
Children under modern education are really tired

author:Uncle of the Southern Song Dynasty

From the geometric time, our generation went to junior high school and high school, and the parents basically stocked, did not accompany the reading, did not have extracurricular tutoring, and all the results relied on themselves. But then it changed...

Going to school is not a matter for children alone, it is a big thing for the family. At 6:30 a.m., the mother gets up to make breakfast, at 7:00 the child is called up to wash, at 7:20 to eat breakfast, at 7:45 the father takes the child to leave the school, and arrives at school at 8:00. Eat at school at noon, pick up your kids at 17:30 in the afternoon, and have dinner at 6:10 p.m. The rest of the day is spent with the child's homework or tutoring time. Bedtime is set, but it's almost over. This is the day when the average family's children go to school.

Adults are all around the children, and they don't have to delay their work, tired! Are children tired? tired! At home, learn and learn again! Holidays, tutoring ➕ interest! In school, the evaluation exam ➕ is endlessly brushed up.

I would like to ask: Is there no place for children except to be admitted to college? There are, and many more.

First, we must cultivate a good attitude in children, and do not let children feel that reading is inferior to others, and everything is inferior to others. There must be no grandfather in this trip, there is already a place to stay in the grandfather. Let your child know what he is going to do and what he wants to do. On the contrary, suicide by jumping off buildings occurs from time to time, and a family is destroyed.

Second, exercise your child so that he knows the importance of survival. Learning a technique can solve the problem of food and clothing. But learning a skill can change lives. Do things to be fine, half-tone always live at the bottom.

Third, the survival rule of law, let him know not to believe or complain too much about his classmates. There are two sides to everything that happens, listen more and talk less, and summarize right and wrong afterwards.

Some people will say that my child is not practicing books well, he is too lazy or just does not want to practice well, practice well, and he will definitely be admitted. Are you deceiving yourself? Any child who studies well can be admitted, as long as he is admitted, everyone knows. But there are several parents who understand their children's psychological ideas and agree with their ideas.

Let it go, he can cross the street and he can do the breakfast you made when you were a kid. Let it go and let your child have a full childhood. Let it go, as long as the child does not make mistakes, he will learn whatever he wants. Rest assured, will your species be worse than your mixture? That's how you look down on yourself [wit]

After reading the old iron, give a note and comment message, discuss my child's learning, what we can do! [Cover your face]

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