
Danyang Street held the 2019 summary and commendation and 2020 work deployment conference

author:Poster News
Danyang Street held the 2019 summary and commendation and 2020 work deployment conference

On January 16, the Danyang Street Office of Heze Development Zone held the 2019 summary and commendation and 2020 work deployment conference.

Danyang Street held the 2019 summary and commendation and 2020 work deployment conference

The meeting was presided over by Wu Shaojun, deputy secretary of the street party working committee and director of the office, Sun Yuyong, deputy secretary of the party working committee, read out the "Decision on Naming and Commending Advanced Collectives and Advanced Individuals in 2019", "Honor List" and "Positive Incentive Method for Comprehensive Assessment of Community Social Development", and Zhu Jiafu, secretary of the Party Working Committee, made an important speech of "Sweat Watering Harvest, Hard Work and Determination to Move Forward - Danyang Economic and Social Undertakings To a New Level". Zhu Jiafu's speech was divided into three major parts and twenty-two aspects, which comprehensively and objectively summarized the work of the office in 2019 and sought truth from facts, clarified the work tasks of the whole department in 2020, emphasized not forgetting the original intention, keeping in mind the mission, and walking in the forefront of the city's township offices in the journey of winning the all-round well-off and realizing the future. Zhu Jiafu pointed out that the past 2019 was a year in which the external environment was complex and changeable, and the development encountered many difficulties, and it was also a year in which we seized the historical opportunity and struggled to transform and upgrade. In the past year, under the correct leadership of the city and the development zone, we have taken on the role, vigorously grasped the implementation, overcome some unpredictable difficulties, and made new achievements in economic operation with courage: the total social output value of the whole place was 35.67 billion yuan (excluding agriculture), an increase of 13.7% year-on-year; the gross domestic product of enterprises above designated size was 21.46 billion yuan, an increase of 8.2% year-on-year; the per capita net income of residents was 25,134 yuan, an increase of 18.3% year-on-year; and the fiscal tax revenue reached a new high. In the past year, the street has passed the acceptance of national-level health townships, maintained the honorary title of "Provincial Civilized Street" for 7 consecutive years, won the provincial fire work "Capacity Strengthening Year" activity advanced unit, provincial safety production advanced street office, the city's organization innovation award, property civilization creation advanced unit; Duzhuang, Damazhuang, ZhaoTang, Datun and other 4 communities won the "Provincial Civilized Community", Jizhuang, Sangtun won the "Municipal Civilized Community", Wusi Community became the country's first "for the village" five-star community, Jizhuang community won the honorary title of excellent community work method in the city. When talking about the next step of work, Zhu Jiafu stressed the need to seize the day and night, run hard, and ensure that the work in 2020 will reach a new level. The first is to take a clear-cut stand in stressing politics and achieve new breakthroughs in party building work. The second is to go all out to grasp urban construction and enhance the new functions of urban carriers. Make every effort to promote the construction of resettlement housing; enhance the energy level of the central city, cooperate with the functional departments of the urban area to accelerate the improvement of urban functional facilities, and continuously improve the quality and level of urban construction management; effectively improve the level of urban management; carry out the "Year of Property Management Service Improvement" activities in depth; and fully promote the creation of civilized cities and national sanitary cities in the country. The third is to do everything possible to stabilize growth and create new achievements in economic development. Comprehensively strengthen scientific and technological innovation; do a good job in "double strokes and double introduction." The fourth is to unswervingly adhere to the bottom line and consolidate a new situation of harmony and stability. Strengthen ecological environmental protection, continue to fight the battle against pollution; weave a dense safety production network; prevent and resolve debt and financial risks; innovate the petitioning mechanism, and make every effort to maintain social harmony and stability. The fifth is to focus on making up for shortcomings and promoting the new development of rural revitalization. Promote the construction of beautiful courtyards, create an ecological and livable environment, resolutely win the battle against poverty, and strengthen social governance. The sixth is to benefit the people's livelihood in a precise and pragmatic manner and share new achievements in development. Continue to give priority to the development of education; increase investment in medical and health care; vigorously promote the prosperity and development of culture; and deeply cultivate a new style of civilization. Finally, Zhu Jiafu asked the whole department to unite more closely around the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core, under the strong leadership of the Municipal Party Committee and the Party Working Committee of the Development Zone, not to forget the original intention, to remember the mission and take responsibility, to seize the day, not to live up to Shaohua, and to strive to build a prosperous, strong, civilized, harmonious, happy and livable new Danyang! At the meeting, the office's target management comprehensive award, catch-up award, five good party branches, spiritual civilization, community economic development, urban construction and management, safe construction, cultivation of financial resources community, beautiful courtyards, red brand creation, civilized city creation, advanced enterprises, property services, advanced women's congresses, regiment organizations, arming, poll petitions, learning to strengthen the country, advanced clinics and outstanding party branch secretaries, advanced workers, urban assistant management advanced individuals, sanitation advanced individuals, grid management advanced individuals, five good families, Representatives of the beautiful courtyard demonstration households gave awards and commendations. More than 300 people attended the meeting, including advanced units and individuals emerging on all fronts of the office, leaders at the deputy section level of the office, all cadres and workers of organs, principal responsible persons of departments directly under the department, all members of the leading bodies of the two community committees, and representatives of enterprises.

Source: Charm Danyang

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