
Potatoes added to bread Quickly knead out the glove mask Bread does not age for three days Magic

author:Baking rings

Lucky clover bread, the shape is very simple, is three small round bread spliced together, until after fermentation will become a lucky clover shape, of course, this is not the most special, our dough also added a lot of mashed potatoes, so that the bread is soft and tough, added potato dough, as if adding a modifier, can make gluten quickly form, increase the taste while delaying the aging of the dough, three days can maintain the taste, the surface we added butter chives sauce, when baking, The house is full of fragrance, so delicious~

Clover soil bean noodles wrapped

Potatoes added to bread Quickly knead out the glove mask Bread does not age for three days Magic


Potatoes added to bread Quickly knead out the glove mask Bread does not age for three days Magic

Main dough

Schukermann High Gluten Flour 330g

Shukoman caster sugar 25g

Milk powder 15g

Cold milk 65g

Salt 6g

Shukomann highly active dry yeast 5 g

Mashed potatoes 125g

Cold water 85-95g

Softened unsalted butter 33g

Potatoes added to bread Quickly knead out the glove mask Bread does not age for three days Magic


Softened unsalted butter 28g

Green onion 1/2 tbsp

Table salt in small amounts

Brush egg mixture 1 egg + 1tbsp milk

How to do it

(1) Peel the potatoes and cut into pieces. Steamed, pressed with a fork into mashed potatoes, cooled and refrigerated for later.

Potatoes added to bread Quickly knead out the glove mask Bread does not age for three days Magic
Potatoes added to bread Quickly knead out the glove mask Bread does not age for three days Magic

(2) Chives butter sauce: stir the softened butter well, chop the green onion into small pieces, add a little salt, stir well, and put into the mounting bag.

Potatoes added to bread Quickly knead out the glove mask Bread does not age for three days Magic
Potatoes added to bread Quickly knead out the glove mask Bread does not age for three days Magic

(3) Make the main dough: add in the stirring bucket of the chef machine, mashed potatoes, cold milk, cold water left about 20g for adjustment, add dry yeast, mix well.

Potatoes added to bread Quickly knead out the glove mask Bread does not age for three days Magic

(4) Pour in high gluten flour, caster sugar and milk powder and stir at low speed. After checking the humidity of the dough, adjust the amount of water as needed so that the final mixed dough is soft and slightly sticky to the hand. Stir until dry powder free.

Potatoes added to bread Quickly knead out the glove mask Bread does not age for three days Magic
Potatoes added to bread Quickly knead out the glove mask Bread does not age for three days Magic

(5) Cover the dough with plastic wrap and refrigerate for 30 minutes (if the room temperature is below 20 ° C in winter, you can not refrigerate), refrigeration can control the temperature of the dough, and gluten will also be produced after the flour is hydrated.

Potatoes added to bread Quickly knead out the glove mask Bread does not age for three days Magic

(6) Add salt, stir well at low speed, and whisk at medium speed until the dough is smooth. When the film is pulled out is thicker and there are more serrations at the opening, butter can be added.

Potatoes added to bread Quickly knead out the glove mask Bread does not age for three days Magic

(7) Add 33g of softened unsalted butter, divide the dough into small pieces for easy mixing with butter, and whisk at low speed until the dough is smooth and elastic.

Potatoes added to bread Quickly knead out the glove mask Bread does not age for three days Magic
Potatoes added to bread Quickly knead out the glove mask Bread does not age for three days Magic

(8) The surface of the dough that is stirred out of the gluten is smooth and soft and elastic, and the non-stick hand does not stick to the basin. The surface is folded smoothly, put into a basin touched with oil, in the fermentation tank at 27 ° C / 70% humidity, wake up twice as large. Poke a hole in the dough with your fingers, fermented dough, not retracted, not collapsed.

Potatoes added to bread Quickly knead out the glove mask Bread does not age for three days Magic
Potatoes added to bread Quickly knead out the glove mask Bread does not age for three days Magic

(9) Exhaust the dough, divide into 18 equal parts, knead and relax for 10 minutes.

Potatoes added to bread Quickly knead out the glove mask Bread does not age for three days Magic
Potatoes added to bread Quickly knead out the glove mask Bread does not age for three days Magic

(10) The exhaust air pressure is flattened, and then rounded.

Potatoes added to bread Quickly knead out the glove mask Bread does not age for three days Magic
Potatoes added to bread Quickly knead out the glove mask Bread does not age for three days Magic

(11) Place the 3 doughs in groups together in a baking dish, taking care to leave enough space between the breads.

Potatoes added to bread Quickly knead out the glove mask Bread does not age for three days Magic

(12) Brush the surface of the waking dough with a layer of egg mixture, use scissors to cut a knife on each small dough, and squeeze in the shallot butter sauce.

Potatoes added to bread Quickly knead out the glove mask Bread does not age for three days Magic
Potatoes added to bread Quickly knead out the glove mask Bread does not age for three days Magic
Potatoes added to bread Quickly knead out the glove mask Bread does not age for three days Magic

(13) Preheat the oven to 180 degrees in advance, put it in the middle of the oven and bake for about 12-14 minutes until the surface is golden. Temperature and time vary with your own oven.

Potatoes added to bread Quickly knead out the glove mask Bread does not age for three days Magic
Potatoes added to bread Quickly knead out the glove mask Bread does not age for three days Magic
Potatoes added to bread Quickly knead out the glove mask Bread does not age for three days Magic
Potatoes added to bread Quickly knead out the glove mask Bread does not age for three days Magic
Potatoes added to bread Quickly knead out the glove mask Bread does not age for three days Magic
Potatoes added to bread Quickly knead out the glove mask Bread does not age for three days Magic

Salty and fluffy with a little chewy, chives butter sauce is really YYDS! Lucky clover bread Amway to lucky you ~


Q: Why do you need to sit for a while to make noodles, isn't that time-consuming?

A: Because the proportion of mashed potatoes is very large, tough has been playing dough is not conducive to the formation of gluten, and the noodles will be more and more rotten, a bit like the feeling of gluten, not smooth at all, so it is very important to let go of this step, after standing the dough in the blessing of mashed potatoes quickly formed gluten, playing a glove mold can quickly produce a glove mold, but save time.


Potatoes added to bread Quickly knead out the glove mask Bread does not age for three days Magic

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