
The Exploits of the Martyrs Shine through the Ages The heroic names of the martyrs have been passed down through the ages

author:People's Daily News

Source: People's Daily Overseas Edition

Over the past 70 years, we have never forgotten the martyrs who heroically sacrificed their lives in the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea. More than 197,000 heroic sons and daughters have sacrificed their precious lives for the motherland, for the people and for peace. The merits of the martyrs are impressive, and the heroic names of the martyrs will last forever!


The War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea was a modern war waged under extremely different conditions of strength between the two belligerents. At that time, the national strength of China and the United States was very different. Under such extremely asymmetrical and extremely difficult circumstances, the Chinese Volunteer Army, in close coordination with the Korean military and people, fought the first battle of Liangshuidong, the fierce battle of Unsan Castle, the battle of Cheongcheon River, and the battle of Chosin Lake, and so on, and then built a defensive position like an iron wall of copper, carried out many offensive battles, smashed the "strangulation war," resisted the "germ warfare," and fought a bloody battle in Shangganling, creating a mighty and majestic war. After a bitter battle, the Chinese and North Korean armies defeated their opponents armed to the teeth, shattered the myth of the invincibility of the US military, and forced the invincible aggressors to sign the armistice agreement on July 27, 1953.

No matter how the times develop, we must forge the national bloodiness of giving up life and forgetting death and living toward death. On the Korean battlefield, the volunteer soldiers faced a powerful and fierce combat opponent, in a harsh and cruel battlefield environment, threw their heads and spilled their blood, and used "less steel and more gas" to overcome "more steel and less gas", composing a majestic epic poem that shocked the world and wept ghosts. The volunteer officers bravely charged at the rain of bullets and bullets, stood firm in the face of indiscriminate bombardment, blocked the gun holes with their chests, used their bodies as ladders, picked up explosive packages, held explosives canisters in their hands, rushed into the enemy group, endured hunger and frost, never flinched, burned themselves in flames, and dared to "fight bayonets in the air." Among them, more than 300,000 heroes and heroes such as Yang Gensi, Huang Jiguang, and Qiu Shaoyun emerged, and nearly 6,000 heroes and collectives. The heroes said: Behind us is the motherland, for the peace of the people of the motherland, we cannot take a step back! This bloodiness frightens the enemy and moves the heavens and the earth!

——On October 23, 2020, Xi Jinping delivered a speech at the conference commemorating the 70th anniversary of the Chinese Volunteer Army's War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea

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