
In the cold winter, the silver ear soup of the red dates of the guiyuan that is done in this way is sweet and delicious and full of gum, and women should often drink it

author:Love to talk about life

In the cold winter, the silver ear soup of the red dates of the guiyuan that is done in this way is sweet and delicious and full of gum, and women should often drink it.

In the cold winter, the silver ear soup of the red dates of the guiyuan that is done in this way is sweet and delicious and full of gum, and women should often drink it

In winter, the weather is cold, the air is dry, many people do not sleep well and the skin is dry, but my aunt who has retired at home, but her face is rosy, her skin is delicate, much younger than her peers, I go out with him, often as a sister, and I am a sister, she is a sister, which makes me embarrassed, and now I dare not go out with her. She is so young, not what cosmetics are used, she in addition to a good mentality, control the mouth, open the legs is the most important, in the diet she is very careful, never eat too full, and fried food almost do not eat, she most often eats is a variety of vegetables and fruits, now it is cold, she will put fruits and vegetables, into a variety of soups and water, drink a little every day, the skin is delicate and not dry, sleep quality is also very good.

In the cold winter, the silver ear soup of the red dates of the guiyuan that is done in this way is sweet and delicious and full of gum, and women should often drink it

In winter, the soup she most often drinks is a soup stewed with four ingredients: white fungus, cinnamon balls, red dates, and goji berries. White fungus is a valuable nutritional tonic, characterized by moisturizing without stagnation, moisturizing and moisturizing the skin. Guiyuan is an anti-aging natural food that contains a large number of nutrients and is suitable for insomnia people. Red jujube has a saying that three dates a day do not grow old, which shows that its health effect is very good. Goji berries are often used as versatile ingredients, soup, tea, dessert can be put a little.

In the cold winter, the silver ear soup of the red dates of the guiyuan that is done in this way is sweet and delicious and full of gum, and women should often drink it

These 4 kinds of home-cooked ingredients are cooked in a pot, sweet and delicious, and have a good health care effect on the human body, and share it with everyone.

Dish name:【Guiyuan red date silver ear soup】

Main ingredients: a small half bowl of guiyuan, a large handful of red dates, half a white ear, and half a bag of goji berries.

Seasoning: 1 tbsp rock sugar.

Duration: 40 hours.

【Operation steps】

The first step is to soak, first, soak the white fungus in water, then cut off the yellow part of the root, tear it into small flowers, rinse and set aside.

In the cold winter, the silver ear soup of the red dates of the guiyuan that is done in this way is sweet and delicious and full of gum, and women should often drink it

The second step guiyuan shelling, guiyuan I bought is the kind with the shell, remove the shell, peel out one by one, put it into the bowl, add water to wash and spare, red dates also wash with water, set aside.

In the cold winter, the silver ear soup of the red dates of the guiyuan that is done in this way is sweet and delicious and full of gum, and women should often drink it

Step 3 Open the stew, put the cleaned white fungus into the casserole dish, add water, before the white fungus, turn on high heat and bring to a boil.

In the cold winter, the silver ear soup of the red dates of the guiyuan that is done in this way is sweet and delicious and full of gum, and women should often drink it

Step 4 Add the guiyuan red dates, then add the guiyuan and red dates, continue to boil over high heat, turn the heat down and simmer for half an hour.

In the cold winter, the silver ear soup of the red dates of the guiyuan that is done in this way is sweet and delicious and full of gum, and women should often drink it

Step 5 Add rock sugar, half an hour later, the white fungus has been out of the glue, the cinnamon balls and red dates are also soft and rotten, turn the heat, add 1 tablespoon of rock sugar, cook until the rock sugar melts. At this time, stir while cooking to prevent paste.

In the cold winter, the silver ear soup of the red dates of the guiyuan that is done in this way is sweet and delicious and full of gum, and women should often drink it

Step 6 Out of the pot, cook until the rock sugar melts, add goji berries before coming out of the pot, after the goji berries are added, do not cook more, boil to turn off the heat, and then out of the pot.

In the cold winter, the silver ear soup of the red dates of the guiyuan that is done in this way is sweet and delicious and full of gum, and women should often drink it

Step seven Finished picture, winter breakfast, drink a bowl of it every day, stick to it for a while, sleep well, the face is rosy, and the skin is like freezing age.

In the cold winter, the silver ear soup of the red dates of the guiyuan that is done in this way is sweet and delicious and full of gum, and women should often drink it

---- "Warm Tips" ----

1 Silver ear is moist and greasy, cold cough and phlegm saliva is full of caution, if there is stool diarrhea after eating, it is not suitable.

2 Guiyuan is warm and sweet, can help cremation dryness, and those who have yin deficiency and internal heat and phlegm fire should not eat guiyuan.

3 People with wet spleen and long-term loose stools should not eat more, and people who are having a cold and fever, inflammation in the body, and diarrhea are best not to eat goji berries.

4 Diabetics should eat less or fast for desserts.