
Two tigers in Yichun? Expert judgment: it should be a dog

author:Red Star News

On the 17th, the reporter received a reader's report that the Yichun Meixi Forestry Bureau and the Meixi Building Materials Company both issued a notice saying that two tigers were found at 22 kilometers of the Heyi Highway on the 16th, and the police were rushing to the local area, and the reporter rushed to the scene for investigation and interview at the first time.

Two tigers in Yichun? Expert judgment: it should be a dog

Yichun suspected of finding two tigers

From the WeChat picture reporter provided by the reader, a notice issued by the Meixi Forestry Bureau on the 17th showed that on the 16th, two Siberian tigers were found along heyi Road in Yichun City. From now on, all non-productive personnel will be prohibited from entering the mountains, and farmers should manage their livestock well; watchtower duty and tower guards should strengthen their own protection; all units should strengthen propaganda on the protection and prevention of Siberian tigers, and remind the staff and workers to pay attention to safety.

The other notice was issued by the left-behind office of Meixi Building Materials Company, which warned: all employees and family members of the building materials company are required to widely inform their relatives and friends around them, and at the same time forward this notice with WeChat and QQ, try not to go out, try not to enter the mountains.

Expert judgment: it should be a dog

When the reporter rushed to Yichun, he first contacted Director Cui Yan, the person in charge of the Xiaoxing'anling Wildlife Rescue and Breeding Center in Heilongjiang Province. According to Cui Yan, on the evening of the 16th, he received news that there was a restaurant near the 22 kilometers of the Heyi Highway, and a guest who was eating at that time took a video of a "tiger" appearing through the window, because the "tiger" ran faster, and there were trees blocking it, and the image taken was not very clear. The diners immediately called 110, and the police then rushed to the scene for questioning.

On the morning of the 17th, Cui Yan and his party hurried to the scene of the "tiger" infestation.

Cui Yan first inspected the scene and found no "tiger" footprints, and later, the staff of the Hegang Forestry Bureau retrieved the surveillance video on the highway. At about 6:30 p.m. on the 16th, at 26 kilometers of the Heyi Highway, two large dogs with yellow hair appeared in the surveillance video, and the reader took the image of the suspected "tiger" at 7:02 p.m. on the 16th, and then the patrol staff also took photos of two large yellow hair dogs at about 20 kilometers of the Heyi Highway.

Cui Yan said that from the monitoring point of view, the movements of these two animals are also different from tigers, when they stop, they are directly turning their heads, while when the tigers turn their heads, the hind legs and tails turn first, and then the head turns again. Based on all the information obtained and the final judgment from the time cut-off point, it can be basically concluded that the two suspected "tiger" animals should be dogs.

At present, Cui Yan has reported the final results to the Hegang Forestry and Grassland Bureau, and then the Hegang Forestry and Grassland Bureau will report it step by step.

Source: People's Voices and People's Livelihood

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