
Liu Yuxi: The scenery in autumn is unique

author:Tang poems, Song poems, ancient poems
Liu Yuxi: The scenery in autumn is unique

I don't feel that it is autumn, and since ancient times, there has been a saying of sad spring and sad autumn. Autumn vitality suddenly diminishes, and the breath is solemn, giving people a feeling of inaccessibility and easy to evoke sorrow. It's no wonder that autumn isn't as flattering as other seasons.

But the Tang Dynasty poet Liu Yuxi loved autumn very much and issued heartfelt praise. In his eyes, the autumn scenery is not tired of seeing, and the autumn mood is also intoxicating!

The summer body is light, and the rain changes.

The lotus beads are broken, and the bamboo powder is still in the makeup.

The monks cleaned the room and stayed upstairs.

The locust willow gradually fades, and the idle door is less glorious.

- "And Lotte Autumn Cool Idle"

When autumn first arrives, it is really joyful. The heat finally faded, and after a rain, the sky looked new. The raindrops on the lotus leaves are like beads with broken threads, rolling around, disappearing suddenly, and the bamboo tree has faded the white powder after the bamboo shell has been peeled off, but it is still not finished. The monk cleaned the house, ascended the tall building, and waited for his friends to come. The locust trees and willow trees are gradually thinning, no longer flourishing in summer, and the idle firewood door is simple and simple, and there is no dazzling brilliance. But such a place is a quiet place to be desirable.

There is still heat in the early autumn, but after all, it is autumn, and it is getting cooler.

Summer clothes should be worn in autumn, and the qingqin should be played at night.

People are all towards Ju, and the wind intends to destroy Lan.

Years of poverty, cold and sick.

Meet each other to take the order, but it is very youthful and happy.

- "Autumn Heat Stroke Retirement Lotte"

Summer clothes, autumn wear is also suitable, play the guqin at night, the sound of the piano is clearer and more into the ears, more comfortable. In autumn, chrysanthemums will be in full bloom and worth seeing, while orchids are gradually destroyed in the wind and rain. A heart is safe and carefree, although the day is cold, but the body is healthy, this is happiness. Although the streamer is hurried, but how to choose is their own business, why not rejoice like a teenager?

Liu Yuxi: The scenery in autumn is unique

How beautiful the autumn scenery is, Liu Yuxi can't hold back, he wants to tell the world what he has seen and heard, and give the world a name for the melancholy autumn in the eyes of the world.

Since ancient times, autumn has been sad and lonely, and I have said that autumn is better than spring dynasty.

A crane in the clear sky is lined with clouds, and it leads the poetry to the blue night.

The mountains and rivers come to frost at night, and several trees are dark red and light yellow.

Try to go up to the tall building to clear the bone, it is like a spring color madness.

- "Two Songs of Autumn Words"

Liu Yuxi's autumn, where is there a little sad meaning? Since ancient times, when people encounter autumn, they are always sad and lonely, and they feel helpless. But the poet said plainly, I think autumn is more lovely than spring. And look at the blue sky, a white crane rushed straight up to the clouds, so it was not dashing, and unconsciously led the poetry to nine days away. So flying, so light, where can you tie the sorrow? And what can't be put down?

Autumn has arrived, the heavens and the earth are clear, the mountains are beautiful, the water is clear, and the night is frosted, slightly cold. A tree of autumn trees, some dark red, some light yellow, colorful and picturesque. Climb up the tall building, feel more into the bone of the refreshing atmosphere, the body and mind are washed, can be more moving than spring. After all, spring is too bustling and warm, making people dizzy and forgetful. It is still the breath of autumn, which makes people intoxicated and sober.

Liu Yuxi: The scenery in autumn is unique

Autumn is never short of pleasant beauty, as long as you are willing to discover.

Dongting autumn moon born in the center of the lake, the layers of waves are like molten gold.

The lone wheel slowly turns to light, and the swimming air is thick with cold mirrors.

—— Excerpts from the Autumn Moon Line in Dongting

On Dongting Lake, a round of bright moon rose, the moonlight sprinkled on the lake surface, and the layers of waves surged lightly, as if it was melted a piece of broken gold, flickering endlessly. The moon slowly rotated in the night sky, and the clear light drifted unsteadily, as if it were also moving. Dongting Lake was filled with a thick water vapor, which could not help but separate the cold mirror-like lake surface. The poet looked at the lake, the moonlight and the hazy mist of water, and the autumn night of this Dongting Lake was really like a dream.

Autumn is autumn, the lake is a famous lake, the moon is the bright moon, how can a poem express the poet's love?

The lake light and autumn moon are two phases and the pool surface is windless mirror grinding.

Looking at the landscape of the cave garden, a blue snail in the silver plate.

- "Looking at the Cave Garden"

The lake and mountains and the bright autumn moon reflect each other and blend with each other. There was no wind, and the surface of the pool was smooth and bright, like a mirror that did not have to be polished. In the distance, the dongting landscape is verdant, and the lake is sprinkled with silver moonlight, as if there is a cute green snail in the silver plate, which is beautiful. The poet loves autumn too much, and he loves the autumn colors of Dongting Lake too much.

Liu Yuxi: The scenery in autumn is unique

When the autumn wind comes, sensitive people are also most likely to catch the coolness in the wind.

Where is the autumn wind coming? Xiao Xiao sent a flock of geese.

Towards the court tree, the lone guest is the first to smell.

- "Introduction to the Autumn Wind"

Where does the autumn wind come from? A cry of xiaoxiao sent away the flock of geese returning from the south. In the early morning, the autumn wind came to the courtyard and blew the leaves, but the lone traveler was the first to hear it. When the autumn wind blows down the leaves and plays the unique tune of autumn, it is also telling people that autumn is oh. How do travelers react when they hear that? The poet wrote this, abruptly stopping, leaving people with unlimited imagination space.

Autumn may be too quiet, and occasionally lonely, but for the poet, it is nothing at all.

The weaver girl is clearly silver and autumn, and the leaves of the guizhi and sycamore flutter together.

The moon dew filled the silence of the people, and the neon dress was in the tall building.

--Tang Liu Yuxi, "Autumn Night An guo guan wen sheng"

In the galaxy, the Weaver Girl was clearly visible, it was already autumn, and the laurel branches and sycamore leaves were ringing in the autumn wind. The moonlight flooded the courtyard, and the cool dew soaked everything. At this time, people who have not fallen asleep, admiring the moonlight and stars alone, are still a little lonely. But soon, the woman dressed in Chinese clothes played moving music, melodiously floating in the tall building, this song was particularly moving in the autumn night, expelling loneliness and loneliness clean, listening to the song, enjoying the autumn scenery, how is it not a beautiful scenery?

Liu Yuxi: The scenery in autumn is unique

Autumn is clear, quiet, and cool, not as pestering as spring, but also very comfortable.

Look at the painting gallery all over the place, look for monks and go quiet.

Koike and crane net, ancient wood with cicada autumn.

When the guests arrived at the tea, the birds returned to the pulpit to collect.

The floating cup will go tomorrow, and the water will be leisurely looking at each other.

——" Autumn Day After passing through the Hongju Master Monastery, he was sent back to Gangneung"

Stroll along the promenade, admire the picturesque autumn light, and walk along the quiet path in search of monk friends. In the small pond, the water and the white cranes are clean and unstained, and the cicadas on the ancient trees sing, bringing autumn feelings. The guests came, and the tea smoke rose until the waterfowl returned, and the pleasant conversation was over. After drinking a glass of wine and leaving again tomorrow, when looking at the green water, what did the poet think? The autumn party is still unfinished.

Walking, watching, the scenery of autumn, and autumn intimate contact.

Waiting for the sand, Tian Jia Lian ZhuXi.

Maple Forest Society Day Drum, Hut Noon Chicken.

Magpie noise evening grass, butterfly fly autumn grass furrow.

The coach house tree was near, and the tired horse hissed repeatedly.

- "Autumn Send-off to The Dive Station"

The waitress stood by the beach, a rice field connected to a bamboo forest and a stream. The drums of the shrine gods sounded in the maple forest, and at noon, the chickens chirped in the courtyard of the hut. In the evening, magpie birds roar in the fields, and butterflies flutter on the fields where the autumn grass is thick. The trees of the coach house were near, and the tired horses were hissing with excitement. Sending guests in the village in autumn, friendship is difficult to give up, and autumn light can also be kissed.

Liu Yuxi: The scenery in autumn is unique

When he couldn't sleep on an autumn night, Liu Yuxi would always look at the scenery, and then, writing a letter, was not idle at all, and did not have time to worry.

The night curtains of the cave are rolled, and the huatang is clear in autumn.

Fireflies flew over the pool shadow, and the sound of the worm thoughts circling the steps.

The old pillow knows that it will rain, and the high window will be clear.

Who knows this scene, ask mr. Bai from afar.

- "Autumn Sunset Sending Lotte"

Autumn nights, beaded curtains rolled up, gorgeous houses, autumn mats are particularly cool. Fireflies flew over the pond, flickering dots, and the sound of crickets sounded next to the stone steps, haunting. Back in the house, leaning on the pillow he was used to, he knew it was going to rain, and the high windows reflected the fading light. The poet could not help but say, who understands this situation? Old friend, I want to ask you from a distance.

If you have one or two true friends, why should you care about the passage of the seasons?

In the past, I saw Huang Ju and Jun farewell, but now I listen to Xuan Cicada and I return.

Five nights of fluttering pillow pre-sleep, a year in the mirror.

Ma Si's grass fist moved, and the carved Qingyun slept openly.

Heaven and earth were cleared and looked around, and junfu was on the high platform.

- "The First Smell of the Autumn Wind"

Last year when I saw the chrysanthemums, I said goodbye to you, and this year I heard the cicadas calling, and I came back again. The sound of the wind of the five more was loud, waking up the person who had fallen asleep, and the change of appearance in a year was known by looking at the mirror. The horse thought of the grass and trembled, and the big eagle hoped that Qingyun's sleeping eyes would finally open. The heavens and the earth are clear, just suitable for ascending to the four overlooks, in order not to let my friends be discouraged, even if I am strongly supporting the sick body, I will also climb the tall building! This love is touching.

Liu Yuxi: The scenery in autumn is unique

Autumn is cool, Liu Yuxi can always feel the beauty of autumn in a dull life, and use his heart to experience.

Autumn snow is seen in the south ridge, and a thousand disciples are cold in the morning.

At leisure, stop at the horse and look at the roller blinds at the heights.

The fog dispersed and the sun oblique lead powder remained.

On the curved river, the reflection enters the clear land.

- "Autumn Snow in the South"

Although it is only autumn, above the South Ridge, there is already snow accumulating! Thousands of households could not help but feel chills early. When idle, poets like to ride their horses and watch, or on tall buildings, roll up the beaded curtains and look out. The autumn snow at different times is also beautiful. When the fog clears in the morning, I see only a tree with beautiful branches and leaves, and when the sun sets in the west, the snow is like a piece of makeup. The most suitable for the Qu River, reflected into the water, snow mountains and autumn water, is incomparably moving.

The poet's love for autumn is more reflected in his attitude towards life.

In front of the house, there is a lot of food and wine, and the house is full of wine.

Since he is a high official, there is no fox, no matter how old he is or how young he is.

The dragon jaw is probed, and the old mussel embryo should be born in the moon.

Mo envied three spring peach and plum, osmanthus into the fruit to qiu rong.

- "Answer lotte's wish, and release the sigh of its dead tree"

Fine wine and food, since it is the joy of life, even if it is old, it is not tight. The old man has valuable experience, such as precious beads, like old clams can also produce pearls. Don't envy the peach blossoms and plum blossoms in spring, the fragrance of osmanthus flowers is strong in autumn, and the prosperity is not inferior. What people are most afraid of is not the passage of time, but self-abandonment!

Liu Yuxi's autumn makes people's eyes bright and their hearts clear. It is not the season that binds people, and it is not time that abandons people. If you suddenly feel that when you encounter every season, you will see the beauty of the world, and you will appreciate it well, and if you have it, why is autumn not like this?


Heyu, a woman who likes poetry, looks for beautiful details in the four seasons, and may time leave warm memories.

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