
Why is the eggplant fried in the restaurant delicious? The original method is so simple, the outside is soft and the inside is soft, and the rice is fragrant

author:Shu Chen's love for the taste

Hello everyone, I am Shu Chen, autumn is the season to eat eggplant, today bring a "homemade eggplant" practice.

Why is the eggplant fried in the restaurant delicious? The original method is so simple, the outside is soft and the inside is soft, and the rice is fragrant

This is a special home-cooked dish, eggplant after being treated in advance, not only easy to taste, but also to avoid absorbing more oil, delicious flavor, delicious rice.

Why is the eggplant fried in the restaurant delicious? The original method is so simple, the outside is soft and the inside is soft, and the rice is fragrant

【Home-style eggplant】

Ingredients: Eggplant, green pepper, red pepper

Accessories: garlic, ginger, shallots

Seasoning: starch, white vinegar, dark soy sauce, soy sauce, bean paste, sugar, salt


Why is the eggplant fried in the restaurant delicious? The original method is so simple, the outside is soft and the inside is soft, and the rice is fragrant

1. Prepare two eggplants to peel off the outer skin, cut in half from the middle, and then cut the eggplant into hob pieces.

Why is the eggplant fried in the restaurant delicious? The original method is so simple, the outside is soft and the inside is soft, and the rice is fragrant

2. Put the cut eggplant into a basin of water, pour a spoonful of white vinegar, and let the water soak the eggplant, which can prevent the eggplant from oxidizing and turning black.

Why is the eggplant fried in the restaurant delicious? The original method is so simple, the outside is soft and the inside is soft, and the rice is fragrant

3. Green pepper and red pepper in one section, remove the stem and cut into triangles, add green pepper and red pepper to match the color.

Why is the eggplant fried in the restaurant delicious? The original method is so simple, the outside is soft and the inside is soft, and the rice is fragrant

4. Prepare the accessories, a few grains of garlic cut into minced garlic, two shallots cut into green onions, a piece of ginger cut into ginger, put these accessories together and set aside.

Why is the eggplant fried in the restaurant delicious? The original method is so simple, the outside is soft and the inside is soft, and the rice is fragrant

5. Prepare a small bowl, add a spoonful of light soy sauce, half a spoon of dark soy sauce, a small half spoon of sugar, a small half spoon of salt, a spoonful of starch and a little water, stir the seasonings and set aside.

Why is the eggplant fried in the restaurant delicious? The original method is so simple, the outside is soft and the inside is soft, and the rice is fragrant

6. Squeeze the soaked eggplant dry and put it into a basin, beat an egg and stir well, let the surface of the eggplant be covered with a layer of egg liquid, stir well and sprinkle a handful of starch, stir again, so that the surface of the eggplant is covered with a layer of starch.

Why is the eggplant fried in the restaurant delicious? The original method is so simple, the outside is soft and the inside is soft, and the rice is fragrant

7. Add an appropriate amount of vegetable oil to the pot, heat to 50% heat, turn the eggplant into the pot and fry for one minute, fry until the surface is browned and then control the oil.

Why is the eggplant fried in the restaurant delicious? The original method is so simple, the outside is soft and the inside is soft, and the rice is fragrant

8. Leave a little bottom oil in the pot, add the onion, ginger and garlic to sauté the aroma, add a spoonful of watercress sauce after stir-frying, and then fry the watercress sauce out of the red oil.

Why is the eggplant fried in the restaurant delicious? The original method is so simple, the outside is soft and the inside is soft, and the rice is fragrant

9. Stir-fry the green and red peppers a few times, then pour in the prepared sauce and sauté the sauce into a thick state.

Why is the eggplant fried in the restaurant delicious? The original method is so simple, the outside is soft and the inside is soft, and the rice is fragrant

10. Finally, add the fried eggplant, stir-fry for a while, let the sauce wrap around the eggplant and then come out of the pan.

Why is the eggplant fried in the restaurant delicious? The original method is so simple, the outside is soft and the inside is soft, and the rice is fragrant

Eggplant is fried like this, the taste is particularly fragrant, the outside is crisp and soft, the rice is fragrant, it is not too much to call it the next rice artifact, interested can try it, I hope you can like it.