
In fact, everyone knows Spider-Man's secret identity in the MCU, but you just don't know it yet

author:American drama Rotten Tomatoes
In fact, everyone knows Spider-Man's secret identity in the MCU, but you just don't know it yet

Spider-Man may still be a new character in the superhero game, but his secret identity is already known to many characters in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. The split between Peter Parker and another wall-climbing self has been a key part of the mythology of this character. The mask not only protects Peter and his loved ones from revenge from supervillains; It allows him to escape the stresses of a normal life and vice versa.

Due to the nature of the comics and their storyline, Peter certainly didn't always succeed in keeping his mask on. But many of Spider-Man's most famous stories revolve around his fear that his friends, enemies, and the general public will discover his true identity. This fear has appeared in all of Spider-Man's adaptations, from the animated TV series of the '60s and '90s, to Sam Raimi's film trilogy and Mark Webb's dualism.

The avatar of the MCU, played by Tom Holland, is a little more lenient in secrecy about his identity. This may be because, since Iron Man, the MCU has largely ignored the metaphor of secret identity. The release of Spider-Man: Far From Home will be the fifth adventure film of Spider-Man in the Netherlands, meaning there are more adventures and opportunities for people to understand who the people under the mask are. So, for ease of tracking, here are all the MCU characters who know Spider-Man's secret identity.

In fact, everyone knows Spider-Man's secret identity in the MCU, but you just don't know it yet

The Spider-Man character knows Peter Parker's secret identity

Ned Leeds (Jacob Batalon) – After Peter's best friend fights crime for a night in Spider-Man: Homecoming, Spider-Man crawls into Peter's bedroom and discovers the true meaning of Stark's internship. Ned is ecstatic to learn that he knows a superhero and asks to join the spider-man adventure story. Peter was initially reluctant to let a "guy in a chair" beneath, but Ned was instrumental in Spider-Man's victory over The Amazing Man and Vulture, and he also helped Peter in Avengers: Infinity War.

May Parker (Marisa Tomei) – So far, young Aunt May has been attentive and skeptical about Peter's behavior at the back-to-school ball, as in earlier versions of Rosemary Harris and Sally Field. But, unexpectedly, she also finds Peter changing clothes — albeit at the end of the film. The results of her findings have not yet been seen in the MCU. However, in the trailer for Far From Home, May seems to be supporting her nephew, which is reminiscent of her ultimate rival in comic books.

Adrian Tumes/The Vulture (Michael Keaton) – Spider-Man's first major villain in the MCU – deduces that this "little bastard in red tights" is his daughter's date at the back-to-school ball, and that this "little bastard" has greatly disrupted his business. Later, It is seen that Mike Gagan (Michael Mando) asks Forumes's real name during his imprisonment. Curiously, Toomes denied all information about Spider-Man's identity.

Quentin Baker/Mistrio (Jack Gyllenhaal) – It's unclear whether MCU's Mistrio will become a master of mystical art or have complex hallucinations like his default avatar. However, photos released by Sony confirm that in Spider-Man: Far From Home, Peter and Quentin will know each other's true identities.

Dimitri Smerdyakov/Chameleon (?) Considering that the character he plays is named Dimitri, and that he is allied with the evil group of six, Quentin Baker, it seems quite possible. Either way, Dimitri seems to know Spider-Man's secrets as he can appear in the context of the aforementioned Spider-Man meeting with the mysterious man.

In fact, everyone knows Spider-Man's secret identity in the MCU, but you just don't know it yet

Marvel and Avenger characters who know Spider-Man's secret identity

Tony Stark/Iron Man (Robert Downey Jr.) – Iron Man was the first to learn the identity of Spider-Man, and in his MCU series, he became Peter's mentor and friend. Unfortunately, Stark died of infinite radiation in Avengers: Endgame, though it remains to be seen who he might tell before he dies.

Dr. Stephen Strand (Benedict Cumberbatch) – Infinity War witnesses Spider-Man and the Black Order's first attack on Earth, while the Wall Climbers try to stop Ebony Mo (Tom Vaughan-Lawler) from kidnapping Dr. Strand as a hostage. When Mo succeeds, Peter hides in his spaceship and his follow-up plans (inspired by aliens) eventually defeats Thanos' followers. Soon after, Spider-Man officially introduced himself to the Supreme Magician. It's unclear what the future of Doctor Strange and Spider-Man will look like in the MCU, but if it's a comic, they'll be staunch friends.

Carol Danvers/Marvel Captain (Brie Larson) – Spider-Man is surrounded by Thanos' thugs in the final battle, and Captain Marvel helps Spider-Man at the last minute. Peter was frightened and tired, and when he handed The Infinity Glove to Carol, he chanted his name to her, which made her very amused.

Harold "Happy" Hogan (Jon Favro) – Happy has known who Peter is ever since he was reluctantly appointed spider-man's instructor in Captain America: Civil War. Although he initially dismisses Spider-Man, Hogan gradually develops a crush on the precocious teenager — especially after Peter stops the vulture from stealing an entire plane full of tech products.

Nick Fury (Samuel L. Jackson) – The former director of S.H.I.E.L.D. has been absent from most of the plot of S.H.I.E.L.D., but in Far From Home, he will see S.H.I.E.L.D. entrust the reluctant hero with the task of preventing the elements from causing havoc in Europe. They may have attended Tony Stark's funeral, but Far From Home will describe their first formal meeting. Considering that Fury "finally" introduced himself to Peter in a familiar way, the super-spy seems to have known the protagonist's secret some time ago.

In fact, everyone knows Spider-Man's secret identity in the MCU, but you just don't know it yet

Characters who may know Spider-Man's secret identity

Michelle" MJ" Jones (Zendaya) – Although secret double living tends to have a detrimental effect on the relationship, in the trailer for Far From Home, Pete and MJ become increasingly intimate. However, his mean classmates may already know that Peter and Spider-Man are the same person. Jordan's keen sense of observation — and Spider-Man's close relationship with the decathlon team — has probably piqued her interest in returning to her hometown. Her anxious expression at the end of the film (Peter defends her superhero duties) clearly shows that she knows the truth.

Virginia" Pepper" Stark and Morgan Stark (Gwyneth Paltrow and Lacey Rabe) – At the press conference in the final scene of The Avengers, it is unclear whether Pepper knew Spider-Man's real name. But it seems likely that Tony will have discussed his incomparable protégé with his wife and daughter sometime in the 5 years after the Massacre.

Maria Hill (Cobie Smulders) – After the death of Phil Coulson (Clark Greg) in The Avengers, Hill becomes Nick Fury's right hand. News has confirmed that she will meet Spider-Man away from home on his journey through Europe. So, to be sure, like her boss, she knew Peter's secret for some time.

Herman Schultz/Shocker (Bokeem Woodbine) – Through the energy signals from the stolen Chitauri battery, Shocker tracks Spider-Man to his school, where he later strikes up with Spider-Man as he leaves the back-to-school prom to stop the vulture's robbery. Shockingly, Spider-Man has reached high school age, but we can only guess if Tomes actually revealed Spider-Man's pseudonym to his servants.

It's also worth mentioning that most of the Avengers, Guardians of the Galaxy, Predators, Doctor Strange Wizards, Black Panther (Chadwick Boseman) and his Wakandan troops, the rest of the Asgardians – and even Howard Duck – have seen Spider-Man reveal the Avengers in the Climate Campaign: Infinity War and The End. Some will also see him and his aunt May at Tony Stark's funeral. It's unclear whether Spider-Man told the heroes his real names, or whether they could deduce who he was from these brief and tense interactions.

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