
Liaoning joined Guangdong in another day, 12 years old height 1 meter 88, talented to succeed Zhou Peng?

author:Wonderful review of the CBA

The registration information of domestic players in the new season of the CBA League has now been fully determined, although the transfer market this summer is particularly lively, but like Guangdong Hongyuan team, Liaoning team, Zhejiang team, Xinjiang team and Zhejiang Guangsha team, these giants do not have any reinforcements, just promote new people to a team in the echelon, which is mainly because these teams have a strong youth training system, especially the Guangdong Hongyuan team that has won three consecutive championships in the previous 3 years. In fact, the reason why the Guangdong Hongyuan team has been able to prosper for a long time in recent years is to rely on the strong youth training support, and now the Guangdong Hongyuan Youth Team has a talented front to join, he is from the basketball family in Liaoning, the height of 12 years old has reached 1 meter 88, and the talent is expected to succeed Zhou Peng in the future.

Liaoning joined Guangdong in another day, 12 years old height 1 meter 88, talented to succeed Zhou Peng?

Guangdong Hongyuan signed Liaoning Genius Front

Guangdong Hongyuan since the rise of the 02-03 season, has not fallen out of the CBA semi-finals for 19 consecutive years, of which 16 seasons into the CBA finals, won 11 CBA championships, after the CBA eight champions Eighty-one team completely withdrew from the CBA League, Guangdong Hongyuan team's performance in the CBA League has been the only one in the CBA League, becoming the first uncontroversial CBA league giants, Guangdong Hongyuan team in the last 20 years can flourish, they do not rely on gold dollar basketball, But these years have been silently cultivating youth training, in fact, everyone look at the Guangdong Hongyuan team in these years will find that in addition to foreign aid, Guangdong Hongyuan team local players are almost all coming to their own youth training, it is also in the echelon can endlessly send high-quality good seedlings to a team, which has the dominance of Guangdong Hongyuan team in the CBA league for the past 20 years, and Guangdong Hongyuan team is very good to these children, players who can play in the CBA league do not talk about, even if they can not play the CBA in the end, The Guangdong Hongyuan team also arranged these children well.

Liaoning joined Guangdong in another day, 12 years old height 1 meter 88, talented to succeed Zhou Peng?

Zhang Qingpeng sent his nephew to Hongyuan, Guangdong

It is precisely because the Guangdong Hongyuan team attaches so much importance to youth training, but also special care for these children, plus the Guangdong Hongyuan team this piece of gold signboard, so many parents will send their children to the Guangdong Hongyuan youth team, including the Chinese basketball celebrities, like the recent Guangdong Hongyuan youth team is very hot genius forward Peng Shijun, his uncle is the Liaoning men's basketball star Zhang Qingpeng, not yet 17 years old Peng Shijun height has grown to 2 meters 03, has a good three-point projection ability, Not only can the face frame with the ball to attack can also be in the rapid counterattack between the left and right hand alternating dribbling advance, good physical agility, foot movement rate is very fast, has a very good bouncing force, coupled with Peng Shijun's good arm span advantage also allows his offensive and defensive ends to provide a lot of help, the future will be a good seedling of a top forward, when Peng Shijun joined the Guangdong Hongyuan Youth Team, there were many Liaoning fans who felt sorry, after all, the Liaoning Youth Team is in a fault situation now, and it is urgent to need a good seedling like Peng Shijun.

Liaoning joined Guangdong in another day, 12 years old height 1 meter 88, talented to succeed Zhou Peng?

Child and big brother Yi Jian jointly filmed

Recently, there is a news that makes Liaoning fans sad again, Guangdong Hongyuan team newly signed a 12-year-old child from Dalian City, Liaoning Province, according to the current group photo with Guangdong Hongyuan Youth Team coach Qu Shaobin, the height has grown to about 1 meter 88, the body proportion is very good, the arm span is also good, according to the bone age test, the future is likely to grow to about 2 meters 08, and this child is still from the basketball family, his grandparents are basketball players, the child's parents are also playing basketball, This not only allows the child to inherit good genes, but also the basketball world has been born from an early age to accept basketball edification, laid a very solid basic skill, Qu Shaobin also said that he will focus on cultivating objects in the future, it seems that Qu Shaobin is hoping to build him into the future Zhou Peng successor.

Liaoning joined Guangdong in another day, 12 years old height 1 meter 88, talented to succeed Zhou Peng?

Li Hongqing's national nacai suffered a heavy blow

In fact, recently the Liaoning team also began to pay attention to youth training, Li Hongqing also said some time ago to face the national open recruitment of small players born between 2008-2011, this is the first time in the history of Liaoning basketball to recruit outstanding seedlings to form an echelon for the whole country, and now there is a talented front line from Liaoning Province to join the old enemy Guangdong Hongyuan team, which is undoubtedly a heavy blow to the Liaoning team youth training, it seems that the black history left by the Liaoning youth team before will still make many parents avoid it. This is also the place where I hope that the Liaoning youth team can be rectified as soon as possible, if it can be truly fair after using foreign teachers, it is no longer dependent on relationships to get on the position, which can allow more parents to send their children to the Liaoning team, after all, the Liaoning youth team is still very good in youth training.

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