
The German version of Wolf of Wall Street is bolder

author:Drawer movies

Entering the third decade of the twenty-first century, I believe that many people have no doubt about the ability of capital, why capital can call the wind and rain, invincible. The reasons are complex, but they are also very simple, because capital has no morality, and capital does not set the bottom line. The reason why ordinary people are suppressed by capital and unable to resist is because ordinary people have moral bottom lines and ordinary people have their own ethics. This may sound incredible, but when a pile of reality is in front of them, when the cost of lying coexists with the risk, ordinary people will feel upset, but capital thinks that the opportunity has come, so desperate speculation will appear.

The German version of Wolf of Wall Street is bolder

Today's recommended movie to everyone, the Chinese people look at each other and smile, but this is a German movie. "The Rise and Fall of Real Estate" is about how a real estate tycoon made a lot of money through small money, and eventually went from a penniless to a well-known rich man, and then went to jail and lost everything. This whole process can be called a textbook of rampant capital, and the protagonist profoundly explains how the so-called giants of an industry rise, and how to grow their capital through snowballs, and finally when they go to prison, they destroy everything they have. It seems that the scenery is infinite, but in fact, it is indeed an infinite scenery.

The German version of Wolf of Wall Street is bolder

Why? This film does not ridicule the blood-sucking path of capital, but instead uses a scrutinizing eye and a playful way to show us the invincible disadvantages of capital, the so-called tycoon is just more than ordinary people, but it is these seemingly unremarkable qualifications that eventually make an industry tycoon rise to become a blood-sucking capital, which is ironic. If we take a look at his growth history, we can understand such an experience more deeply.

The German version of Wolf of Wall Street is bolder

If a person is extremely jerky, there must be a reason, and childhood experiences have given Victor the illusion that money can have everything, that all emotions are unstable, and yet money can make those instabilities solid. The reason Why Victor thinks this is because he has witnessed his mother leave his father for a necklace. And he believes that the reason why the mother left her father was not a broken relationship, but that she abandoned everything for money.

The German version of Wolf of Wall Street is bolder

This kind of ingrained childhood thinking will definitely affect victor's personality as an adult, at least Freud will think so, Victor's future personality changes will come from this stimulation in childhood, if you feel that this stimulation is not deep enough, the scene of the father being expelled because he cannot pay taxes is also vivid. Victor has experienced so many family upheavals that his deepest impression of money is already deeply rooted. Thus, a jackal-like personality was developed.

The German version of Wolf of Wall Street is bolder

The jackal-like personality can turn into a stoic perseverance in the average person, but for Victor, this perseverance can be transformed into a certain motivation to move forward, especially the observation and economic acumen that the average person does not have. When working at the construction site, you can earn the first pot of gold for yourself by borrowing, cheating, lying, constantly integrating various resources, etc., which make Victor's usual way to continuously increase the weight of his future rise. Eventually, Gary showed up, and the two hit it off.

The German version of Wolf of Wall Street is bolder

Through a series of despicable means, Victor and Gary accidentally obtained a lot of legal auction apartments, and these legal apartments with a total price of hundreds of thousands of dollars suddenly became Victor's secret weapon to enter the real estate industry in the future, because what he had to do next was to leverage more capital through these dozens of apartments to make profits for himself. Gary and Victor join hands to eventually make this pry possible, and Victor also reaps his love.

The German version of Wolf of Wall Street is bolder

A well-connected friend, a banker, a very rich financially minded wife, Victor was in the limelight for a while, and finally under the combination of the three, Victor stood at the top of the real estate industry, acquired insurance companies to obtain more customers, and obtained unequal competition by paying bribes, etc. Victor used this way to seek too many unreasonable material benefits for himself. Seeing this, if the domestic audience understands the real estate market, it will definitely be familiar with such a way to make a fortune. Look around us, isn't that how these brokers earned their first pot of gold? But isn't there any risk in doing so?

The German version of Wolf of Wall Street is bolder

Obviously, even if you get a bank license and get all kinds of powerful environments for yourself, the sword of breaking the law will one day fall. Victor eventually tasted some kind of evil consequence. After he was released from prison, he seemed to have changed himself to face the world again, but he created a person, a person who was accustomed to a certain way of life, and would not wash his hands and change his life as many people think. After Finding his lost "capital", Victor changed venues and chose to start over.

The German version of Wolf of Wall Street is bolder

Deception is addictive, especially so-called tycoons like this who have been baptized by big capital, who know that although their means of seeking wealth are contrary to morality and the law, the benefits obtained are equal to risk. Such temptations are acceptable to ordinary people, and for those like Victor, who have experienced an extremely rich material life, it is nothing to violate morality and conscience. Wealth always pries people's hearts.


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