
Share five kinds of silver ear soup, a variety of collocations, a variety of nutrients, nourish the face and moisturize the skin, warm the heart and warm the stomach

author:The eldest lady makes good food

As we all know, women drinking white fungus soup is very helpful for maintenance. Especially in the autumn, the weather is dry, and many people have autumn dryness such as dry skin. Eating more white fungus can help alleviate the phenomenon of autumn dryness. White fungus is also known as white fungus, which is known as the "crown of fungi". Especially for female friends, it is a very good skin care product.

Share five kinds of silver ear soup, a variety of collocations, a variety of nutrients, nourish the face and moisturize the skin, warm the heart and warm the stomach

White fungus has the effect of moisturizing the lungs and relieving cough, replenishing lung qi, and can improve the body's immunity. White fungus is a good helper for moisturizing the skin. Eating more white fungus can enhance skin elasticity, reduce wrinkles, supplement protein and vitamins, increase the elasticity of the skin, and make the skin more supple. The dietary fiber contained in white fungus can moisturize the intestines and reduce the body's absorption of fat, so as to achieve the purpose of weight loss and weight loss.

Share the five courses of white fungus-based, supplemented by various beans, fruits, dried fruits, coarse grains and other ingredients, and make soy milk drinks, lubricating sweet, warming the heart and stomach. The weather is getting colder and colder, and drinking a cup of soy milk or rice paste with white fungus in the morning can not only beautify and nourish the face, but also warm up all day!

Share five kinds of silver ear soup, a variety of collocations, a variety of nutrients, nourish the face and moisturize the skin, warm the heart and warm the stomach

The preparation of the three white soups is as follows:

Ingredients: 50 grams of lotus root, 50 grams of yam with iron sticks, 50 grams of wet white fungus, an appropriate amount of rock sugar, 500 ml of water.

Step 1: Wash the fresh lotus root, peel and cut into pieces, the lotus root used here is a brittle lotus root. Wash the yam with an iron stick, peel and cut into pieces. The white fungus is soaked in cold water for five hours in advance, and after the foam, the yellow and hard roots are removed, and the remaining part is torn into small flowers.

Step 2: Put the three whites into the wall breaker, and then add rock sugar and water, and the grain soy milk mode can be.

For the sake of white fungus, it looks like there is glue. It is also super lubricating to drink, with a little lotus root fragrance, it is simply a fairy drink! It is more moist and smoother than ordinary soy milk and has a more gelatinous texture.

Share five kinds of silver ear soup, a variety of collocations, a variety of nutrients, nourish the face and moisturize the skin, warm the heart and warm the stomach

The preparation of the white ear sydney pear soup is as follows:

Ingredients: 50 grams of wet white fungus, 10 grams of lilies, one Sydney pear, rock sugar to taste, 800 ml of water.

Step 1: Wash the pears and cut into small pieces for later. White fungus foam for four hours, remove the roots, tear into small flowers, set aside. Lilies are washed and set aside.

Step 2: Pour all the ingredients into the wall breaker together and select the rice paste mode.

Moisturize the lungs and get rid of spots, the entrance is silky, sweet and refreshing, the skin is dry and easy to catch fire, you must try this soy milk rice paste.

Share five kinds of silver ear soup, a variety of collocations, a variety of nutrients, nourish the face and moisturize the skin, warm the heart and warm the stomach

Pumpkin silver ear soup is prepared as follows:

Ingredient preparation: 60 grams of pumpkin, 20 grams of lotus seeds, 10 grams of millet, 50 grams of wet white fungus, 500 ml of water, rock sugar to taste.

Step 1: Soak the lotus seeds in advance and peel and cut the pumpkin into pieces. Millet washed clean. The white fungus is soaked in cold water for five hours in advance, and after the foam, the hard roots are removed and the remaining is torn into small flowers.

Step 2: Pour all the ingredients into the wall breaker, add an appropriate amount of water and rock sugar, and the grain soy milk mode can be.

Orange, at first glance I thought it was orange juice! A cup of breakfast, warm stomach and nourish stomach, warm all day!

Share five kinds of silver ear soup, a variety of collocations, a variety of nutrients, nourish the face and moisturize the skin, warm the heart and warm the stomach

The preparation of the five red silver ear soup is as follows:

Ingredients: 10 grams of red dates, 10 grams of peanuts, 10 grams of red beans, 10 grams of dried guiyuan, 10 grams of goji berries, 50 grams of wet white fungus, 500 ml of water.

Step 1: Soak the red beans and peanuts for an hour in advance. After soaking the white fungus, tear it into small flowers and set aside.

Step 2: All the ingredients are cleaned and added to the wall breaker, add water, these ingredients have a sweet flavor, you can add no additional sugar.

Five red silver ear soup, nourishing qi and beauty, autumn and winter must be hot drinks. Drink super fragrant, the aroma of red date peanuts, with white fungus, glue and slippery, warm stomach in autumn and winter, girls warm the body of an indispensable cup, drink a good look!

Share five kinds of silver ear soup, a variety of collocations, a variety of nutrients, nourish the face and moisturize the skin, warm the heart and warm the stomach

The three black silver ear soups are prepared as follows:

Ingredients: 15 grams of black beans, 15 grams of black rice, 10 grams of black sesame seeds, 50 grams of wet white fungus, 500 ml of water.

Step 1: Clean the black beans, black rice and black sesame seeds, preferably soaked for an hour in advance. White fungus is soaked in cold water for five hours in advance, and after the foam, the yellow and hard roots are removed and torn into small flowers.

Step 2: The soaked water does not need to be poured, poured into the wall breaker together, and then add rock sugar and an appropriate amount of water, grain soy milk mode can be.

Black food is especially good for hair, stay up late to lose hair must not be missed, moisturize the hair, save your hairline. It is also very smooth to drink, and the aroma of multigrains washes out your mouth, and it is black to raise black.

The wind is cool, and the cold is dewy. Today ushers in the cold dew festival, and the arrival of cold dew represents a turning point from cool to cold. The temperature difference between morning and evening is large, we must pay attention to keep warm, get up early to drink a cup of warm soy milk, and start a new day full of vitality!