
Interview with a long-established celebrity in Jinmen | A hundred years of wind and rain Da Ren Tang, set a hundred herbs to make this world fragrant

author:The long-established state-owned enterprise in Jinmen
Interview with a long-established celebrity in Jinmen | A hundred years of wind and rain Da Ren Tang, set a hundred herbs to make this world fragrant

Before entering Darentang, the author did not know much about it, it seems that we all only know Beijing Tongrentang, in fact, Darentang and Beijing Tongrentang have the same origin. Daren Hall has the ancient recipe of the lejia old shop, and adheres to the ancestral precept of "although the concoction is complicated, it does not dare to save labor, and although the taste is expensive, it does not dare to reduce the material resources". In this issue, the interviews of big coffee invited Mr. Weng Yue, the great-granddaughter of Mr. Le Daren, the founder of Tianjin Darentang Pharmaceutical Factory, and Guo Yufeng, the representative inheritor of the national intangible cultural heritage of the traditional production technique of Shou Peach Pill in Qinggong, Darentang. Listen to them tell the story behind the old brand.

Interview with a long-established celebrity in Jinmen | A hundred years of wind and rain Da Ren Tang, set a hundred herbs to make this world fragrant

Pictured: The interview scene of the long-established big coffee of The State-owned Enterprise in Jinmen

Daren hall and Lejia old shop, a realistic version of the mansion door

The Le family's ancestral home is Cishui Town, Ningbo Province, Zhejiang Province, and its ancestors came to Beijing during the Yongle period of the Ming Dynasty to take Fang Langzhong as their profession. Until the Kangxi Dynasty, the fourth generation of the Lejia family opened the Beijing Tongrentang Medicine Shop in the south of Dashilar Road outside the front gate of Beijing. In the first year of the reign of Emperor Yongzheng of the Qing Dynasty, emperor JingJing ordered the Tongren Hall in Beijing to enshrine the medicinal materials needed by the imperial pharmacy and to make various proprietary medicines used by the inner court. At this point, The fame of Beijing Tongrentang rose. Later, due to two fires, the business of Tongrentang declined for a while. The tenth generation of the Le family, Le Pingquan, was the most successful businessman in the late Qing Dynasty, and he pushed the cause of Beijing Tongrentang back to its peak. After the death of Mr. Le Pingquan, his wife Xu Yefen presided over the family affairs store for 27 years, knowing people well, rewarding and punishing appropriately, and running the old shop of Lejia with sound and color.

Le Pingquan had four sons, and the four sons jointly ran the Beijing Tongrentang. At the same time, several sons each have a medicine shop, and the fourth son's room was founded by Mr. Le Daren in Tianjin Daren Hall. Le Daren, the grandson of Le Pingquan and the leader of The Lejia generation, opened pharmacies in Shanghai, Qingdao and Hankou, but eventually failed due to different local medication habits. In 1914, he opened the store in Tianjin, and Tianjin Darentang was a hit. In 1915, he bought the garden of Tang Shaoyi, the first premier of the Republic of China, and founded the first Chinese medicine factory in China, Tianjin Darentang Pharmaceutical Factory, creating a precedent for the industrial production of Chinese medicine. The popular TV series "The Gate of the Great Mansion" is based on this traditional Chinese medicine family as the prototype, and Mr. Le Daren is the prototype of the protagonist Bai Jingqi, and the whole drama integrates many people and things of the Le family, and is wonderful after refining and sublimation.

The imperial medicine of the court flew into the homes of ordinary people

Interview with a long-established celebrity in Jinmen | A hundred years of wind and rain Da Ren Tang, set a hundred herbs to make this world fragrant

In 1969, Teacher Guo Yufeng came to Darentang, when Darentang was called Workers' and Peasants' And soldiers' pharmaceutical factory. Although the conditions of the factory at that time were still relatively simple, its materials and processing were very strict. At that time, the formula was still traditional brush characters, the unit of measurement was different from now, and there was no unified technical standard in the Traditional Chinese medicine industry. In 1980, major enterprises began to establish process technology files, at this time Mr. Guo came to the technical department to participate in this work. At that time, Darentang had a large number of products that needed to complete the establishment of technical files, and the workload was very large. It was also at this time that the "Qinggong Medical Case" research team of Academician Chen Keji, a master of traditional Chinese medicine, discovered the medicinal value of Qinggong Shoutao Pills and designated them to be developed and produced by Tianjin Darentang. Therefore, the Technical Department of Darendo undertook the task of trial production of Kiyonomiya Shou Peach Pill.

The prescription of Qinggong Shou Peach Pill comes from the "Qing Palace Medical Case", originally named: Peach Pill. It is the royal medicine of the Qianlong Emperor of the Qing Dynasty, which has the effect of tonifying the kidneys and rejuvenating the essence and strengthening the yiyuan. This prescription is different from ordinary prescriptions, there is no digital measurement in the content, modern people have to describe the pharmaceutical through the vague description of the prescription, and the process is quite complicated. The trial production process of Qinggong Shou Peach Pills followed the ancient recipe, using the oldest steaming tank to steam for several days and nights, so that the medicinal effect was fully utilized. With the joint efforts of the teachers of the technical department of Darentang, many years later, the Qinggong Shou Peach Pill was approved for listing and unanimously recognized by the market. In 2009, Qinggong Shou peach pills were selected as the intangible cultural heritage of Tianjin, and in 2011, Qinggong Shou peach pills were awarded the national intangible cultural heritage.

No one sees the cultivation, but there is heavenly knowledge in mind

No one knows the process of chinese medicine processing, but the medicine man's heart is not right, and the gods can be very clear. Guo pharmaceutical industry is based on conscience, and professional ethics are supreme in this industry. The reason why long-established enterprises can stand for one or two hundred years is inseparable from their professional ethics, and Darentang is no exception. DarenTang made black chicken white phoenix pills, to slaughter 32 purebred black chickens, and after hair removal, intestines, claws, the net weight must not be less than 42 pounds. 32 black chicken, steamed in the wine for four days and nights, the bone crispy meat rotten, in fact, the protein hydrolyzed into easy to absorb amino acids, medicinal ingredients are all dissolved into the made black chicken white phoenix pills, plus ginseng, danshen, etc. are real materials, the effect of taking of course is not said. In fact, how many black chickens, how many pounds of ginseng, salvia and angelica, plus no rice wine, whether it boiled for four days and nights, who knows? This is entirely by conscience.

Interview with a long-established celebrity in Jinmen | A hundred years of wind and rain Da Ren Tang, set a hundred herbs to make this world fragrant

Since its opening, Daren Hall has followed the teachings of its predecessors and strived for excellence in concoction. For more than a hundred years, the self-discipline spirit of "cultivating no one to see, with a heart of heavenly knowledge" has penetrated deeply into the enterprise, and generations of Darentang people are like rice bowls to ensure quality, and the masters of technology inheritance must not only teach young people how to operate, but also let young people know what they are and why they are so. Oral teaching is a tradition in the pharmaceutical industry, which is not only a skill, but also a craftsman spirit of excellence. Mr. Le Daren once said a joke to his son and nephew: "After I die, with the brand of DarenTang, I can use loess as medicine and sell it for two years." But none of you should want to do that! ”

Da ze is both good and benevolent

On both sides of the gate of the Darentang Chinese Medicine Culture Exhibition Hall, there is a Fu Yang Lian, the upper link is "Da Ze And Shan Shi Duo Shou", and the lower link is "Benevolent Lover Spring Can Return". The words on the Yang Lian are derived from Mencius, and the word "Daren" is cleverly embedded. Obviously, this is Mr. Le Daren's ideological pursuit as a Confucian businessman. Throughout his life, Mr. Le Daren practiced charity and fraternity, which included both the legacy of his ancestors and the influence of the way of Confucius and Mencius and the ideas of the Western Enlightenment. After he founded DarenTang, he devoted all his financial resources and energy to the production and technological progress of traditional medicines, and to help ordinary people in need. Mr. Le Daren founded daren girls' school, and his heart of serving the country with fist and fist touched Mr. Ma Qianli, a famous social activist and patriotic educator in Tianjin.

Da Ze is both good and kind, benevolent and loving, in the past few decades has formed a unique culture of Daren Tang and become an enterprise spirit. In early April 2003, in order to prevent SARS, Guangdong urgently needed Lung Clearance Anti-inflammatory Pills from Darentang, and Darentang immediately airlifted a batch of Lung Clearing Anti-Inflammatory Pills to Guangzhou and donated them to the relevant departments. In mid-April, when the epidemic of SARS was approaching Tianjin, Tianjin Darentang invited more than a dozen Beijing-Tianjin experts, including Capital Medical University and Tianjin Health and Disease Prevention Center, to hold a symposium to discuss the countermeasures of traditional Chinese medicine to fight SARS. Darentang not only did not hesitate to purchase medicinal materials at great expense, but also followed the ancestral precept of "although taste is expensive, you must not dare to reduce material resources" to ensure that the pharmaceutical materials are fully delivered during pharmaceuticals. To this day, Darentang still produces many drugs with little or no profit, just because of the needs of the people.

In 2018, Academician Chen Keji, the excavator of the Qinggong Shou Peach Pill, set up the academician workstation in Tianjin Darentang, where he nominated the Darentang Chinese Medicine Culture Exhibition Hall and sent a message to Darentang: It is more important to make curative drugs than to make money.

Tell the story of DarenTang and pass on the culture of traditional Chinese medicine

Chinese medicine culture is the treasure of Traditional Chinese culture, and it can best reflect the profundity of Traditional Chinese Culture. However, due to the lack of Chinese medicine culture now, many young people do not know much about Chinese medicine culture. So how to make more young people accept it is also the social responsibility of long-established enterprises. Darentang is working hard to make the brand "tide up" and be close to young people. For example, enterprises have developed many new products that adapt to the consumption of young people, and convey more scientific health knowledge to young people with the help of their own pharmaceutical experience. Darentang often organizes students to go into enterprises, experience the culture of Chinese medicine, understand the story behind Darentang, and hope that they can like this brand and have a deeper understanding of Chinese medicine culture.

Enhance brand influence and help time-honored brands take off

Darentang is paying more and more attention to brand planning and construction. Nowadays, Darentang chooses to open a flagship store in the traditional cultural block Ancient Culture Street, as well as a store at Beijing Daxing Airport, to expand the market vigorously, hoping that everyone can get close to Darentang and buy Darentang products more conveniently. At the same time, enterprises make full use of their time-honored brands and intangible cultural heritage resources to participate in the exhibition to help brand promotion and enhance brand influence. In the early days, Darentang had many stores overseas, but now although there are no stores, it has unified the trademark of Darentang's export products to enhance darentang's influence overseas. In terms of brand promotion, in recent years, Darentang has done a lot of exploratory work, carrying forward the long-established brand and accelerating the pace to the world. Chinese medicine culture is the key to open the treasure house of traditional Chinese culture, DarenTang always does not forget to shoulder the historical responsibility of revitalizing Chinese medicine culture, and will spare no effort to make due contributions to the cause of public health.

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