
"Deep Thinking" The Wolf of Wall Street (2400 words)

author:Nonsense Yuan bullets
"Deep Thinking" The Wolf of Wall Street (2400 words)

Jordan Belfort

Disclaimer: Just say what you think about the wolf story on Wall Street, and what you think about the real world. If there is something wrong, just comment on it.

I remember watching this movie in college, and it was so touching. In particular, the absurd life of the drunken gold fan inside, and the stockbroker sales work full of chicken blood all the time, make me remember it vividly. It also gave me a different understanding of wealth, marriage and family.

The film is based on the true and legendary first half of wall Street stockbroker Jordan Belfort's true and legendary life, and the film begins with a passionate speech by Jordan about the company's employees.

One of the passages is very impressive:

"Deep Thinking" The Wolf of Wall Street (2400 words)

No money can not fit your son

"You can't fit your son without money."

This sentence basically summarizes the reasons why Jordan chose to take this path in the film.

The film then follows the narrator in looking back at Jordan's downfall in 1987:

He entered the Rothschild Stock Sales Company, where he was appreciated by his boss, Mark Hanner, and thus led him into the financial world of Wall Street. Shortly after he qualified as a stockbroker, the company went bankrupt during a stock market crash on Black Monday.

Jordan also lost his job, desperate, he can only go to a small stock economy to work, and sell some "fairy stocks" to some people at the bottom of society.

But it can be said that Jordan is born a very attractive salesman, even if he sells "fairy stocks", he can accurately capture the psychological demands of the sales target. In the process of communication, he invisibly creates the needs to the customer, and in the process, his talent also drives him to seek greater development space.

Jordan started his own business, and his initial partners did not give up on them, even if they were all from the bottom of society. Instead, it is to encourage them spiritually, teach them sales skills and words, and soon the company will become bigger and stronger.

Every time I watch this movie, I watch the process very seriously. Because in my opinion, this part is suitable for every ordinary person like me. This is also what everyone yearns for, from being poor and white, to having a lot of money.

Inside the fast food restaurant, Jordan asks his partner to sell him a pen, which I think is the core of the film.

Even now, this bridge section, I think it is full of memories, and even every time I have contact with business opportunities, I will use this bridge section to reason.

"Deep Thinking" The Wolf of Wall Street (2400 words)

Sell me this pen

"Deep Thinking" The Wolf of Wall Street (2400 words)

Write your name down on me on a tissue

"Deep Thinking" The Wolf of Wall Street (2400 words)

Provide what people need

At first glance, this is actually very simple words and logic.

What is Business?

Generally speaking, the simple scene is that someone needs it, and it just so happens that another person has what he needs, which is the most ordinary scene.

But most of the scenario is that consumers don't know exactly what he really needs. This confirms a quote from Jobs:

Consumers don't know what they need, and until we come up with our products, they find out, this is what I want.

So this bridge section is a very simple explanation of how to create consumption scenes for consumers, and then let them come to me and pay for these scenes.

In the movie, Jordan's first wife feels ashamed when she learns about her husband's business. So to my husband, why sell these "fairy stocks" to the poor instead of the rich?

"Deep Thinking" The Wolf of Wall Street (2400 words)

Rich people don't buy penny stocks

"Deep Thinking" The Wolf of Wall Street (2400 words)

Because they're too smart

The consumption scenarios created can only be paid for by the consumers of the corresponding scenes.

Most ordinary people are eager to get rich overnight or have the opportunity to get rich and have a stable income business, Jordan is to seize the capital fantasy of most of the bottom people, and peddle these "fairy stocks" to them. But the middle and upper estate people do not aspire to get rich overnight, because in their perception, wealth and risk coexist. If a broker tells them that these stocks could multiply dozens of times, they will feel like the broker is fooling them. So what they want more is a stable and sustained return.

But perhaps the speaker had no intention of hearing the other, and Jordan thought his business really should change direction. It is not that his conscience finds that it is the shore to turn back, but that he believes that there is no future in earning the money of the poor, and that to make money, it is necessary to earn the money in the pockets of the rich in the middle and upper classes.

So Jordan changed his strategy: he sold blue-chip stocks to the rich with high-quality assets, and after the rich tasted the sweetness, he sold them "penny stocks" and "initial shares".

Like Jordan's original boss, Mark Hanner, said, get people into this infinite cycle of Ferris wheels and use all sorts of tricks to get you to stay when you want to leave. As long as your assets remain unchanged, then brokers will always have to earn.

As the business gets bigger and bigger, there are more and more illegal operations in the business. At the heart of Jordan's business is fraud, living by looting the wallets of the rich and the poor. From this point of view, Jordan's cognitive scope is limited to the "truth" that Mark taught him. And even in the top financial circles like Wall Street, it has not been able to improve or even change his cognition. In other words, although he made more money, he was still just a scheming salesman.

At the same time, Jordan also began to dislike his wife for not seeing or having fun, and empathized with Naomi, who had an aristocratic family. Along with the terrible absurdity of life, along with the fall, there is also his original positive attitude towards life. And this is the first impetus to open the way to his evil.

In my opinion, in terms of his marriage, he did not progress with his ex-wife. At a time when his ex-wife has begun to become unaware of his ideas and life, he chooses to push her away rather than communicate with her and grow up together to reach the synchronicity of the spiritual world.

And this can also be seen in his marriage to Naomi. Naomi longed for a stable family, and Jordan's depraved life and illegal business apparently couldn't provide for that. Jordan once again chose to ignore the other half, and the early morning quarrel after each hangover was actually an emotional consumption.

So in fact, in terms of business and feelings, Jordan has limited his cognition to a range, and has not continued to break through. This led to the kangzhuang avenue that his life should have been pushed by himself into the abyss of bottomless darkness.

"Deep Thinking" The Wolf of Wall Street (2400 words)

Where vice is vengeance follows

Jordan's father, every time he fell deeper, wanted to arouse his sleeping heart, and he had no choice but to wake up the person who pretended to be asleep.

However, throughout, Jordan's sense of smell for finance and his mastery of conversation skills are very worth learning. At the same time, his family deeds also tell me a truth:

When you want to pursue something, take the time to focus on learning and mastering its skills.

When you are invested enough, wealth naturally follows you.

Many of my friends rack their brains every day to do side hustles, to get rich, to start a business. But they are not willing to invest time and money. Every day, I am only willing to fantasize about what I can do after I have money, and then I will complain about the rich people around me and dislike my other half.

Everyone's cognitive range is different, and if you can really earn money outside the cognitive range, it is really just a temporary luck. If you don't improve your cognition, don't break your own barriers, don't broaden your horizons.

So how can you really get rich?

I've always believed this:

The accumulation of concentration can be exchanged for harvest

Some friends always say, who will not talk about these truths, who does not know? I just want to make money now, I just want to get rich.

All I can say is that wealth is never a matter of heart.

As we said at the beginning, the premise of business is that you can create a scene where others are willing to consume, and others will give you money.

You see someone else opening a milk tea shop, so you want to open your own shop. But have you seen the preparations that others have done before opening a store? Do market research, do product selection surveys, design publicity programs, and integrate promotion channels.

If you don't prepare for it, you're going to fail. Because people are thinking in the process of preparation:

How to create a scene where others are willing to consume?

"Deep Thinking" The Wolf of Wall Street (2400 words)

We are all part of the rich-hungry community

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