
Lyrical Railway Soldiers, the song of Tie Jianqing commented on the poetry creation of Helagen Author: Bai Fan, Mu Zi

author:Railway soldier culture
Lyrical Railway Soldiers, the song of Tie Jianqing commented on the poetry creation of Helagen Author: Bai Fan, Mu Zi

Lyrical railway soldiers, iron construction in the song

  Comment on Heragan's poetry

  Author: Bai Fan, Mu Zi

  The Railway Soldier Culture Network is the cradle of iron poets. The poet Heragen, who is now active on the railway soldier culture network, is one of them.

  Reading The study of Helagen's poems is like returning to the barracks of the railway soldiers in those days, just like entering the team of China Railway Construction. Looking at the characteristics of his poetry, it started from the railway soldier culture network and developed to maturity. This is inseparable from the cultivation of editors and editors who enjoy it. Like diligent gardeners, they watered herra roots into a leafy material. We have read many of He's works and wanted to comment on his works.

  First, do not forget the original intention, and strive to write for the promotion of the railway soldier culture

  The sense of responsibility is the ideological basis for a person to do business. If there is no professionalism, it will lose the motivation to work. It is precisely because of this that Horagon understands that retirement does not mean quitting the party, and that the responsibilities of party members must be fulfilled in the work unit. Even if you retire and are still a Communist Party member, you must play the role of a Communist Party member.

  The culture of the railroad soldiers is an important part of our party's propaganda and ideological front. As a party member, especially a cadre party member, you should shine a light on the party's cultural propaganda work. This has nothing to do with whether or not to retire, there are more than ninety million Communist Party members in the country, does not include retired Party members? The so-called retirement does not fade, which is precisely to ask every Communist Party member not to forget his original mission. Heragan

  He has never forgotten the responsibilities of party members and has always maintained the true character of a soldier. During his time as a railroad soldier, he grew from a soldier to a cadre. After the reform of the soldiers, he became a propaganda cadre and party worker of China Railway Construction, and he remembered that this was made into steel in the melting pot of railway soldiers. Without the training of the railway troops and the China Railway Construction Party organization, there would be no progress for him. Therefore, after retirement, he is not idle pension, but continues to use the pen to write the lofty ambitions of the railway soldiers, and sing the patriotic feelings of China Railway Construction. Judging by the frequency with which his poems have been published, he has been writing diligently almost always.

  The fragrance of plum blossoms comes from ancient times. Horagon was a press officer during the construction of China Railway, and in news writing, he worked hard and wrote many good press releases. After his retirement, he began to transform into poetry creation, and he continued to study the works of Li Wubing, a famous poet of the Railway Soldier. He also asked Bai Fan to comment on some poems for him, and some of them were also modified, so this kind of comment and modification also benefited him a lot. In addition, he also consulted the relevant professors of Nanjing University and read a lot of articles on poetry creation, which was also a good impetus for the transformation of his writing. Therefore, a responsible author grows up in continuous learning and writing.

  Second, adhere to the realistic creative style, write about the work and life that you are most familiar with

  The basic law of literary creation is to adhere to the creative principles of realism and revolutionary romanticism. The so-called realism is to write about the life and work that you are most familiar with. Such works will be more touching and unpretentious, and the audience will be more receptive. I also feel that the depiction in the work is happening around me, and I feel very kind.

  Horagon was once the most basic soldier and cadre of the railway corps, and he was very familiar with the barracks. He was featured in The Year. In that month, it is written: In that month, you were full of blood and blood, bid farewell to your hometown, had ambitions, ran to the distant places of wind and rain, and the military spent the spring and autumn drinking horses, vowing to dedicate your youth to national defense.

  Verses like this would not have been felt if there were no soldiers. As long as it is a person who joined the army, as soon as he reads this, he will immediately think of the feeling of unrelenting love when he just changed into a green military uniform, said goodbye to his parents in tears, and said goodbye to the landscape of his hometown. And in "Eternal Thoughts", although this poem is a memory of the deceased comrades, it also brings us back to the barracks: whether you lie in the cemetery of this mountain, do you also sing the songs of your comrades and comrades as brothers, do you also sing the railway soldiers in the four directions, although you can't return to your hometown, then like the railway soldiers in those days, always aim to be in the four directions. Such a verse can only be deeply appreciated by those who have been railway soldiers. This is also a true portrayal of Heragan himself, his life in the barracks. Without the experience of being a railroad soldier, you would not have written about military camp life so realistically.

  After the military reform, HeLagen served as the deputy instructor of the second company of paving, and after being transferred to the propaganda director of the company when the Daqin railway was paved, he went to the first line of paving and served as the secretary of the party working committee of the project headquarters. Well, he is very familiar with railway laying, from the rail row production base to laying trains and girders. Especially from cement T beams to high-speed rail box girders, they are very familiar. Most of his poems reflect paving, that is, line work in railway infrastructure. This kind of highly professional poetry, which does not understand the paving project, can never be written. One of his most typical poems about laying is called "Tonight, the Moon Rises from the Construction Site": the moon rises from the Gantry Pavilion, the round moon illuminates me to climb the escalator, accompanied by me to hoist the section of the rail row, and the new railway track laying begins in my hand. The moon rises from the tower's hanging tip and lifts the steel cage, steel formwork, and concrete.

  The gantry hanging cabinet, rail row hoisting, steel cage, steel formwork, and concrete involved in this poem are all professional construction terms, and it is not possible to be unfamiliar with them. It can be seen that the fixation of Heragen as the poet who paved the railway construction site is still worthy of the name.

  Third, use aesthetic creative techniques to depict boring railway construction sites

  Building a railway is hard work and life. Railways lay trains, and they are basically in the deserted mountains or desert wastelands. Therefore, the railway laying is boring. However, under the pen of Horagen, he wrote the romantic color in the construction of paving, giving people a very beautiful picture feeling, full of optimistic ideas, urging people to forge ahead, and feeling the bitterness and joy in the construction of high-speed rail. This promotes a spirit of dedication to the motherland. In the poem "Follow the Long Track", it is written: A pair of 500-meter long tracks, the iron builder led it to the front and sang all the way. Pieces of steel-boned ballastless track plates carry galloping silver trains. The wind of the four seasons is calling, and the whistle of the locomotive of the iron construction rail is even louder.

  From such a poetic description, let us see that the iron builders are leading the long track. Above the long track was a speeding silver train and the wind howling. This is the beauty of paving construction work.

  So, what changes has the construction of high-speed rail brought to the lives of the people? The description of "On the Other Side of the Mountain" is vivid: on the other side of the mountain, there is a mirage of people in the mountains, and the newly built high-speed rail looms in the clouds. On the other side of the mountain, the high-speed rail station not far from the county seat is a station for people in the mountains to go out and come back. This poem outlines the picture of the construction of the high-speed railway that makes the masses rejoice. And "The Train Flies Over the Peach Blossom Forest" even uses a metaphorical paragraph to write the beautiful scenery of watching the train fly first and then enjoying the peach blossoms. In short, Horagon is not the best poet, but his spirit of exploration in poetry creation, as an author who came out of the railway soldiers and the China Railway Construction, is a good poet full of positive energy and positive energy. The railway soldier culture needs such an author, and the new era needs such a person who tells the Chinese story well. I hope that he will create better works.

About the author: He once served as a creative member of the Third Division of the Railway Corps, a member of the Company's News Cadre of the Fourth New Management Office of the Railway Corps, a creator of the Creative Class of the Thirteenth Division of the Railway Corps, a deputy battalion news cadre of the First Division of the Railway Corps, the chief of the Information Section of the Propaganda Department of the Eleventh Bureau of the China Railway Corps, and the secretary general of the Bureau's Political Research Council. He has published more than 2 million words of news, literature, theory and other works. Seven literary books published or co-authored. He is a member of the Shandong Provincial Writers Association. His works that have won national awards include the Gold Medal for Reportage, the Silver Award for Poetry Creation, and the National Excellence Award for Television Feature Films Written and Directed, which have been broadcast on CCTV and Provincial Television for many times. The newsletter won the first prize of the Hubei Good News Competition. He has been hired as a special reporter by many national newspapers. His news works are mostly found in Guangming Daily, China Youth Daily, and Workers Daily. The Railroad Soldier newspaper had a column for it in its first edition. His long-form newsletter "Three Gorges cast by the Soul of the Army" was published in various newspapers in the army, and the protagonist Wang Tongyi was awarded the title of hero by the General Political Department of the People's Liberation Army. He is now a Confucian businessman, the artistic director of a film and television media company, and a master tutor.

Introduction of the author Mu Zi: A university degree in Wuhan, Hubei Province, a Confucian businessman, a long-term engaged in the study of traditional Chinese studies based on ancient poetry, poet.

EDIT: Have fun

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