of 'co-prosperity' in literature and film and television today, in a sense, it may have a corrective function."

Zhang Yongchen, a well-known screenwriter and president of Paile Media, pointed out that due to the promotion of capital and platforms in recent years, it has had a great impact on good movies and good TV series based on serious literature. There is a lack of literature in the film and television industry today. "We have had a very difficult time in recent years, and this difficulty is the impact of some so-called works from the industry that do not have literature and film and television genes in my opinion, and this impact has caused a confusion in the current values and expressions." Specifically, good and bad works have lost the standard of judgment within this two years. ”

Zhang Yongchen pointed out that in the development of the film and television industry in recent years, capital and platforms have played a great role in promoting, but at the same time, they have brought a great impact on the evaluation standards of film and television dramas. "In the final analysis, film and television need literature to develop well."

Chen Khan, winner of the Hong Kong Film Awards for Best Screenplay, pointed out that many producers now only want to make money and are not willing to invest in literary films. Movies are for the general public, it is difficult to avoid taking the road of popularization, and excellent literary works should be adapted into the most suitable art form for it.

Actor Huang Lu has starred in the film "Tuina" directed by Lou Ye, which is adapted from Bi Feiyu's novel of the same name. Huang Lu said, "Literary works are the soil of film and television works. With the soil, the tree of film and television works can grow better and more luxuriantly. Film and television are separated from literature, and they become very fragile, very thin, and have no thickness of their own. ”

Sun Rui, director, screenwriter and original author of the movie "My Youth Has You", believes that traditional novels focus on story and literature, and now some so-called network IP only stays in the story, and does not go to literature. "In the last ten or twenty years, our films are no longer as literary as in the previous Chinese films. In the past, directors took stories from literature and also took literary nature, but now they just take stories. Sun Rui said that it is difficult to change the habits of the audience, and film and television people have a long way to go.

The famous screenwriter Song Fangjin said, "Capital will not serve goodness, we must force it to serve goodness." Our job is to put capital back in the cage of the script. ”

"Literature is the most important source of content"

"October Star Wave Film and Television Project" opened! The film and television development of "Ying Wu Brother" has attracted attention

Forum 2: A virtuous circle of literary, film and television adaptations

At the second forum "Virtuous Circle of Literary Film and Television Adaptation", Zhang Qiang, chief content officer of Ruyi Pictures, said, "When our company organized film and television creation, it found a very obvious law, and the success rate of works adapted from excellent literary works was particularly high. On the contrary, according to a vacuum concept, find a few screenwriters to write the script, which has a very high failure rate. This is not only a personal experience, but also the experience of China, the experience of the world, you can see this law, most of the excellent works are from the adaptation of literary works. ”

Zhang Qiang pointed out that in the past few years, China's film and television industry has formed a pathological business model of IP plus traffic stars, resulting in the whole industry working for a small number of traffic stars and the loss of the whole industry. "How to subvert this model? Only by returning to the essential laws of artistic creation, content determines everything. This content is largely literature, and literature is the most important source of content. ”

Director Lei Xianhe believes that the subtle influence of literature and film and television is very important, "When I first read "October", I was still carrying a machine, and what I read at that time had no impact on filming now? There is definitely, and this effect is potential. ”

Lu Xun Literature Prize winner Advocate Chu believes that good literature is a story that tells the cross-section of the soul. Only a good story with strong literature can really resonate.

Writer Shi Yifeng pointed out that "the value of commodities lies in the condensation of undifferentiated human labor, which is the core thesis of Marxism." The value of a thing lies in the fact that there is human wisdom condensed in it, as is the case with film and television and literature. ”

Liu Jianwei, a famous screenwriter and winner of the Mao Dun Literature Award, said that film and television works adapted from successful literary works have a higher probability of success. Even in recent years, TV dramas with high Douban ratings and audiences willing to brush up again and again are mostly based on excellent literary works. "If a company only follows the traffic, the money it makes will soon be lost back, and it can't last."

Tao Chun, a military writer, believes that if literature and film and television want to coexist and prosper, they need to build bridges and recommend excellent literary works to film and television workers. At present, the communication between literature and film and television is not enough, there are more than a hundred kinds of Literary Publications in China, and many good novels with strong adaptations have been ignored. Guest Tan Fei also holds the same view as the writer Tao Chun, who believes that only by building a bridge of interaction and interconnection can literature and film and television have a continuous virtuous circle.

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