
Dingfengbo • Please to star dream to comfort the pioneer • Watch "The Age of Awakening" and have a feeling and mourn the martyrs ' originality "

author:Longell 1998

Fix the storm, the name of the word brand. Orthographic bitones sixty-two words. The first five sentences, three flat and two rhymes; the last six sentences, four two flat rhymes. Represented by Ouyang Jiong's "Fixing the Wind wave • Warm Day Idle Window Reflection Bisha". This word pattern is compared to the orthographic representative example word.

Watching "The Age of Awakening" has a feeling and mourns for the martyrs

Years and years zheng rongwei husband, (1)

Magnificent and magnificent.

The country is in danger,

Solo Show, (2)

Shoulder to shoulder the righteousness of the wind. (3)

Ze was expelled from the East. (4)


Yin Yin's blood casts spring and autumn.

Lion Awakening 100 Years of Heaven and Earth, (5)

Beidou, (6)

Please toss the dream of comforting the pioneers. (7)

On the morning of June 11, 2021, in Changsha

(1) Husband: The big husband refers to the hero who has done something. It means the same as the Yuan Dynasty Lin Quansheng's "Tomb of the Hanging Yue King" poem "Temple short plan ashamed woman, the universe only husband"

(2) Duxiu: The original meaning is to be unique and outstanding, and at the same time it alludes to Mr. Chen Duxiu in the drama "The Age of Awakening". It does not mean that it is unique, nor does it refer to Mr. Chen Duxiu alone, but it means that this group of people are extraordinary.

(3) Wind flow: style. Chairman Mao's poem "Count the popular characters, but also look at the present dynasty."

(4) Ze was popularized by the East: Enze popularized the eastern land, and at the same time implied the great leader Chairman Mao.

(5) Lions wake up for a hundred years and turn the world upside down: After a hundred years, China has undergone earth-shaking changes.

In Napoleonic language, China is a sleeping lion. It has been a hundred years since the New Culture Movement in the play.

(6) Beidou: The Big Dipper seven stars in the sky, which also alludes to the Beidou satellite navigation system.

(7) Star Dream: Refers to the Chinese dream of realizing the great rejuvenation of the nation.

Full text interpretation:

Such a group of great heroes who came out of the glory years plotted lofty ideals in that magnificent period of history, and rushed ahead when the national disaster was approaching, they were so extraordinary, they took on the great righteousness of the nation, and wrote their own style.

They expelled the enemy, the grace benefited the whole land of China, and the bright red blood of the martyrs wrote an immortal history. A hundred years have passed, our country has already undergone earth-shaking changes, Beidou, please entrust our Chinese dream to the past to comfort the martyrs! #Poems of the Day ##Original Poems ##原创 • Emotions • Poems # #诗词 #

Dingfengbo • Please to star dream to comfort the pioneer • Watch "The Age of Awakening" and have a feeling and mourn the martyrs ' originality "

Poster of The Age of Awakening

Dingfengbo • Please to star dream to comfort the pioneer • Watch "The Age of Awakening" and have a feeling and mourn the martyrs ' originality "
Dingfengbo • Please to star dream to comfort the pioneer • Watch "The Age of Awakening" and have a feeling and mourn the martyrs ' originality "

Martyr Chen Qiaonian (stills)

Dingfengbo • Please to star dream to comfort the pioneer • Watch "The Age of Awakening" and have a feeling and mourn the martyrs ' originality "

Martyr Chen Yannian (stills)

Dingfengbo • Please to star dream to comfort the pioneer • Watch "The Age of Awakening" and have a feeling and mourn the martyrs ' originality "

Mr. Lu Xun (stills)

Dingfengbo • Please to star dream to comfort the pioneer • Watch "The Age of Awakening" and have a feeling and mourn the martyrs ' originality "

Mr. Hu Shi (stills)

Dingfengbo • Please to star dream to comfort the pioneer • Watch "The Age of Awakening" and have a feeling and mourn the martyrs ' originality "

Mr. Gu Hongming (stills)

Dingfengbo • Please to star dream to comfort the pioneer • Watch "The Age of Awakening" and have a feeling and mourn the martyrs ' originality "

Mr. Cai Yuanpei (stills)

Dingfengbo • Please to star dream to comfort the pioneer • Watch "The Age of Awakening" and have a feeling and mourn the martyrs ' originality "

Yan Nian and Qiao Nian (stills)

Dingfengbo • Please to star dream to comfort the pioneer • Watch "The Age of Awakening" and have a feeling and mourn the martyrs ' originality "

Martyr Zhao Shiyan (stills)

Dingfengbo • Please to star dream to comfort the pioneer • Watch "The Age of Awakening" and have a feeling and mourn the martyrs ' originality "

Martyr Deng Zhongxia

Dingfengbo • Please to star dream to comfort the pioneer • Watch "The Age of Awakening" and have a feeling and mourn the martyrs ' originality "

Mr. Chen Duxiu and Mr. Li Dazhao

(Picture from the Internet, invasion and deletion)

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