
UGC must memorize the question - the characteristics of modern education

author:I feel bad not learning

Characteristics of education after the 20th century

1. Lifelong education. It includes education in various ways at all ages.

(Education is lifelong.) Truly realize live to be old and learn to be old)

UGC must memorize the question - the characteristics of modern education

2. Democratization of education. Education must be accessible to all, i.e. everyone has the right to education.

(Reduce the imbalance in regional education levels, vigorously develop rural education, reduce the proportion of dropouts, and consider including high schools in the scope of compulsory education according to development)

UGC must memorize the question - the characteristics of modern education

3. Democratization of education. The democratization of education is the negation of the hierarchical, privileged, and authoritarianization of education.

UGC must memorize the question - the characteristics of modern education

4. Diversification of education. It is embodied in the diversification of training goals and the diversification of school-running forms.

(Use of projectors, televisions and other teaching equipment.) Carry out various clubs to enrich students' knowledge, exercise students' hands-on ability, and promote students' all-round development of morality, intellectual, physical, and aesthetic work. )

UGC must memorize the question - the characteristics of modern education

5. Modernization of education. The modernization of education refers to the application of modern science and technology in education, and thus causes changes in educational thinking and educational concepts.

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