
Letter from Xiangjiang 丨 I am the "third generation of overseas Chinese" in Hong Kong, and patriotic feelings must be passed on from generation to generation

author:Beijing Daily client

No. 239 Zhongxing Road, Luohu, Shenzhen, the Foreign Trade Group Building stands tall. Stepping into the elevator of the building to the 9th floor, I founded the East Express Company. About twenty years ago, I went north from Hong Kong to Shenzhen, and later founded this company, and has been committed to providing quality freight services to industrial and commercial customers around the world. So far, I have basically realized my entrepreneurial dream of "serving the world from Hong Kong".

Letter from Xiangjiang 丨 I am the "third generation of overseas Chinese" in Hong Kong, and patriotic feelings must be passed on from generation to generation

Huang Peng founded Dong MRT in Shenzhen in 2006

My name is Huang Peng, and I was born in Hong Kong to an overseas Chinese family. In the early years, my grandfather and grandmother went to Nanyang to work hard, and in the 1950s, they returned to the mainland to participate in the construction of new China. Since then, patriotic traditions have been deeply rooted in my family style. Later, my parents also returned to China to develop and dedicate their youth to the construction of the country's hydropower system. After moving to Hong Kong, they have also been teaching me to love and build the motherland.

Letter from Xiangjiang 丨 I am the "third generation of overseas Chinese" in Hong Kong, and patriotic feelings must be passed on from generation to generation

Huang Peng (right) inspects the goods in the warehouse

After graduating from university, I worked for two logistics companies in Hong Kong. While accumulating work experience, I also smelled the huge business opportunities of the rapid development of the mainland. With the mentality of trying it out, I went north to Shenzhen to start a business. At that time, I was only in my twenties riding a bicycle, shuttling through various industrial parks to "sweep the building" to find customers. The first business was to ship a batch of domestic mobile phones to Africa for sale.

Letter from Xiangjiang 丨 I am the "third generation of overseas Chinese" in Hong Kong, and patriotic feelings must be passed on from generation to generation

The homepage of the official website of the East Rapid Transit Company

At that time, the idea was that it didn't matter if the days were a little hard, and I worked my own. Even if you fail, it's not a big deal to start again! Fortunately, with the economic development of the mainland and the growing demand for import and export trade, my business is getting bigger and bigger. In addition to shipping, I also expanded my air freight business, serving all over the world and opening more than 10 branches in Guangzhou, Zhongshan and other places.

Now that I think about it, all the changes lie in the fact that I seized the opportunity of reform and development and integrated into the historical trend of the development of the motherland. Time flies, and I've been in the logistics industry for almost two decades. Mainland enterprises are booming, the total amount of logistics is gradually increasing, and I have received many large orders to transport goods to Europe, the Americas and other places, which shows the high popularity of domestic goods.

Letter from Xiangjiang 丨 I am the "third generation of overseas Chinese" in Hong Kong, and patriotic feelings must be passed on from generation to generation

Huang Peng spoke at the Northern International Shipping Logistics Strategy Summit

At the same time, the development speed and specialization of the modern logistics industry are also constantly improving. New technologies such as robotic sorting and drone transportation are emerging in an endless stream. Even though I'm not at a loss, I'm constantly learning new things and working hard to build the company into a leading brand in the global freight industry. Of course, I would like to do my best to contribute to the logistics construction of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area and the promotion of the integrated development of the national air transport industry.

Letter from Xiangjiang 丨 I am the "third generation of overseas Chinese" in Hong Kong, and patriotic feelings must be passed on from generation to generation

Huang Peng was invited to attend an overseas Chinese banquet at the Great Hall of the People

This year marks the centenary of the founding of the Communist Party of China and the 72nd anniversary of the founding of New China. Just past the National Day, I also made a special trip to Beijing with my family to feel the development and history and culture of the country. Tiananmen Square, the Great Hall of the People, and the National Centre for the Performing Arts are solemn and solemn, symbols and pride of the country. The two overseas Chinese banquets I attended in the Great Hall of the People are even more unforgettable memories.

Letter from Xiangjiang 丨 I am the "third generation of overseas Chinese" in Hong Kong, and patriotic feelings must be passed on from generation to generation

Huang Peng (first from right) poses with representatives of Hong Kong fellow villagers outside the Great Hall of the People

Tsinghua University, the National School of Administration and the School of Chinese Culture, which I have studied in the past, are the source of my knowledge. Walking through the Lama Temple, the Temple of Heaven, and the Gongwang Mansion, the strong historical and cultural atmosphere comes to the face; come to Zhongguancun Street, see the science and technology, talents gather and collide here... In Beijing, I felt the pulse of the rapid development of the motherland. Wherever we go, our roots are in China!

Today, the Belt and Road Initiative has brought new strategic opportunities for the development of international logistics. I also actively respond to the call of the state to build a logistics brand of "China-Europe Express" and build a transportation channel connecting domestic and foreign countries and connecting the east, central and west. At the same time, it also gives full play to Hong Kong's shipping advantages and makes the logistics network larger and more detailed.

Letter from Xiangjiang 丨 I am the "third generation of overseas Chinese" in Hong Kong, and patriotic feelings must be passed on from generation to generation

Wong Peng (back row, first from left) was invited to participate in discussions in the Legislative Council of Hong Kong as a business representative

I know that to do all this well, it is inseparable from a young, passionate, professional and high-quality team. Now, the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area has accelerated its development, providing a good platform for employment and entrepreneurship. I think that young people in Hong Kong may wish to come out and look at it as I did when I was younger, and maybe find different opportunities. This year, I will also hold a job fair in Hong Kong to find aspiring young people to join the team.

The plane takes off and lands; the ship enters and leaves the port. In the time of a cup of afternoon tea or just a few weeks, the goods have already arrived in the hands of distant friends. Busy freight has promoted the development of the international economy and witnessed the country's prosperity and strength, which is also my original intention as a "third generation of overseas Chinese" to devote myself to the construction of the motherland. This patriotic tradition that has always been upheld will accompany me throughout my life.

——Huang Peng, Executive Committee Member of Hong Kong Elite Association, Director of Youth Committee of Hong Kong Overseas Chinese Association, Chairman of East Rapid Transit Enterprise Group

Source Beijing Daily Client | Reporter Pan Zhiwang Meng Ziwei Li Songlin

Edited by Pan Zhiwang, Meng Ziwei, Li Songlin

Process Editor Liu Weili

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